緊急事態が起きる危険性は常にある :There is always the risk of emergency arising.
doing-1 について最もいよいことは doing-2 することだ :The best thing about doing-1 is doing-2
専門スタッフ :specialized staff
少なければ少ないほど良い :The fewer, the better.
私は~する勇気がない :I don't have the courage to do
もしSVなら決して後悔させないよ :I'll never make you sorry if SV
You just met the most attractive person you have ever seen.
Tell your best friend what this person looked like.
Hey, finally, I met the right person.
She is sincere, wise and really supportive of me.
Honestly, she is not gorgeous but she is a natural beauty.
She is perfect.
~と同じかそれ以下 :S is the same or lower than ~
割り勘にする :split the bill
ここ2・3日全く眠れていない :I haven't got any sleep the last few days.
私は彼に借りができたと感じる :I feel like I owe him something.
どちらの場合でも :In either case, SV
治療が遅れること :the delay in care
Do you think it's better to listen to music while studying?
Why or why not?
It depends on types of music.
I think my favorite music will attract me and interfere in my thinking while studying.
But if I don't like nor hate the music, it will not bother me.
In this connection I may add that noise is better than music because I've learned
that some background noise will help our concentration.
SVという事態になったら :If I fall into a case where SV
SVという事態に直面したら :If I face a case where SV
急いで do してください :Please hurry up and do
地下鉄に乗る :take a subway
公の看板 :public signs
万一~の場合には :in the event of ~
I like to take a walk very much and I enjoy walking as the cheapest hobby.
I began walking in order to prevent low back pain after I learned from a doctor
that 40 minutes of daily walking has preventive effect except infectious diseases.
Recently, while walking, I make a practice of memorizing English expressions.
Walking time is precious study time for me.