k-sun's Blog



2023年08月31日 11時15分12秒 | Weblog


flabby :〔体が〕たるんだ、肉がたるんで締まりのない
scallop :〔食べ物としての〕ホタテ貝
sea eel :《魚》アナゴ
mackerel :サバ
be careful with ~ :~の扱いに慎重にする
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Daily Routine

2023年08月31日 10時40分19秒 | Weblog
Push-ups :17 times
Walking :a total of 35 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes
Plunk :1.25 minutes

I have been able to keep smoke-free for twelve years
and two hundred and sixty-six days in a row.
I was able to keep 17-time push-ups for the second
consecutive day and over 9-time push-ups for the
fifth successive day.

I feel that it is sunny in Nagoya today, but actually
there are many clouds in the sky, which makes me feel
that the weather might take a turn for the worse.
Speaking of which, the typhoon #12 is steadily coming
toward the Japanese archipelago.
Anyway, I really hope that there will be no casualties
from the typhoon #11 and #12.
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Daily Routine

2023年08月30日 12時43分59秒 | Weblog
Push-ups :17 times
Walking :41 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :6 minutes
Plunk :1.25 minutes

I have a tight schedule today, so I cannot afford to be here any longer.
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2023年08月29日 11時01分37秒 | Weblog


nutrition :〔成長のための〕栄養摂取[吸収]
filling station :ガソリンスタンド、給油所
robot worker :人間の労力を代替する自動操作マシンのこと
a high incidence of disease :病気の多発
outing :〔本人の意思に反して〕ある人が同性愛者だと暴露すること
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Daily Routine

2023年08月29日 09時57分16秒 | Weblog
Push-ups :15 times
Walking :a total of 40 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes
Plunk :1 minute

I have been able to be a non-smoker for twelve years
and two hundred and sixty-four days in a row.
I was able to increase the number of push-ups by
three times from the previous record to 15 times,
and I kept more than 9-time push-ups for the third
straight day.

Today again, it is greatly and beautifully sunny in
Nagoya with the current temperatue of over 30 degrees.
This year's lingering summer heat must be especially
persistent, I think.
Very happily, I have not taken a pill of LOXONIN for
about 50 hours although I felt the pain in the right
great toe just once.
Anyway, I have to walk to improve the strength of
my right leg's muscle.
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Three Sentences (366)

2023年08月29日 09時38分31秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~順に :in order of ~

① Those students stood in a line in order of height.

② Advance tickets are sold in order of application.

③ He was fifth in orer of arrival.
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Daily Routine

2023年08月28日 14時46分17秒 | Weblog
Push-ups :12 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :5 minutes
Plunk :1 minute

Again, I have to say I wish I had enough time to be here today.
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Daily Routine

2023年08月27日 09時41分51秒 | Weblog
Push-ups :10 times
Walking :7+30= 37 minutes
Standing on one foot :8 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes
Plunk :1 minute

I'm very afraid I have little time to be here today.
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2023年08月26日 11時13分29秒 | Weblog


hustle and bustle of a city :《the ~》都会の喧騒
hustle-bustle lifestyle :《a ~》バタバタした日常
stay abreast of :~について状況を常に把握している
keep abreast of :~に後れを取らない
get out of control :収拾がつかなくなる、手のつけられない状態になる
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Daily Routine

2023年08月26日 09時44分46秒 | Weblog
Push-ups :0 times
Walking :a total of 35 minutes
Standing on one foot :8 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes
Plunk :1 minute

It has been twelve years and two hundred and sixty-one
days in a row since I kicked smoking.
I was able to resume Plunk for one minute yesterday,
and increase the length of standing-on-one-foot by
one munute to 8 minutes each.
I hope to resume push-ups today.

It is greatly and beautifully sunny in Nagoya with
the current temperature of about 30 degress, up two
degrees from the same time yesterday.
The lingering summer heat is severe, but I have noticed
that the sunlight has begun shining from a lower angle,
which means that this year's summer heat is steadily
drawing to an end and autumnal weather must be coming.
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