k-sun's Blog


Today's Writing (90)

2012年11月30日 16時43分54秒 | Weblog
Those children who have been commended for not their abilities but their efforts
will become those who challenge everything despite difficulties and setbacks,
because they will get the conviction that abilities will grow depending on efforts.
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Today's Writing (89)

2012年11月25日 16時54分09秒 | Weblog
An American economist, Dr. Galbraith, says, "What is needed nowadays is to replace
the word of "Leadership" with the word of "Role Model".

Indeed, I cannot deny the idea that nowadays there are many leaders
who are not role models as leaders.
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Today's Writing (88)

2012年11月20日 16時11分28秒 | Weblog
Convincing reasons are more important than persuasive reasons.
When a person is convinced, he/she will spontaneously change thought and action.
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Today's Writing (87)

2012年11月15日 14時14分11秒 | Weblog
Human beings should seek ways to solve any conflict
not by military force but by wisdom and unremitting dialogue.
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Today's Writing (86)

2012年11月10日 19時47分40秒 | Weblog
It's easy to talk about abstract love for all mankind.
Never deviate from one concrete mankind to make him/her happy.
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Today's Writing (85)

2012年11月05日 14時41分57秒 | Weblog
If you kindle a fire for the sake of others,
it will get light in front of you, too.
Encouraging others leads to encouraging one's own self.
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