一橋大学院生自治会/Hitotsubashi University Graduate Student Union


12/20声明 イスラエル軍によるパレスチナ自治区への侵攻停止と パレスチナ人への人道支援を求める

2024-01-17 15:19:47 | Weblog





1. 国際法・国際人道法を遵守し、市民を標的とする虐殺をやめ、一刻も早く戦闘を停止すること
2. ガザ地区に対する封鎖を解除し、電気・水の供給、食糧・医薬品・燃料等の生活物資の搬入の保障をはじめとする人道支援の一層の強化を行うこと
3. 衛生的な住環境の構築を今すぐに開始し、軍事作戦に起因する移住の強制を行わないこと
4. 永続的な平和の実現に向け、ガザ地区・ヨルダン川西岸地区を問わず、パレスチナ自治区での「イスラエル人入植地」の拡大を直ちに停止すること。また、正当で持続的な当事者間の合意を可能とするため日本政府をはじめとする国際社会が直ちに行動を開始すること


Calls for an end to Israeli military incursions into the Palestinian territories and
for humanitarian aid to the Palestinians

The Israeli military incursion into the Palestinian Gaza Strip has caused widespread casualties, with more than 20,000 people killed to date. The Gaza Strip has been sealed off and subjected to repeated aerial bombardments deliberately targeting civilians and civilian objects, obstruction of the delivery of daily necessities, disruption of lifelines including the Internet environment, forced movement, and looting of artefacts in the devastated Gaza Strip. Palestinian casualties are numerous and cannot be overlooked, especially children, the sick and doctors. The destruction of culture is also serious, for example the destruction of the Islamic University of Gaza is nothing less than an attempt to bury the history of the Palestinian people itself. There have also been illegal arrests and killings of ordinary Palestinians by Israeli forces and 'settlers' in the West Bank, which the Netanyahu government has allowed to continue.
These violations of international human rights law continue in defiance of several UN resolutions, including the humanitarian ceasefire resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on 27 October with the support of 121 member states, and constitute genocide against the Palestinian people, including numerous violations of international law and war crimes. Although a temporary ceasefire was signed to release the hostages, the invasion has already resumed and the death toll continues to rise.
There is a widespread view that both sides, together with the Israeli government, are to blame for these tragedies, which are said to have been triggered by the Hamas rocket attack on 7 October this year. However, it should be noted that it is inappropriate to take a so-called 'neutral' position when discussing the conflict between the two sides. This is because, historically, Israel has been promoting 'settlement' in the Palestinian territories since at least the 1947 UN General Assembly resolution on the partition of Palestine and has continued to unilaterally oppress the Palestinian people who have built their lives on the land. The resistance of the Palestinian side in this asymmetrical relationship should not be ignored. The current situation has been brought about by the colonialist policies of the Israeli government over the years, the West, led by the US and Japan as a member of the West, which have supported it in various ways, and the international community, which has left this oppression unchecked. For example, at the G7 foreign ministers' meeting on 8 November, the invasion of Gaza was justified only because Israel's "right to self-defence" was clearly stated.
Considering the above, we express our solidarity with the Palestinian support movements around the world, including the Palestinian parties, as well as the actions of Jewish organisations in various parts of the world, and strongly protest against the Israeli government for continuing the massacres. We also call upon the Government of Israel, the Government of Japan and the international community to take action to implement the following points.
1. Comply with international law and humanitarian law, stop the massacres of civilians and end the fighting as soon as possible.
2. lift the blockade of the Gaza Strip and further increase humanitarian assistance, including ensuring the supply of electricity and water and the delivery of food, medicine, fuel and other essential goods.
3. Immediately begin the construction of a sanitary living environment and refrain from forcible displacement as a result of military operations.
4. an immediate halt to the expansion of 'Israeli settlements' in the Palestinian territories, whether in Gaza or the West Bank, in order to achieve a lasting peace. Also that the international community, including the Government of Japan, take immediate action to facilitate a legitimate and lasting agreement between the parties.
Finally, we would like to call upon the members of the University to actively participate in the peace-seeking activities taking place in Japan and in other countries and regions.

20 December 2023.
The Hitotsubashi Graduate Student Union Council
