Today is the day I have to go back Japan...(T_T)
I moved to Sydney domestic Airport from Ayers Rock at first.
Then I should transfer the Airplane to go to NARTA.
But... I had a time 6 hours till boa . . . 本文を読む
There is park where you can see a rock painting by Aboriginal.
You can learn neative flora and fauna and history of Aboriginal and Uluru.
When I visited there, it was rare, there was water in a small . . . 本文を読む
I wrote I was surprised I met old woman who climbed Ayers Rock.
Whenever I go foreigh countries, I see many interesting people.
I also heard a child who is 5years girl will climb it before I leave th . . . 本文を読む
It was my first experienced to climb Ayers Rock.
So I was very careful and choise Japanease Tour.
Because there are pretty dangerous I heard from my guide book.
A few people died ago. It is true.
So . . . 本文を読む
Ayers Rock is changing their body color during sunrise to sunset.
It has many color and mood in a day.
I went there to see the Ayers Rock on sunrise.
Maybe pro-cameraman take more beautiful pictures. . . . 本文を読む
The Airport of `Ayers Rock ' is pretty small.
It just looks like large restraurant or lodge of skiing ground.
The Airplane is also not so large size.
When it landed on the ground, people are used sta . . . 本文を読む
I stayed Ayers Rock only one night.
The first day, I arrived there afternoon.
I wanted to climb the Ayers Rock, so there was
no choce, I decided to go Ayers Rock on second day.
So I wondered what s . . . 本文を読む
She making not only menu board in Australia.
A company make a contract with her illustration, and selling
mirror, bag and so on.
In Gold Coarst, some broadcast and magazines are interview her.
She i . . . 本文を読む
Monique is famous person in Gold Coarst.
She draw not only menu board. She draw for clock bag and so on.
Magazines and broadcast are sometimes interview her.
If you go to Pacific Fair, you can see h . . . 本文を読む
There was only Japanease student who learned chalk art there.
Because the teacher has Japanese agent and she doesn't want to teach to
Becasuse menu board don't have so large share in Aust . . . 本文を読む
There was many Japanease who came Australia by Working Holiday.
I went to the school of chalk art, there was so many.
When I tried to go Australia when I was 26 years old, the embassy was strict and
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`Glowwarm` is a worm of fly.
Because of they get a food, their body is shine like a star.
It's just like star in the sky.
I'm sorry there was no photo area, I couldn't take a pictures.
The cost was . . . 本文を読む
The tour was walking around CURRUMBIN SNCTUARY at nights.
The cost was $49. If you want to pick and send, it will be $62.
There was crocodile, koala, wanbat, many kangaroo and so on.
You can feeding . . . 本文を読む