k-sun's Blog



2019年07月30日 11時58分13秒 | Weblog
睡眠不足の人 :sleep-deprived person
自立している :self-reliant
自立していること :self-reliance
ノーベル賞受賞の環境保護主義者 :Nobel prize-winning environmentalist
アパートを探している人たち :apartment-seekers
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Three Sentences (271)

2019年07月28日 11時44分06秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        何か工夫する、思いつく :come up with something

① You have to come up with something more interesting.

② It is very hard to come up with something different each time.

③ Finally, he has come up with something that is totally bizarre.
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2019年07月26日 12時34分29秒 | Weblog
Your parents have come to you to tell you they are considering divorce.
What would you say to your parents?

I would like both of you to have your own way.
I mean if you become happier after divorce, I will not make an objection.
However, I really hope that you divorce as peacefully as possible
if you cannot avoid it after making every effort.
Anyway, the last thing I want is a divorce case in court, OK?
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2019年07月24日 12時56分40秒 | Weblog
和を重んじる :harmony-oriented
気楽な、安易な :easy-going
血液型に基づく性格 :blood-based personality
正社員の~ :full-time ~
戦後の時期 :post-war period
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Today's Writing (378)

2019年07月22日 11時47分55秒 | Weblog
In many cases, people regret what they did not do rather than what they did.
Those who continue to challenge will have no regretts.
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Three Sentences (270)

2019年07月20日 12時01分12秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        私がVしたように :Just as I 動詞

① Just as I have been doing for many years, I walk to Kuwana this week.

② Just as I said I would, I declared my love for her.

③ Just as I expected, he failed in a driving test again.
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2019年07月18日 11時39分45秒 | Weblog
Which country would you like to visit and why?

The country I'd like to visit is Australia.
Australia is abundant in intact nature and wildlife.
For example, the Great Barrier Reef is world-renowned for its stunning natural beauty
and its abundance of marine life.
Also, I can enjoy seeing Australian native animals in the wild such as kangaroos and koalas.
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2019年07月16日 11時34分27秒 | Weblog
ハイテクの :high-tech ~
完全にフィットした :perfect-fitting
自費出版された本 :a self-published book
実習 :on-the-job training
焼き尽くされた地域 :burned-out areas
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Today's Writing (377)

2019年07月14日 11時33分00秒 | Weblog
Advertising copywriter, Mr. Satoshi Umeda, says,
"In conclusion, in order to move others to act,
the best way is to create an atmosphere where people get the urge to act,
which means the only way is to make them throbbing."
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2019年07月12日 11時42分43秒 | Weblog
You have been sick since early this morning and decided to see your family doctor.
Call your co-worker and explain your situation to him/her.

Hello, it's me.
Actually, I've been sick since early this morning and maybe I've got a cold.
I think I should see a doctor before going to work.
I might have to take a sick day today because I don't want to give my cold to other coworkers.
I'll call my boss later, but will you let him know beforehand?
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