k-sun's Blog


Today's Writing (406)

2020年04月29日 10時47分55秒 | Weblog
A person of intelligence says,
"Stagnating people will never be able to inspire others.
If you want to foster human resources, you should challenge yourself, first."
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Three Sentences (298)

2020年04月27日 10時05分30秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~する義務[責任]がある :have the responsibility of doing(to do)

① The government has the responsibility of safeguarding the nation's health.

② Mass media has the responsibility to provide accurate information.

③ He had the responsibility to supervise all the payments.
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2020年04月25日 11時27分10秒 | Weblog
Do you believe in life after death?

I believe in life after death because I believe in my previous life.
Actually, so many people say, for example, "I was a frog in my past life."
The present life is the next life from the standpoint of the past life.
Which means so many people believe in the next life.
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2020年04月23日 11時33分39秒 | Weblog
ウチの人とソトの人 :insiders and outsiders
~する習慣がない :have no custom of doing
~に用心する :take precautions against ~
鉄道当局 :the railroad authorities
~に対処しようとする :try to deal with ~
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Today's Writing (405)

2020年04月21日 11時07分48秒 | Weblog
It is not happiness to live without any difficulties.
It is happiness to dominate any difficulty.
This way of life spreads hope to people around you.
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2020年04月19日 11時18分08秒 | Weblog
Would you like to have a child?
Why or why not?

Actually, I'm single, and so I am not in a position to say this, but
I would like to support the idea that a married couple should have one or more children
if they have no financial problems.
One of the several major reasons for this is that, personally, I think childcare can promote a better society.
Generally speaking, no parents want their child to be a bad person.
So, parents will try to grow as a person and seek peace and safety to raise their child into a wonderful human being.
In this sense, childcare is beneficial to our society.
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2020年04月17日 10時28分37秒 | Weblog
問題解決能力 :problem-solving abilities
恥の文化 :a shame-ridden culture
内集団外集団という精神構造 :the in-group-out-group mentality
~の間に一線を引く :draw a line between ~ and ~
公私 :public and private
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Three Sentences (297)

2020年04月15日 11時31分28秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~から多くを学ぶ :get much out of ~

① I could get much out of a seminar by a noted social commentator.

② You will not get much out of such a long vacation.

③ Most successful persons have got much out of poverty in early life.
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2020年04月13日 10時40分37秒 | Weblog
Do you have pets?

No, I don't, but I had kept dogs before.
I well remember when I was a senior high school student, I lost my dog.
The sorrow was so deep that her death made me decide not to keep any pets for the rest of my life.
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2020年04月11日 10時47分26秒 | Weblog
過去から教訓を学習するスキル :skills to learn lessons from the past
社会への適応力 :the ability to adapt to society
人間関係スキル :interpersonal skills
自己管理能力 :self-management abilities
意思決定スキル :decidion-making skills
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