k-sun's Blog


Three Sentences (248)

2018年12月10日 12時05分14秒 | Weblog

Three example sentences of my own composition

        好きな方法(時、場所)で :however (whenever, wherever) you want to

① Eat however you want to.

② You can sleep in this room whenever you want to.

③ Read the book wherever you want to.

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2018年12月08日 12時15分56秒 | Weblog

Which do you like better, the sea or the mountains?

Well, I like both, but if I had to choose one, I would say I like the mountains better.
Since I was born and raised in the middle of the Noubi Plain, when I go to a mountain town,
I feel I am in a different atmosphere and I can relax a little.
Also, I like walking very much, but the weather in a seaside town in summer
is so muggy that I cannot enjoy walking.

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2018年12月06日 12時13分37秒 | Weblog

パーティに参加する :partake in the party
合成麻薬 :designer drugs
出不精の人 :a stay-at-home person
(社交という意味での)つきあい :socializing
(場所)での(会合など)に顔を出す :put in an appearance at 場所 in 会合
当時を振り返ってみるとSV :Looking back on those days, SV

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Today's Writing (355)

2018年12月04日 12時19分23秒 | Weblog

Gandhi says, "You don't have to oversee thousands of people.
You need to touch one person's life at one point and if you can save the life,
that is a great change we can create.

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2018年12月02日 12時41分48秒 | Weblog

If there is one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be and why?

Well, if possible, I would like to take things easy.
Actually, I think I'm getting more and more short-tempered as I get older.
For example, when I see bad-mannered drivers, I tend to easily get angry.
So, I hope to control my temper to keep myself peaceful.

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