服の選択 :one's clothing choices
好かれない人々 :unlikable people
(物が空間を)占める :take up
~を大切に思う :believe in ~
不当な :unwarranted
薄利の仕事 :a low-margin business
今のまま、このまま、現状のまま :as is (これで1つの副詞句)
ものの本によると、SV :From what I've read, SV
保健室 :an infirmary
人は人、自分は自分。 :Live and let live.
体調 :one's health condition
If you have youthful zest, open up a road where there is none.
Three example sentences of my own composition
~のように、~と同様に :as with ~
① As with a rainbow, you can see it but never touch it.
② As with many other books here, this belongs to me.
③ As with all dictatorships, China will never hold a presidential election.
What are the most important life lessons you learned from your parents?
Well, to be exact, I've learned a lot not from my mother but from the book
my mother put on my desk when I was a sixth grade elementary school boy.
One of the memorable life lessons in the book is that "Be a good friend to have a good friend".
Which means you yourself have to be a wonderful person first if you want to have a good friend.
亡霊 :disembodied spirits
勘違いする :confuse oneself
人に迷惑をかける :S trouble 人
もしかしたら :just maybe
SVを前提として :On the premise that SV
指先の小さな切り傷が治るだろう :The tiny cut on my finger will heal.
When you accumulate the moment of overcoming yourself,
you will be able to have unwavering confidence
and exert your overwhelming power at a critical moment.
What is the biggest purchase you have ever made in your life?
Well, when I turned thirty years old, I spent all the money I had on studying abroad in Los Angeles.
If I remember right, I spent about 2.5 million yen for one year without working.
I learned a lot from many people I would never have met if I had been in Japan.
Now I feel the one year is 30 years' worth of my life.