k-sun's Blog



2018年03月30日 11時59分05秒 | Weblog

What is your favorite or least favorite memory of the Golden Week?

My favorite memory of the Golden Week is that several years ago,
I walked for the first time from my workplace in Nagoya to JR Kuwana Station in Mie prefecture,
which took about four hours of walking time and a total of one and a half hours of break time.
I got a sense of fulfillment from completing the walking.
Since then, I have done the same walking once a year, but this year, I'd like to walk to another place.

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2018年03月28日 11時55分05秒 | Weblog

生まれてからこのかた :all one's life
絶対~しなければならないとは思わない :I don't think I absolutely must do
小学生の時 :in elementary school
お願いがあるんだけど :I'd like to ask you a favor.
その件では私は手の打ちようがない :I cannot do anything about it.
予算の都合があるんだ :I have a limited budget.

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Today's Writing (330)

2018年03月26日 13時21分40秒 | Weblog

Being hated by the evil is the proof of justice.

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Three Sentences (223)

2018年03月24日 13時57分49秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~のリストに載る :make the list of ~

① The Yamazaki River has made the list of one of Japan's top 100 Cherry Blossom Viewing Sites.

② The author's posthumous book made the bestseller list.

③ What top ten list have you ever made?

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2018年03月22日 13時10分20秒 | Weblog

Tell me simple ways to reduce stress that I can start today?

Well, I've learned two science-based ways to reduce stress right now.
One is to take a deep breath and the other is to take a nap.
It has been found that deep breathing can cause a temporary drop in blood pressure
and having a short nap makes me feel refreshed and positive.

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2018年03月20日 15時45分44秒 | Weblog

昆布からとったおいしいだし汁 :a tasty kelp-based soup stock
~が心配だ :be concerned about ~
残留農薬 :pesticide residues
~が心配だ :be concerned about ~
残留農薬 :pesticide residues
流水で :under running water

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Today's Writing (329)

2018年03月18日 13時54分42秒 | Weblog

Indeed, the development and spread of IT technology enables us to have easy access
to knowledge, but has human wisdom be increased by that?
Indeed, means of communication are provided, but have countries in the world become
able to understand one another by that?

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2018年03月16日 12時23分00秒 | Weblog

Do you think a vegetarian diet is better than a diet that includes meat?
And why?

Personally, I think we should eat both meat and vegetables
simply because we are one of omnivorous animals.
I believe we are omnivores because we can work most effectively
by consuming both plants and animal-derived nutrients.
In fact, humans have been eating meat for hundreds of thousands of years.
So, I may say, in a sense, a vegetarian diet is against nature.

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2018年03月14日 13時07分07秒 | Weblog

ぐつぐついう鍋で :in a simmering pot
大根を厚めに切ったもの :daikon radish chunks
ゆで卵 :hard-boiled eggs
こんにゃく :devil's tongue root jelly
人類史 :無冠詞 human history
かまぼこ :fish-paste cakes

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Three Sentences (222)

2018年03月12日 13時49分10秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        話題の(うわさの)名詞 :talked-about 名詞

① Have you finished reading the most talked-about mystery story yet?

② I could see the most talked-about movie the other day.

③ The actor finally made his talked-about US debut as a film director in July.

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