k-sun's Blog


Today's Writing (44)

2012年04月30日 18時56分20秒 | Weblog
Mr. Satoshi Noguchi, a representative director of Good Communication Corporation, says,
"We have a conversation not only to exchange information but also to enjoy feelings."
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Today's Writing (43)

2012年04月29日 14時33分38秒 | Weblog
We must not justify bullying by saying those who are bullied also have some reasons to be done so.
We must see through the essence, that is, those who are bullying are 100 percent wrong.
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Today's Writing (42)

2012年04月28日 12時24分50秒 | Weblog
Hearts cannot be seen, but hearts can be connected.
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Today's Writing (41)

2012年04月26日 18時21分47秒 | Weblog
As for a couple who are bringing up their children, a mother doesn't want to hear
a right answer of child raising from a father or her husband.
But she wants him to understand how difficult it is and to listen to her.
It would be better for a father to be silent and lend an ear to her.
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Today's Writing (40)

2012年04月22日 15時57分02秒 | Weblog
Everyone has a duration of life.
So, when you read a book, you should begin with a good book.
Everyone has a boundless firm ground of possiblity inside oneself.
It's reading good books that is a plow to cultivate the ground.
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Today's Writing (39)

2012年04月16日 15時50分05秒 | Weblog
According to one of the most famous gourmet reporters, Mr. Hikomaro,
those who are advancing toward their own dreams will experience failures.
But the experiences of failures often become the power to encourage people.
In other words, only those who are pursuing a dream can give a dream to others.
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Today's Writing (38)

2012年04月11日 19時27分16秒 | Weblog
Thomas Alva Edison, one of the most famous and greatest inventors, says, "Do you call this
a failure? This is not a failure. This is a successful experience, by which I could
confirm that this way doesn't work."
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Today's Writing (37)

2012年04月10日 15時25分53秒 | Weblog
According to recent study on brain, the best way to muster motivation is to take action first,
not think of one thing or another.
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Today's Writing (36)

2012年04月06日 19時34分28秒 | Weblog
Okinawa and Hawaii have something in common.
Their major indutry is tourism.
Their islands are beautiful, surrounded by blue oceans.
Their islands were major battlefields of World War Ⅱ.
Because their islands have tragic memories, they have the mission to become a "Heaven of Peace."
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Today's Writing (35)

2012年04月03日 14時41分46秒 | Weblog
A psychologist says that human relations are determined in the first three months.
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