k-sun's Blog



2018年11月30日 12時14分09秒 | Weblog

~から解放される :get free of ~
大げさかもしれませんが :It may be an exaggeration, but SV
死の危険性 :the risk for death
死亡の危険性 :the risk of death
~と相まって :in combination with ~
得体の知れない :enigmatic

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Three Sentences (247)

2018年11月28日 12時04分40秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        単数形名詞ごとに :for each 単数形名詞

① For each person you climb the mountain, you can expect to receive 10,000 yen.

② For each candidate, there will be a respective 10-minute video speech on TV.

③ For each degree rise in temperature on the earth, the distribution of sea ice will be severely affected.

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2018年11月26日 12時45分58秒 | Weblog

One of your friends is going to study abroad and leave tomorrow.
Please advise him/her about how to make new friends in a foreign country.

See, if you want to make new friends in a foreign country,
I think it would be better to join local activities
related to your hobby or topic of interest.
And you will become acquainted with some people who have a common interest with you.

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2018年11月24日 12時33分45秒 | Weblog

初心忘るべからず :Don't forget your first resolution.
楽しみなどに水を差す人 :a killjoy
静かにしてくれ :Keep the noise down.
諺に言うように :As they say
~の緩和軽減 :relief from ~
うだるような蒸し暑さ :oppressive

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Today's Writing (354)

2018年11月22日 12時22分52秒 | Weblog

A literary giant, Goethe, says "The youth prefers to be inspired instead of being taught."

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Three Sentences (246)

2018年11月20日 12時15分31秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        SVであるが故にS'V' :SV which is why S'V'

① My husband doesn't like the actress which is why I don't like her, either.

② The taxes on cigaretts have been increased, which is why I quit smoking.

③ My girlfriend didn't try to talk to me at all, which is why I left her room.

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2018年11月18日 12時15分12秒 | Weblog

One of your friends is planning to get her nose pierced.
Give her your opinion.

Hey, listen, I don't like nose piercings.
Honestly, I feel a nose ring is not only tasteless but also rudeness.
I don't understand why you want to have a nose piercing.
I'm afraid you may miss out on job opportunities because of the ring.

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2018年11月16日 15時06分28秒 | Weblog

何年たっても :no matter how many years pass by
需要が高い時に :during periods of high demand
季節外れの品物 :out-of-season items
~の可能性がある :You have a chance of ~
君の気持はわかるよ :I know how you feel.
今は~する時だ :Now is the time for ~

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Today's Writing (353)

2018年11月14日 13時17分06秒 | Weblog

What is needed is the courage to get over the barrier of give-up of "Nothing is going to change".

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2018年11月12日 12時51分02秒 | Weblog

When do you feel at peace?

I usually feel at peace at the moment of dropping off to sleep.
Especially after taking a relaxing bath and having a nightcap,
I can release my stress of the day and enjoy this shortest moment of happiness.

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