Mieko Carey

Hafa A dai!

Salomon X-adventure race in JAPAN

2010-07-06 09:01:21 | 日記
”Salomon X-adventure レース水上”に参加をしに日本に帰国。


今回私が使わせていただいたSWEET!!!!ルイガノの ”LGS-FLITE R”はデザインはもちろんのこと、Fullサスペンションなのにめちゃ軽い!このおかげであのきつい登りも乗り越えることができた!


スタート!!もちろんTeam Salomon はトップです!





このMTBのセクションは担ぎの場面が出てきた、急斜面もそうだが、道なきところを行くためさまざまなところでMTBを乗ることが不可能なためバイクを担ぎながら山を登っていくのだが、”LGS-FLITE R"の軽さのおかげでこのMTBもこなすことができた。だが私たちチームは一つトレールを見落とし3時間をいう大幅な遅れで次のカヤックへ。


















この2日間のレースの中で自分が1番楽しめたMTB!ルイガノ”LGS-FLITE R"は発揮してくれた!!!パワーをくれた。




”道なきところを行く” アドヴェンチャーレースの難関が私たちチームを襲った。







”Are you Though Enough?" ”このレースをこなせるほど強いか?”







X-Adventure race in JAPAN

2010-07-06 08:52:44 | 日記
I finished 2days adventure race! it was hard but also fun and great experience.
it was little different then GUAM adventure race. we have 4 people on the team but ususally 3people on th ecourse and we can switch at check point except Rafting, team biathlon that have to be 4 people.
Also each section have 3-4 check point then afetr we got stamp each check point we can see our support team!

there were 14 teams. 3 mens team and 11team were Mix which have to have one women in then team.
only few include our team were bigginer nad first time to join the race but othere team were knew each other they see other race every time. So many great adventure racers there.
BUT our ` team Salomon` tried to be win!!!We have Ogasawara who is top MTB and triathlete, Sato is Pro trail run and Xterrra japan run organizer and Ohara who used to MTB champion in Japan and he started trail run latery.
I was nervous to join as a this team before race and I never race together with them.I don`t know them well them my team I did in GUAM.
how much they are seriouse? how much I can follow them two days.

Friday I met them at the start place and I felt we are good! I don` know why but I could tell everything to my teammate which is really good for me to do two days race together. that mean I can say if I get tired or something wrong or emergency without too much push.

each team for MIX the women CAN rest only 2 section for 2days. So we planed which section I WON`T.
we diceided I am not go start and night ride.

the strat was MTB. we send 3 PRO bikers!!
each section have `Expect time` for first team and last team. the expect time for the first team for first bike section was a hour.
after satrt i was prepare for next trecking myself and our team came back under a hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!as first team.

each section we have to rest at least 15mins to go next section.
After 15 moin My race start by trecking!
OMG!!!! first 1hour and half , JUST UP hill at Sky resort that mean you can imagin how steep!!
other two mens just kept run ,run and run it looked easy for them and they were still talking each other. ME??!!!forcus to not push too mouch and HR kept going up! first half already I asked team mate`DO YOU WANT TO CARRY MY BAG??`
I gave to Ohara-san my bag and tried to run with them around 1500M up from start point. them first check point to get stamp!
The view was awsome! we were top of mountain and we could see cloud, othere mountains!
and go to next check point,, we finished all three check point and back to place to gave the passport to organizer and 15min rest.

the next section was MTB,,,, but we did many many hikking, that remind me GUAM adventure race last section....
the some place were super steep and I couldn`t carry with bike. MAD myself to say this but I have to ` Oga-san I CANNOT!!`
he carried his bike first and came back to carry my bike. eventhought I gave my mike to him it was really hard to climb. I have to grab grasses.
but i was happe to ride with my team whole race! I got comfidence and learned technic for the MTB. It was fun to ride new trail I never ride even long and big climb hills A LOTS!!!!!Oga-san and Ohara-san both are Pro bikes. they were teaching me how to be better.

third seciton was kayakking. 2 people went to first loop and me and Oga-san was rest. one loop takes aorund 1:45min for regular....
My team mates did great job. they came back 1;25min but unfortunaly we couldn`t make cut off time due to we missed bike trail and took long time on the MTB section...( No kayak for me and OGA-san)

next one was ` team biathlon` 2people run and 2people bike like leap flog.
It was 20K total trail! and we took 1:25min even the expect time was 2hours!!!

and three mens went to night ride.

me and our support teammate ` Akira-san` went to shopping to buy some food for dinner for champing.
we set up tent and waitting team come back. It started rain......
Of coruse I knew my team will be well.specially we sent three strog bikers in JAPAN!.
We thought take 4hours under rain even the expect time was 3hours.
they left aorudn 6:30pm. 10:30pm, it was still rain hard and no any teman come back from bike....
Soem of team couldn`t make the cut off time. so they went to sleep for the next day.
11:00pm.not come back,,,
11:30pm!!aorund finish line for day1, organazers were start saying` COMING!!COMING!`

I saw three head light coming and it was our teammate!!!
Oga-san was riding Sato-san`s bike due to he broken his rear deraillar!!!!!!!!he cut wire and his rear casset was outer which is HEAVY!
ONLY Oga-san can ride the bike at the coruse! he is awsome!

we have to wake up 3am for next day and we went to bed aorund 1am after dinner `CUP NOODLE!`
I heard Tyce came back 1:30am from bike.......

I slep ??!!

next day start raffting! it was NOT like Raffting toure! it was real raffting never stop paddling and some check point 1 -2 we have to get off and carry the boart around 400M. it was really heavy and kill shoulder!

Tyce has 2 raffting guids as his team! they were super first. they used own carbon paddles!

finishe raffting and go to MTB. I already passed two section yesterday which mean I have to do every section today,,,,,,
I felt my legs were little sore form yesterday crazy hike and bike....
Bike seciton, I alway grab Oga-san`s bag on the hills to make team first.
still I was having fun to ride with them and good feeling for the bike.
We made people surprised how long we took bike course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yes!!!

and we went o second section from last. TREKING
here is BIG problem seciton. All 4 check point was some where on the some mountain.SO it is really important ` NAVIGATION!!!`
We found first one check point easy but 2,3,4th,,,,,,,,miss, miss,,,,,I think we climb 4 or 5 mountains.
we took 5hours and couldn`t make cup off time and we were 2nd before this section and down to,,,5!
there were many many many and MANY LEECH. I never seen! First time I saw in my life and I scream like girl!!!!!!jamping around and almost cry.
There were all over duling this seciton. when we came back to the place we see organizer and my support team.
it was no any car and any orther team but many bllod on the ground fromLEECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!looks like somebady fight.

we couldn`t make the time to go last section canioring but organizer made us to go finishe line by run.
my legs were over tired just like rock afer yesterday and MTB and 5hours hikking and now they said run for 3K on the road,,,,,

it was good I really confidence my next race KAIKE. I felt after this race, even Ironman I can finish !!!!!!

all 5teammates inculde our support team went to finish line together and we were 5of 11team.
It was good and we know we are string and all of us have energy and power but we have to leana nd practice ` NAVIAGTION` for next eyar to be win!

Tyce team got 1st for MEN`s category and his speech was nice!!

I thought I can sleep in the nice FUTON last night when i came back to house but the pain from legs , sore woke me up early and I am for sure JAPANESE toilet will kill me today!

I leaned many thing now only about bike , during last hiking I leaned many thing when my brain and body were go to almost the line!!!

I am looikng for to go KAIKE and do other my challenge!

See you soon and THANK=YOU always cheer for me!