楽しみ だけの 不倫 は
ダメ だな
産めよ 増やせよ!!
ガキ が 必要な 時代
不倫するなら 二人 は 子供 作れ!!
それなら 許したるわ ( `ー´)ノ
呑み仲間より (爆笑)
Sherisse Pham and Kaori Enjoji, CNN Business" name="author">
SoftBank says it tested 44,000 people for Covid-19 antibodies, more th...
Japanese tech conglomerate SoftBank just conducted voluntary Covid-19 antibody tests on more than 44,000 employees, their families, clients and outside medical professionals such as doctors and dentists. The company says it is the largest such test by a Japanese company." name="description">