


2004-09-02 | Weblog
A black cashier said to me "Zippo" before she checked through my items. How should I respond? I didn't buy any lighters but just linen. It turned out she meant "zip code" to ask customers where they come from. A similar pronunciation problem happend to me in a same day.

A student said to me that he went to "Dennil School". I thought it's kind of a name of school like Wharton school. So I asked him his major again. Then he showed his white clean teeth and said "Dennil school!" Yes, he meant "Dental school".



2 コメント

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Unknown (Yumiko)
2004-09-03 14:29:34
You're right! I'll be patient. Of course I remember what you told me. Thank you for your advice!
Unknown (Aaron)
2004-09-02 23:54:57
Don`t worry about how other people say things. You have only been there a few days and it will take a while to get use to native speed all the time. Just remember what I told you about how things are difficult at first but get easier everyday.
