ワークショップ 広島・長碕原爆における残留放射線の影響
Workshop for the residual radiation from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bombs
Hiroshima University
3 March, 2014
Organizer: Maeaharu Hoshi, Megu Ohtaki
Program (Time and titles are tentative proposals.)
13:20 Opening
13:30 Masaharu Hoshi
The Hiroshima and Nagasaki samples and analysis for the dose calculation from residual
14:00 Keiko Otani
Analysis of Solid Cancer Mortality among Early Entrants in Hiroshima City after A-bombing
14:30 Megu Ohtaki
Peculiar distribution of solid cancer mortality among Hiroshima
Atomic bomb survivors with very low initial dose in DS86
15:00 Evgeniya Granofskaya
Activated dust as a cource of the residual radiation in case of
Hiroshima A-bombing
15:30 Vareily Stepanenko
1. Evaluation of residual exposure at Hiroshima and Nagasaki:
possibility of the beta-doce measurements using the Retrospective Luminescence Dosimetry technique
2. Preliminary calculation of contact beta-exposure to biological
tissue from the residual radionuclides in Hiroshima
16:00 Toshihno Takatsuji
16:30 Michio Aoyama
17:00 Clo9ing remark
Seminar room 433, Department of Environmetrics and Biometrics.
Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima
1-2・3 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 734-8551, Japan
TEL: +81-82-257-5854 / FAX: +81-82-256-7106
Workshop for the residual radiation from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bombs
Hiroshima University
3 March, 2014
Organizer: Maeaharu Hoshi, Megu Ohtaki
Program (Time and titles are tentative proposals.)
13:20 Opening
13:30 Masaharu Hoshi
The Hiroshima and Nagasaki samples and analysis for the dose calculation from residual
14:00 Keiko Otani
Analysis of Solid Cancer Mortality among Early Entrants in Hiroshima City after A-bombing
14:30 Megu Ohtaki
Peculiar distribution of solid cancer mortality among Hiroshima
Atomic bomb survivors with very low initial dose in DS86
15:00 Evgeniya Granofskaya
Activated dust as a cource of the residual radiation in case of
Hiroshima A-bombing
15:30 Vareily Stepanenko
1. Evaluation of residual exposure at Hiroshima and Nagasaki:
possibility of the beta-doce measurements using the Retrospective Luminescence Dosimetry technique
2. Preliminary calculation of contact beta-exposure to biological
tissue from the residual radionuclides in Hiroshima
16:00 Toshihno Takatsuji
16:30 Michio Aoyama
17:00 Clo9ing remark
Seminar room 433, Department of Environmetrics and Biometrics.
Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima
1-2・3 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 734-8551, Japan
TEL: +81-82-257-5854 / FAX: +81-82-256-7106