k-sun's Blog



2019年01月31日 11時45分29秒 | Weblog

What lesson did you learn the hard way?

the hard way :〔副詞的に用いて〕痛い目にあって

When I was a child, I threw a stone high up in the air in a narrow alley
and the stone hit the windshield of a parked car.
The windshield got cracked and my parents had to pay for the damage to replace it.
Since then, I have never thrown a stone.

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2019年01月29日 11時55分46秒 | Weblog

~を自分でできるようになる :learn to take responsibility for --ing
諸悪の根源 :the root of all evils
~の要、基本のひとつ :one of the keystones of ~
生存権を脅かす :jeopardize the right to existence
私は予定がいっぱいです :I am booked up.
今日に限って :today of all days

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Three Sentences (252)

2019年01月27日 12時12分18秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        根拠のない(間違った)~ :a misplaced sense of ~

① He is said to have a misplaced sense of confidence

② Driven by a misplaced sense of justice, she killed a man.

③ Did you say so with a misplaced sense of responsibility?

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2019年01月25日 12時11分31秒 | Weblog

What's the best age to have a baby?
Should there be age limits?

Well, I'm not sure what the best age to have a baby is.
But I think there should be age limits because the first priority should be
the safety and health of mothers and babies.
For example, studies show women in their twenties have the lowest rates of stillbirth.
And considering hard work of childbearing and childcare, I think
it would be better that mothers are in their twenties or early thirties.

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2019年01月23日 11時58分13秒 | Weblog

引きこもりの人 :a shut-in 複数形は shut-ins
部屋に入れて下さい :Let me in, please.
~の風景を楽しむ :enjoy the scenery of ~
電車の車窓から :from one's train window
ボーっとする :be in a daze
~することは悪いことだとは思わない :I don't thik it's a bad idea to do

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Today's Writing (360)

2019年01月21日 11時37分37秒 | Weblog

A champion of people in Italy for its unification, Mazzini, says,
"To the extent that a destination is far, ceaseless advance is increasingly needed."

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Three Sentences (251)

2019年01月19日 12時41分53秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        ~すると知られている :be known to 原形

① The marine life is known to attack humans.

② The high school male student is known to be involved in the murder case.

③ The prime minister is known to have been employed by the large firm.

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2019年01月17日 15時45分50秒 | Weblog

What's Tanabata festival?

Tanabata festival is also known as the Star Festival, which is based on the legend
of two lovers, Orihime and Hikoboshi.
They are allowed to meet only once a year on July 7th, which is the Tanabata festival day.
People write their wishes on a small paper called Tanzaku
and hang it on one of the bamboo branches.
By doing this, their wishes are said to come true.

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2019年01月15日 12時47分19秒 | Weblog

血行を良くする :improve my blood circulation
視野を広げる :broaden my horizons
経験を豊かにする :enrich my experience
ウユニ湖 :Salar de Uyuni
~の観点、視点からすると :from the standpoint of ~
ためになる、参考になる、得るところがある :informative

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Today's Writing (359)

2019年01月13日 12時17分40秒 | Weblog

In a battle, those who are determined to win will win.

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