k-sun's Blog



2021年04月29日 10時02分19秒 | Weblog
Your American friends have come to visit you for your housewarming with a few expensive bottles of wine.
When you have never drunk alcohol for religious reasons, what would you say to refuse to have a glass?

housewarming :新築祝い

Thank you so much for coming today.
See, I would really like to toast with your wonderful wine, but actually,
I have never drunk alcohol for religious reasons.
So, please let me make a toast with alcohol-free beer, OK?
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2021年04月26日 10時09分44秒 | Weblog
(名詞)的には、(名詞)の観点では :名詞-wise
後に(将来)~するために :for later(future) 名詞
Sってそういうものだ :S will do
現状のままで :as is
~するつもりはありませんが :I don't mean to do, but SV
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Three Sentences (325)

2021年04月23日 10時55分35秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~期間(期限) :the duration of ~

① The duration of stay in the US for the student is one year.

② The duration of a benefit is said to be up to 6 months.

③ The duration of a contract depends on the amount of your payment.
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2021年04月19日 09時28分35秒 | Weblog
Your co-worker has just been fired.
When you don't think your boss was fair in firing him/her,
what would you say to the colleague?

Hey, I cannot believe you are fired.
You are indispensable at work.
Everyone appreciate your support and help.
Our boss is wrong and he will regret losing you some day.
Anyway, I'm sure you will get a better job soon.
I really wish you the best of luck and let's keep in touch, OK?
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2021年04月16日 09時29分31秒 | Weblog
(名詞)的には、(名詞)の観点では :名詞-wise
後に(将来)~するために :for later(future) 名詞
Sってそういうものだ :S will do
現状のままで :as is
~するつもりはありませんが :I don't mean to do, but SV
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Today's Writing (432)

2021年04月13日 11時20分39秒 | Weblog
There is something crucial in our life,
which you will never become able to see or hear
if you do not look hard or listen hard.
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Three Sentences (324)

2021年04月10日 10時20分58秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        人を do するように訓練する :train 人 to do

① Teachers always try to train their students to be good persons.

② Would you train me to do the new task?

③ The university trained him to become a human resource.
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2021年04月07日 09時22分08秒 | Weblog
~して安心した :It was such a relief to do
~する必要があるかもしれない、よかったら~してください :You may want to do
~に効能がある、~を手伝う :help with ~
気持ちを切り替える、諦めをつける、ふんぎりをつける :move on
ちなみに、一応お知らせまでに言うと :just to let you know
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Today's Writing (431)

2021年04月04日 10時12分11秒 | Weblog
Where there is no oppression or obstacle, there will be no advancement.
An iron rule of all beings and creatures is
gaining wisdom and forging ahead to overcome difficulties in order to come through.
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2021年04月01日 10時14分33秒 | Weblog
Suppose your father really wants you to go on to college from high school but you don't want to.
What would you say to your father?

Please listen, I don't want to go on to college after high school graduation.
I know I'm not cut out for studying at college.
If I were to drop out soon, it would be a waste of money.
Instead, I would like to start working.
What do you think about that?
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