k-sun's Blog


Today's Writing (382)

2019年08月31日 11時52分52秒 | Weblog
You can change your future indefinitely by what you are thinking in your
own setting at this moment, and by how you determine and take action.
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Three Sentences (274)

2019年08月29日 12時47分42秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~であるにもかかわらず :despite being ~

① Despite being mentally exhausted, he listened to her story.

② Despite being injured, he played in a baseball game last night.

③ Despite being less beautiful, she became a successful fashion model.
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2019年08月27日 11時01分26秒 | Weblog
Do you think the gap between the rich and poor countries is narrowing or widening?

I think the gap between the rich and poor countries is widening.
According to the bestselling book "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" written by Thomas Piketty,
if you let capitalism continue unchecked, the disparity will be widened.
It also proposes the implementation of a worldwide progressive taxation on the rich.
Anyway, I have no choice but to expect the wisdom of mankind.
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2019年08月25日 11時40分45秒 | Weblog
食品が多く入っている冷蔵庫 :a well-stocked refrigerator
苦学生の生活 :a low-income student life
よく発達した公共交通システム :well-developed public transportation system
通行人 :passers-by
完全に、十分に :fully
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Today's Writing (381)

2019年08月23日 11時35分54秒 | Weblog
If your targets are aggressive, then accordingly, you can grow and develop.
A person of intelligence says, "Young people's hope is proper when it is a little too high."
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2019年08月21日 11時15分11秒 | Weblog
Your friend is having trouble with a girl who likes him and has been following him around wherever he goes.
What advice would you give your friend? (follow someone around :(人)をつけまわす、つきまとう)

Hey, listen, I think she is a kind of stalker.
Tell her not to follow you around three times.
If she doesn't stop it after the third warning, this is a crime.
You should contact the police.
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2019年08月19日 12時01分19秒 | Weblog
バランスの取れた~ :well-balanced ~
パートタイムの仕事 :part-time jobs
職場の同僚 :co-workers
鮮やかに :vividly
世界的に有名な :world-renowned
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Three Sentences (273)

2019年08月17日 11時30分14秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~したくなる :get the urge to do

① To be honest, I've got the urge to travel alone.

② Do you sometimes get the urge to eat something sweet before going to bed?

③ She used to get the urge to meet her ex-boyfriend.
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2019年08月15日 12時06分39秒 | Weblog
How will you spend your Silver Week holidays this year?

Well, I'm planning to go to a town which I have never been to.
And if I think I'm well-prepared, I'd like to enjoy an over two-hour walking there.
I've heard it is beneficial to my brain to take a walk in an unfamiliar town for a change.
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2019年08月13日 11時16分23秒 | Weblog
集団社会 :group-oriented society
ピカピカな :squeaky-clean
恥の文化 :a shame-ridden culture
よそよそしい :distnat
衛生を気にする :hygiene-conscious
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