I went out for dinner and beer! But I couldn't enter a fashinable bar because I didn't have a ID which shows my age is over 21. A student ID didn't work. Oh, I should have remembered that. But a bar across from the bar didn't check ID so I could enter. Huh.
Today I worked as an assistant teacher at a language school. Well, I enjoyed a lot. Students are from Morocco, Mari, Aritrea, Ivory Coast and so on. Sunds interesting, huh?
A Wednesday's class is really hard. I mean a preparation for a class is hard. Today I had to hand in one essay, present an abstract of a current research from journals, read a whole book, and take a quiz (small test). It's over! But another Wednesday comes a week later...
Today I observed a class of English learning program. Students spent most of the time for a preparation of their skits. I was surprised that they wrote their scenario by themselves. I walked around and listened to their practice. Some scenarioes sounded very interesting. At the first scene, a couple are talking. A girl is pregnant and her boyfriend proposes for marriage... Wow, I would like to see the whole story.
There's a funny story. As a course requirement, a group of students leads a discussion of class every week. Our turn is on 25th. Today my group consisting of 3 people was supposed to have a first meeting before a class. However, there were so many things to do and couldn't prepare for a meeting. So I sent e-mail that I would like to postpone the first meeting to next week. One student gave me a reply that she agrees with it because she also couldn't prepare for it. We were waiting for a reply from the last student of our group. Unfortunately we didn't know his phone number. Because we couldn't get an e-mail from him, we decided to go to a meeting place anyway. We waited and waited but he didn't come. Eventually he didn't show up in a class, either! How can I contact with him!?
There are things that make sounds besides music instruments. A hair drier, vacuum cleaner, and so on. Those stuffs in the US make really big noise. Much bigger than Japanese ones. If less noisy stuffs are on sale, they might sell well. I will buy it.