k-sun's Blog



2017年01月30日 11時55分24秒 | Weblog
Suppose your spouse has just lost his/her job and is depressed.
How would you cheer him/her up?

I'd like to provide emotional support and make her feel loved by me.
I may tell her it's a kind of good opportunity to spend more time together.
After we enjoy cookouts, movie nights and wine nights and so on,
I will propose starting our own business.
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Today's Writing (289)

2017年01月27日 12時21分29秒 | Weblog
If you want to know right from wrong,
ask yourself whether your mother will be delighted nor not when you do that.
Think of your mother, and you will never stray from the right path.
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Three Sentences (182)

2017年01月25日 12時06分01秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        なおさら一層SV :All the more reason (that) SV

① All the more reason you should love her.

② All the more reason that I should hurry on and meet him.

③ All the more reason that drivers should be very cautious.
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2017年01月23日 12時03分55秒 | Weblog
もし私の立場だったらSV :If you were in my place, SV
助けを求める :ask for help
~するための譲れない条件がある :I have a crucial requirement for --ing
考え直してくれないか :Do you think you could reconsider it?
注目されると緊張する :I feel nervous about the attention on me.
テスト範囲を読む :read the material the test will cover
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Today's Writing (288)

2017年01月21日 12時12分26秒 | Weblog
If you hold a dream, you will have a wider view.
If you live to uphold your romanticism, the meaning of difficulties will change.
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2017年01月19日 12時22分07秒 | Weblog
Do you like taking care of small children?
Why or why not?

Basically, I don't mind taking care of small children, but
actually, if they are naughty and difficult to deal with,
I really don't want to take care of them.
Otherwise, I think I can play with them.
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2017年01月17日 12時30分53秒 | Weblog
ドボルザークの交響曲9番「新世界から」 :Dvorak's 9th Symphony "From the New World"
~する習慣を身につける :cultivate the habit of --ing
自分の言葉で :in one's own words
ちょっと話したいことがあるんだけど :I need to talk to you.
機内持ち込み荷物 :a carry-on bag
~する自信がない :don't have the confidence to do
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2017年01月15日 12時29分40秒 | Weblog
Which do you like, Indian curry or Japanese curry?
And why?

Honestly, I don't know exactly what Indian curry is, but actually,
whatever Indian curry may be, I like Japanese curry.
Because I ate what looked like Indian curry only one time
about 40 years ago and I still don't know if that curry was real Indian curry.
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Three Sentences (181)

2017年01月13日 13時13分33秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        もしSVすれば、その分だけSV :If SV, SV all the more.

① If you try to stop him, he will do it all the more out of spite.

② If you are overweight, that is all the more reason to be tested for diabetes.

③ If you don't study harder, this is all the more reason for a punishment.
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2017年01月11日 12時29分28秒 | Weblog
もし行いを改めないのなら :If you don't clean up your act, SV
住居費 :housing expenses
バイトする :do a part-time job
特に何もしなかった :I did nothing special.
一般的なこと a common practice
ベートーベンの交響曲5番「運命」 :Beethoven Symphony #5 "Destiny"
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