k-sun's Blog


Three Sentences (230)

2018年05月31日 13時16分09秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        すべては~次第だ :Everything depends on ~

① I don't like your girlfriend because everything always depends on her mood.

② Are you really sure that everything depends on money?

③ He will definitely come, but actually everything depends on weather and traffic.

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2018年05月29日 12時48分56秒 | Weblog

You are planning to take a trip to your friend's country.
What would you say to ask the friend if you could stay at his/her family's house?

Hi, I'd like to ask you a favor.
I'm planning to take a trip to your country this summer but I have a limited budget.
And, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask for your help.
Would it be possible to stay over at your house?

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2018年05月27日 12時32分50秒 | Weblog

2つの異なったタイプの~ :two different types of ~
差し支えなければ :If you don't mind, SV
関心のある話題 :a topic of interest
十分な運動をする :get enough exercises
宿泊費 :hotel expenses
専門医による診察 :an evaluation by a specialist

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Today's Writing (336)

2018年05月25日 12時29分55秒 | Weblog

A person of intelligence says, "Even when you are in prison,
you can derive enjoyment from the hell, depending on your attitude of the heart."
You may be deprived of freedom of body, but your inner liberty is never restricted.
As long as you have hope, you have freedom and liberty.

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Three Sentences (229)

2018年05月23日 13時41分03秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        Sは名詞によって違う :S vary from A to B

① I have to say it varies from person to person.

② Our menu items vary from country to country.

③ The size varies from business cards to envelopes.

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2018年05月21日 17時44分11秒 | Weblog

Your friend usually drinks too much at parties.
Try giving advice to him/her on how to drink without getting too drunk.

Listen, the worst thing is to take alcohol on an empty stomach.
So, you should eat something before drinking.
Especially, cheese, tofu, yakitori and edamame or boiled soybeans are said to be highly
effective to avoid getting sick from drinking.
Anyway, never drink too much.

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2018年05月19日 13時18分40秒 | Weblog

英語教室 :an English-language classroom
仕事内容を決定する :decide on the content of work
最後にSVしたのはいつどこで? :When and where was the last time SV?
のんびりとフロに入る :take a relaxing bath
地域活動 :local activities
人に心地よい眠りをもたらす :bring peaceful sleep to 人

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Today's Writing (335)

2018年05月17日 12時23分55秒 | Weblog

The precursor's path is rocky and feel lonely and forlorn to the extent the sake is revolutionary.
Because it's not easy for people to understand what has never happened before.

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2018年05月15日 12時37分16秒 | Weblog

Your friend's beloved pet has just died.
What do you say to console your friend?

I'm really sorry to hear that your pet has passed away.
I think your pet was so happy to have you.
If there is anything I can do, please tell me anytime.

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2018年05月13日 13時25分51秒 | Weblog

音楽の才能 :(無冠詞)musical talent
心地よい緊張感を掻き立てる :evoke a sense of agreeable tension
時間を作って~する :take time to do
もし私が~したら嫌ですか :Would you hate me if I do ?
逆もまた真とは思わない :I don't think the opposite is true.
精神と肉体は不可分のものだ :The mind and the body are inseparable.

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