


2005-06-19 | Weblog
Talking about a bank in philadelphia or should I say PNC bank that I use, some services are different from Japanese banks. The good thing is that they won't charge when I withdraw money even at the midnight. The bad things are ... I can deposit money only at the ATM in the bank, and when I deposit money, I have to put money in the bank's envelope. I wonder American banks do not want us to deposit money.


2 コメント

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Unknown (To Yumiko)
2005-06-23 00:53:26

The wind is always changing direction

Time waits for nobody

Treasure each day and the endless beauty of this world

Yumiko is one who also brings beauty in this world

I maybe a long way away, but I always remember your charm and beauty

Lee Jay


PS - I hope you are having a great time in America
Unknown (Yumiko)
2005-06-23 09:41:35
Lee Jay, thank you for the wonderful poem!!!

It's great to hear from you. I hope everything works great for you.

