

Oct. 9 (Sat.)

2004-10-12 | Weblog
Today I went to see Bharata dancing and music. A dance troupe came to Philly for a tour. It was best Bharata performance I had ever seen. I leaned Bharata (Southern Indian classical dance) more than two years at Tokyo. It was wonderful to see a great dance performance and music by Indians!

Oct. 8 (Fri.)

2004-10-12 | Weblog
My friend asked me which life is easier, student's life or working life. I was just thinking the same question. Well, it's difficult. As a student I don't have so much stress and I can use my time freely. The best thing is that there is not much time restrictions. Because I was working 9:30 am to 8 or 9 pm. It was like I was selling my time. However, here as a student I study before and after class over midnight even on weekends. My roommate goes to lab every day (weekends, too) and comes back very late. It's OK to reject the offer to hang around saying I have to study. Student's life is not very easy but ... I like student's life better!

Oct. 7 (Thu)

2004-10-12 | Weblog
Free food again and again! My friends and I went to a party at dental school. We were late because of our class. So not much food were left. I got a hamburger, chips and beer. Well, for me that's enough. After that I went to a salsa lesson and I met a guy who was at the party. He was saying "I'm gonna throw up". He ate two hamburgers, two hot dogs, three bags of chips, potato salada, beans, drank a lot of beers... He left a studio earlier.

Oct. 5 (Tue.)

2004-10-12 | Weblog
I studied a lot today. (Well, actually today is 11th.) I know it because I found a mark ○ on the calendar. When I studied hard I checked ○. When it was like so-so △. When I didn't study or studied a little I marked ×. I have to study hard every day so that I can check ○.