

Info of cazino:Conrad Jupiters

2005-06-10 17:29:53 | Australia(English)
Gold coarst has cazino at Conrad Jupiters Hosel.
It just like Las Vegas. You can drink everywhere, smoke everywhere too.
They have no smorking Area, so it is OK.
Japan, we don't have cazino, so it is very exciting to me.


2 コメント

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I know sorry! (Juran)
2005-06-22 19:36:55

I didn't use much money.

I used few there. Because I won a little bit and I didn't have so many money ant time.

I read your blog sometimes, but it is so different from this page, so I don't track back. Sorry for that.

I read yours sometimes.

And...I'm looking forward to meet you too!!

Long time no see you!! (Taniguchi,)
2005-06-13 14:55:29
Be careful !!

I don't have to use much money,

Because when you go back to japan,we'll go to wine shop with together!

I'm looking forward to meet you again,

see ya!

Atsushi Taniguchi
