


2012-02-19 13:46:10 | Cayce Reading

 現在、“7(Seven)” という数字に関して、一週間(Week、日・月・火・水・木・金・土)と可視惑星(太陽・月・火星・水星・木星・金星・土星)いう部分でアップしていますが、少しばかり “ 7(Seven)” という数字に関して重要な情報を書き忘れていたので、追加しておきたいと思います。

 それは何かと申しますと、こちらに関しては色や音のように一般的に識られているモノではなく、どちらかと申しますとケイシー・リーディングが独自に解釈しているモノに近いと思います。 そのおつもりでお読み下さい。

 では何を書き忘れていたかと申しますと、この世を構成(創造)している原物質(宇宙塵)がエーテル(Ether)と化し、様々な波動(Vibration)を経ていく過程で色々な形態を取るのですが、その際大きく分けて “7(Seven)" つの形をとるようなのです。 その中に、一般に知られている色(Color)や音(Sound)も含まれてきます。

 そちらに関する ”7(Seven)” を採り上げてみますと、





 つまり、“日(太陽)の本” 、 “日出ずる国” 。

 この国に生まれた人間(宇宙人?)として、本当の実用レベルの太陽光発電システムが開発されればなーと思います。 無限のフリーエネルギーが開発されれば世界の姿も一変すると思います。 が、しかし、決して忘れてならないのは、それにしても所詮は人類進化のひとつのツールに過ぎず、私たちが真に克服しなくてはならないのは “Self(我)” だという事を念頭に以下をお読み下さい。

 20万年にも及ぶ超高度な文明社会を築いたアトランティス文明には、ツーオイ石(火石・Fire Stone)と呼ばれたクリスタルを用いた、太陽光よりも遥かに優れたフリー・エネルギーシステムが存在していたようでしたが、しかし、最後に大陸を滅ぼす事になったのもそのフリーエネルギーでした。 


 もし、仮に今後、実用レベルの太陽光発電システムが開発されたとしても、そこには何かしらのモノ(陰)が隠されていることを読み取って扱わねばなりません。 総てが良さそうに見えるフリー&クリーンの裏も必ず何かしらのモノが潜んでいる事を忘れないように扱わねばなりません。 



【エドガー・ケイシー 驚異の波動健康法 〔太陽エネルギーの謎を解く〕】

 電気と色光、音声と、それらが人間に及ぼす力の秘密の研究に入って行く前に、その本源について理解するのが最善と思われます。 エドガー・ケイシーのリーディングによれば、それは太陽(Sun)です。

 このため太陽のパワーについてのリーディングの全文をご紹介することにしましょう。 このリーディングは、ある不動産仲介業者で自動車部品の製造を営んでいる人に宛てられたもので、この人はある車の開発に関心を持ち、プラス・マイナスの力について自分がまとめようとしていた論文にコメントして欲しいと、ケイシーに言ってきたのです。 この人の質問に対してリーディングは、その力は太陽から生まれ出ること、それが地球に流れ込んで磁気と電気、光、色、熱、音、そして最後には物質がその流れの中で作り出されることを明らかにしました。

〔Q1〕:「“プラスとは活発に作用する力であり、マイナスとはバランスを保とうとする力である” これについて解説し、プラスとマイナスの力についてもっと良い解説を加えて下さい。」

〔A1〕:「これはなかなか良い説明であり、解説するまでもない。 それは ”力の相対性” に関わる状況について、積極的かつ平易に説明した言葉だ。 プラスとは能動性であり、マイナスとは受動性であり、この事はその論文の中で様々な面から説かれている。 ここではその説明に付け足すつもりはない。」


〔Q2〕:「“重力を考えると、これは世界のどこにでも働いている。この力はまた、マイナスの力と考えることができる。 プラスの力をバランス化する傾向が見られるからだ。 重力は波動的力であり、外からの働きかけなしで力に変換できる状態になっている波動力の密集体と定義できる。” 重力はマイナスの力なのでしょうか? これについてもっと上手く説明できますでしょうか?」

〔A2〕:受動的な力となる作用を持つとそこでも説かれているように、この意味での重力はマイナスの力になる。 述べられている通りだ。 どちらの極を先に体に付けてプラスの力とし、どの方向に周期を動かすかで、プラス・マイナスの極性が決定される。 ”インピーダンス・デバイス” の原理に、これはうまく説明されている。」


〔Q4〕:「“ひとつの原物質がいろいろな力の度合いで振動している。 音や熱、光、電気は一なるエネルギーの特定の度合いによってこの第一原質が変化したものである。 変化率を除けば、電気あるいは鉄など、どのようなモノの間にも違いは全く見られない” この説明は正しいでしょうか?」



〔Q5〕:「“人体の心臓は、太陽系の太陽に比較できる。 そこで、太陽は太陽系の力の中心である。 血液が心臓から動脈を通って流れてゆくように、力は太陽から出て各惑星の反対の極に引き寄せられ、この流れに乗って ‘磁場、電場、光、色、熱、音、そして最後に物質’ と、次第に波動の度合いを低めつつ進んでゆく。 そこで、物質はエネルギーの母ではなく、所産である” これは正しく説かれていますでしょうか?」

〔A5〕:「正しく説かれている。 それは人体機能の営みの中で、現に起こっていることである。」


〔Q6〕:「“太陽の表面には、地球上で知られているよりもずっと高い振動数が沢山ある” これは正しいですか?」



〔Q7〕:「“この力は光、光波と少しづつ振動数を低下させて分光器に入ってくる時に、色となって現れる。 太陽や恒星上で見られる炎や燃えている金属は、観測されているそうした天体の自然の分光作用によって、エーテルの振動数が色分解されたものである” これは正しいですか?」



〔Q8〕:「”このように、放射線はマイナスの力である” 放射力は負の力でしょうか?」

〔A8〕:「いつもマイナスの力であるとは限らない。 受動的になる時、あるいは重力のように作用を受ける側になる時のみ、これはプラスから放たれながらもマイナスの力となるである。 でなければ、これはプラスの光線の発散する地球の力に引き寄せられることはないだろう。 

地球は太陽の放射線から熱を生み出すのだ。 様々な段階の作用を通して地球に届く太陽の放射線が屈折して、夏あるいは熱波、様々な段階の作用を通して地球に届く太陽の放射線が屈折して、夏あるいは熱波、様々な生物の躍動を生み出すのである。 

作用を受ける側の放射線はマイナスになり、次にはプラスの作用をし、時々はマイナスの作用になることもある。 ひとつひとつが放射活動をしており、発散したり引き寄せたりしているからだ。 様々な形の気体や金属の活動を通して、太陽そのものの中に様々な噴出活動が起こっているように見えるのはこのためである。



〔Q9〕:“従って、太陽系の中には人体の肺に対応する太陽バッテリーのようなものがあるはずだ” 人体の肺に対応するような太陽パワー・バッテリーのようなものはありますか?」



〔Q10〕:「”エーテルは、我々のより高い世界の化合物であり、それが我々を形而上の世界に導き、全ての原子はひとつであるとの認識に導く” このエーテルに関する説明は正しいでしょうか? もっとよい説明はありますか?」

〔A10〕:「これ以上の定義はない。 これは正しい。 というのも、重力に関わるプラス・マイナスの力の説明と同じく、それらの力は人の進歩に働きかけ、内奥の力が占めるその人の形而上的位置、状態に向けられる想念の応用に働きかけるからである。 人体の心の力、あるいは形而上的活動を強める特殊な性質の病気があるのもこのためである。 また、感覚器官を鈍化させ過ぎ、受身の方向にばかり持ってくる病もある。 とはいえ、完全なバランスのとれた正常な心が、活動的であるばかりに、人からバランスが取れていないとか、ただ変わっているだけとか見倣される事もあるのだ。



 ザーッと抜粋してみましたが、私たちの系の中心である “太陽(Sun)” というモノについて、既存の学説とは異なる視点となると思います。 

 上記抜粋に関してましては、信じる必要はまったくありません。 ひとつの参考とされて下さい。




【TEXT OF READING 195-70 M 46 (Realtor; Mfgr. of Auto】

Accessories) This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 9th day of May, 1930, in accordance with request made by self - Mr. [195].


Edgar Cayce; Mrs. Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.


Time of Reading 11:00 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Ohio.

1. GC: You will have before you the body and enquiring mind of [195], of ..., Ohio, and the article Positive and Negative Force that I hold in my hand. You will answer the questions I may ask concerning statements made in the context, as I read them, and make suggestions for the bettering of the article.

2. EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [195], and the article as written by this body as regards Positive and Negative Force. In making suggestions for the better presentation of such data in such an article, this should be kept in mind - that these may be made either in answer TO that written or in keeping WITH that written; or, to put in DIFFERENT words, may be answered in a positive or a negative manner, even as the article; or it may be given as in keeping with, and presenting in, a different angle. Ready for questions.

3. (Q) Page 2 - lines 9 to 12. ["The positive may be considered as the active forces in their activity and the negative as those tending to keep the balance."] Please expand on this and give better explanation of Positive and Negative Force.
(A) This [is] as GOOD an explanation as may be given, other than illustrating same; for it IS a positive or a PLAIN STATEMENT as to the conditions as regarding relativity of force; for POSITIVE is the active and negative is passive, as illustrated by the article in its various phases. The statement we would NOT expand upon in THIS instance, for it (the statement) must react with the individual DEVELOPMENT of each individual who takes the time to become positive OR negative to the statement, and as one responds to same may the activity of the statement be seen.

4. (Q) Page 3 - lines 1 to 8 - ["Consider Gravity - This applies right here, there and everywhere. This, too, may be considered a negative force, for it tends to balance the positive forces. Gravitational forces are vibratory forces and might be defined as the centralization of vibratory forces ready to change into power by non-activity."] Is gravity a negative force? How could this be better explained here?
(A) Gravity in this SENSE - as explained in that, in the activity that becomes passive in its force - gravity becomes the negative force, see? even as is illustrated. Better illustration may be had in that of the Radio-Active Appliance, as [to] how one becomes positive, the other negative, dependent upon which way the cycle begins by the change in the active force by which one is applied to a body in the first place, see?

5. (Q) Page 3 - lines 16 to 24 - ["With the assumption that their radial forces are thrown off this planet at or near Cancer and Capricorn, then it were possible when the vibrations of sun's rays at a certain deflection on passing through these emanating radial vibrations to set up a partial vacuum, thereby causing winds."] Is this correct?
(A) This correct.

6. (Q) Page 4 - lines 6 to 13 - ["The one substance vibrates in different dynamic degrees, and sound, heat, light, electricity, are the effections of the one substance by specific degrees of the One Energy, and there is no difference between anything such as electricity and, say iron, save in rate of effection."] Is this correctly stated?
(A) Correctly stated.

7. (Q) Page 5 - lines 5 to 20 - ["The heart in the human body may be compared to the sun of a solar system. Then by analogy the sun is the center of forces of the solar system. Similarly to the blood flowing from the heart through the arterial system, Force emerges from the sun drawn to the opposite polarity of the planets and in this outgoing flow it would be possible to develop magnetism, electricity, light, color, heat, sound, and lastly matter, in the order of lessening dynamic degrees of vibration. Matter then would be the offspring of energy and not the parent, as is often thought."] Is this correctly stated?
(A) Correctly stated, and just what happens in the human organism.

8. (Q) Page 5 - lines 21 to 25 - ["It is more than probable that at the sun's surface there are many higher degrees of vibrations than are known or understood on this planet."] Is this correct?
(A) Correct.

9. (Q) Page 5 - lines 27 to 31 - ["When this force, decreasing in vibrations to light and light waves, enter spectroscope, they will emerge as colors. Evidence of flames and metals on fire on sun and stars is in all probability due to etheric vibrations being broken into color by formation of natural spectroscope at the sun or satellite under observation."] Is this correct?
(A) This correct.

10. (Q) Page 6 - lines 3 and 4 - ["As given above these radial emanations are negative forces."] Are radial forces negative forces?
(A) Not always are radial forces negative forces. Only when they become passive, or of being acted upon as gravitation, do they become negative forces - while they are emanating from the positive; else they would not be drawn to the earth's force, in ITS emanation with the positive rays - and they are positive rays. From the sun's emanation does it produce the heat, see? This is seen in a BETTER application, in that the deflection from - and the direct rays OF - the sun's emanation TO the earth, THROUGH the various stages of its activity, brings summer, or the heat wave, or the moving OF the various forms; for these acting UPON - become negative, and then are POSITIVE in their action, though at times these, to be sure, become negative in their action; for each has its radial activity and is throwing OFF, as well as drawing TO. Hence the various positions or conditions as is seen in sun, through the activity of the various forms of gas or metal, or those various conditions that seem to cause the various eruptions as apparent within the sun itself. It receives as well as throws off, is positive as well as negative see? and only until it becomes in such a force that it is altogether negative, as the gravitation that holds in place - for when each are lost in their relative position, these then are thrown off, as was the moon from the earth, or as is the various satellites of the various planets, as WELL as the various effects out in space.

11. (Q) Page 6 - lines 15 to 18 - ["Therefore, there could be in the solar system a dynamic reservoir or solar storage battery that would correspond to the lungs of a human system."] Is there a solar power reservoir corresponding to lungs of a human system?
(A) Solar power corresponding.

12. (Q) Page 7 - lines 16 to 20 - ["Ether may be defined as the combination of a higher plane, leading us to metaphysics, to where every consideration of the atom finally leads one."] Is this statement concerning ether correct? Will you please give a better definition?
(A) There's no BETTER definition! This is correct for, same as the statement of positive and negative forces as relating to gravitation, they act upon the individual's DEVELOPMENT, or individual's application of thought as applied TO metaphysical condition or position as is occupied from within itself. Hence, as is seen, there are (This may be an illustration for this same condition) certain CHARACTERS of disease that accentuate mental forces, or the metaphysical activity of a human body. There are others that so DULL the senses as that they become onesided, or only passive, no positive; yet a NORMAL, perfectly well and normal mind may be so active as to be considered by others in its activity as of being unbalanced, but only are they considered PECULIAR.

13. (Q) Page 8 - lines 1 to 15 - ["A mechanical device might be constructed where a vacuum even excluding ether could be drawn and maintained, developing thereby a levitating force; this similar to that force which exerts pressure upward when air is pumped into a steel barrel while submerged below surface of a medium such as water. This levitating force will be utilized in many ways, particularly in so called heavier than air ships, with the result that air navigation will be possible without the use of wings or gas."] Is this correct?
(A) This correct when the elements must be made so condensed in their form as to prevent the ether in its finer sense from being, or escaping through the various elements that are ordinarily used for creating of such vacuums. [195] will understand that! You don't get it, but [195] will! That is, the container - you can get it here - a container in which a vacuum may be made must be of such a CONDENSED element as to prevent ether from going through the atomic forces of the element itself, as is seen in that of an electric bulb - this is NOT a vacuum, only a portion! To the finite mind this is CONSIDERED as such, but were the same character - or these same conditions produced in a DIFFERENT way - THEN these may be made to BECOME an element that would act in that way and manner, see? As is seen at present, helium becomes the greater usage in containers that may be made; yet these THEMSELVES (This is working from the opposite side, see?) - but were those gases, or those metals used that the supply of helium itself becomes the container FOR the vacuum itself. see? this condensed, see? into a metal form, THEN the vacuum may be made that would lift without being lifted, see?

14. (Q) Page 9 - lines 12 to 16 - ["Pressure of metals on earth could possibly be accounted for by the breaking up of solar rays through formation of national spectroscopes during formation era of the planet earth."] Is this correct?
(A) This [is a] very good expression of that. Very good, and very well stated - that it may be possible, for it IS very well stated.

15. (Q) Give suggestion as to how to improve on the article and how to better explain positive and negative aspects of force?
(A) This as is given is VERY WELL presented, and with the various comments as will come FROM such presentation, these will develop for the body-mind that necessary. Begin with that as is expressed here.

16. (Q) With motor as now laid out, embodying new leverages and gears with same pitch, will this work as designed?
(A) When balanced properly, it will work.

17. (Q) What argument would be most conclusive to prove that sun is not hot at surface?
(A) The breaking up of the rays, just as has been described, in that it takes BACK as well as gives off, being both positive and negative.

18. (Q) What could be given as cause for appearance of corona of sun?
(A) Just as has been explained, in that the forces as are thrown off by the various activities of the forces in all - that is, the planets, the stars, and those about it that are thrown off from same in their active principle, as draws to and throws off at the same time - these may be seen as the forces which produce or cause the various effects as seen.

19. (Q) What could be given as cause for appearance of solar flames and metal coloring in these so called solar flames?
(A) THIS is as has been given.

20. We are through for the present.

Copy to [900], to be sent to [195]
" " Ass'n office
" " Datastician


