Freedom for everyone
Steve McQueen’s film *Twelve Years a Slave* is based on the memoirs of Solomon Northup, *born free* in New York state but kidnapped in Washington DC in 1841, sold into slavery and kept in bondage for twelve years in Louisiana. He describes at length the horrors of slavery on the cotton and sugar plantations. Eventually, in 1853, he was rescued from slavery and reunited with his family. He wrote, ‘They embraced me, and with tears flowing down their cheeks, hung upon my neck. But I draw a veil over a scene that can better be imagined than described... I have been restored to happiness and *liberty*.’
Slavery, in any form, is a horrific evil. Freedom is a wonderful blessing. Moses is the liberator of God’s people in the Old Testament. He foreshadows Jesus – the supreme liberator. As Moses set God’s people free from slavery, so Jesus sets you free from slavery to sin. ‘Freedom’ is probably the best contemporary word to define what the Bible means by ‘salvation’. The whole Bible could be summed up as the ‘history of salvation’. It is the story of God’s desire and purpose to free his people. You are set free.
詩篇 20:1-9 ESV
[1] 主が苦難の日にあなたに答えられますように。ヤコブの神の名があなたを守りますように。[2] 主が聖所からあなたに助けを送り、シオンからあなたを支えますように。[3] 主があなたのすべての供え物を覚え、あなたの全焼のいけにえを好意をもって顧みますように。セラ [4] 主があなたの心の願いをかなえ、あなたのすべての計画を成就しますように。[5] 私たちはあなたの救いを喜びの声で歌い、私たちの神の名において旗を掲げますように。主があなたのすべての願いをかなえられますように。[6] 今、私は主がその油そそがれた者を救われることを知っています。主は聖なる天から右の手の救いの力をもって彼に答えられます。[7] ある者は戦車を、ある者は馬を頼みます。しかし私たちは私たちの神である主の名を頼みます。[8] 彼らは倒れて倒れますが、私たちは立ち上がります。[9] 主よ、王を救ってください。私たちが呼ぶときに、主が答えてくださいますように。
Psalm 20:1-9 ESV
[1] May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob protect you! [2] May he send you help from the sanctuary and give you support from Zion! [3] May he remember all your offerings and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices! Selah [4] May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans! [5] May we shout for joy over your salvation, and in the name of our God set up our banners! May the Lord fulfill all your petitions! [6] Now I know that the Lord saves his anointed; he will answer him from his holy heaven with the saving might of his right hand. [7] Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. [8] They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright. [9] O Lord, save the king! May he answer us when we call.
Enjoy the freedom that comes through faith
あなたは苦難や苦悩、困難に直面していますか? ダビデはそのような時期、おそらく差し迫った戦いに関係した時期でした。彼は神に助けを求めました。詩篇の最初の行は、神が「苦難のときに答えてください」(1a節) と願うものであり、詩篇の最後の行は、神が「私たちが呼ぶときに答えてください」(9b節) と願うものです。神は祈りに答えてくださいます。
Are you in a time of trouble, distress or difficulty? David was in such a time, most likely connected to an impending battle. He called out to God for help. The first line of the psalm is a request for God to ‘answer you when you are in distress’ (v.1a) and the final line of the psalm is a request for God to ‘answer us when we call’ (v.9b). God answers prayer.
When you have ‘days of distress’, call out to God in prayer, asking him to bring salvation and freedom in the midst of struggle (vv.6–8). It is not a matter of foolhardy optimism, but rather one of realistic faith.
David recognises God’s ‘saving power’ – his power to bring freedom (v.6c). He says, ‘Now I know that the Lord saves his anointed’ (v.6a). He speaks of six things that you can ask for yourself, your family, your friends and your community:
1. 保護
2. 助け
3. 支援
4. 受け入れ
5. 成功
6. 勝利
1. Protection
‘May the Lord... protect you’ (v.1). ‘Put you out of harm’s reach’ (v.1b, MSG)
2. Help
‘May he send you help from the sanctuary’ (v.2a)
3. Support
‘May he... grant you support from Zion’ (v.2b)
4. Acceptance
‘May he remember... and accept’ (v.3)
5. Success
‘May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed’ (v.4)
6. Victory
‘When you win, we plan to raise the roof... May all your wishes come true!’ (v.5, MSG).
Success, victory and freedom do not come from trusting in ‘chariots’ and ‘horses’ (v.7a). Rather, they come through faith – we ‘trust in the name of the Lord our God’ (v.7b).
Lord, thank you that you set me free. I put my trust in your name. Today I bring to you my plans and lay before you the desires of my heart...
マタイ 26:69-75 ESV
[69] ペテロは外の中庭に座っていた。すると女中が近寄ってきて、「あなたもガリラヤ人イエスと一緒でした」と言った。[70] しかしペテロは皆の前でそれを打ち消して、「何を言っているのか分かりません」と言った。[71] ペテロが玄関に出て行くと、別の女中が彼を見て、そばにいた人々に言った、「この人はナザレ人イエスと一緒でした」。[72] ペテロは再び誓って打ち消した、「私はその人を知りません」。[73] しばらくして、そばにいた人々が近寄ってきてペテロに言った、「確かにあなたも彼らの仲間だ。言葉遣いでそれが分かります」。[74] するとペテロは、「私はその人を知りません」と自分を呪い、誓い始めた。するとすぐに鶏が鳴いた。 [75] ペテロはイエスの「鶏が鳴く前に、あなたは三度私を知らないと言うでしょう」という言葉を思い出し、外に出て激しく泣きました。
Matthew 26:69-75 ESV
[69] Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard. And a servant girl came up to him and said, “You also were with Jesus the Galilean.” [70] But he denied it before them all, saying, “I do not know what you mean.” [71] And when he went out to the entrance, another servant girl saw him, and she said to the bystanders, “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth.” [72] And again he denied it with an oath: “I do not know the man.” [73] After a little while the bystanders came up and said to Peter, “Certainly you too are one of them, for your accent betrays you.” [74] Then he began to invoke a curse on himself and to swear, “I do not know the man.” And immediately the rooster crowed. [75] And Peter remembered the saying of Jesus, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly.
マタイによる福音書 27:1-10 ESV
[1] 朝になると、祭司長たち、民の長老たちは皆、イエスを殺そうと相談した。[2] そして、イエスを縛って引いて行き、総督ピラトに引き渡した。[3] 裏切り者のユダは、イエスが有罪とされたのを見て、考えを変え、銀貨三十枚を祭司長たち、長老たちに返して言った。[4] 「私は罪のない者の血を売り渡して罪を犯しました」。彼らは言った。「それはわれわれに何の関係があるのですか。自分で解決してください。」[5] そして、ユダは銀貨を神殿に投げ込んで立ち去り、首を吊って行った。[6] しかし、祭司長たちは銀貨を取って言った。「それは血の代価だから、それを宝物庫に入れるのはよくない。」[7] そこで彼らは相談して、それで陶器師の畑を買い、外国人の墓地とした。 [8] そのため、その畑は今日まで血の畑と呼ばれています。[9] 預言者エレミヤによって言われたことが成就しました。「彼らは、イスラエルの子らのうちのある者が値段をつけた者の代価である銀貨三十枚を取り、[10] 主が私に命じられたとおり、それを陶器師の畑と引き換えに与えた。」
Matthew 27:1-10 ESV
[1] When morning came, all the chief priests and the elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death. [2] And they bound him and led him away and delivered him over to Pilate the governor. [3] Then when Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he changed his mind and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, [4] saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” They said, “What is that to us? See to it yourself.” [5] And throwing down the pieces of silver into the temple, he departed, and he went and hanged himself. [6] But the chief priests, taking the pieces of silver, said, “It is not lawful to put them into the treasury, since it is blood money.” [7] So they took counsel and bought with them the potter’s field as a burial place for strangers. [8] Therefore that field has been called the Field of Blood to this day. [9] Then was fulfilled what had been spoken by the prophet Jeremiah, saying, “And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him on whom a price had been set by some of the sons of Israel, [10] and they gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord directed me.”
Marvel at how your freedom was achieved
Jesus is the supreme liberator. Salvation history reaches its climax in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We see here a glimpse of how much that cost Jesus: he is denied by one of his closest friends (26:69–75); he is betrayed by one of his disciples (27:1–10); he is handed over to the Roman authorities (v.2) and condemned (v.3a). Yet, Matthew sees that all this was to fulfil God’s plan (v.9).
Jesus was taken captive in order that you might go free. He was bound (v.2) to set you free from the things that bind you. Jesus came to set you free from your sin, guilt, shame, addictions and fears.
クリスチャン生活で本当に失敗したことがありますか? 失敗を感じ、主をひどく失望させたと感じたことがありますか? その結果「激しく泣いた」(26:75)ことがありますか? 私は確かにあります。
Have you ever really messed up in your Christian life? Have you ever felt a failure and that you have badly let the Lord down? Have you ever ‘wept bitterly’ (26:75) as a result? I certainly have.
Two of Jesus’ closest friends let him down badly. Sadly, we will all let Jesus down at points in our lives. These two examples help us learn how we should respond to such failures and disappointments.
ユダとペテロには多くの類似点があります。二人ともイエスの弟子でした。二人ともイエスを失望させると言われました(24-25,34節)。二人とも旧約聖書の預言を行動で実現しました(26:31; 27:9)。二人とも自分の行動を深く後悔しています(27:5; 26:75)。
There are many similarities between Judas and Peter. Both were disciples of Jesus. Both were told they would let him down (vv.24–25,34). Both fulfilled Old Testament prophecies through their actions (26:31; 27:9). Both deeply regret their actions (27:5; 26:75).
Yet there are also crucial differences between the two men. Peter responded to failure in the right way. Judas did not. As St Paul writes, ‘Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death’ (2 Corinthians 7:10).
ユダは「この世の悲しみ」の例です。彼は宗教指導者のところへ行き、自分の罪を告白しましたが、彼らはさらに罪悪感を彼に押し付けました(マタイ 27.4)。彼は後悔の念に襲われましたが、悲しいことに神の慈悲に身を委ねて赦しを得ることができませんでした。
Judas is an example of ‘worldly sorrow’. He went to the religious leaders and confessed his sin, but they just weighed him down with more guilt (Matthew 27.4). He was seized with remorse but sadly he was not able to throw himself on God’s mercy and receive his forgiveness.
On the other hand, Peter is an example of ‘godly sorrow’.
Peter must have been so frightened to deny and disown Jesus three times. Perhaps, understandably, he feared being crucified with Jesus or perhaps he had doubts before this about whether Jesus really was who he claimed to be. But the cock crowing must have removed all his doubts. It left him feeling distraught: ‘He went outside and wept bitterly’ (26:75).
イエスを失望させてしまったという認識ほどひどい気持ちはありません。ありがたいことに、ペテロの物語はこれで終わりではありません(ヨハネ 21 章参照)。「神のみこころに添った悲しみ」が「悔い改め」をもたらし、ペテロとイエスとの関係は回復しました。ペテロは罪悪感と恥から解放され、イエスの教会の偉大で、聖なる、力強い、油注がれた指導者となりました。
There is no more terrible feeling than the knowledge that we have let Jesus down. Thankfully, this is not the end of the story for Peter (see John 21). ‘Godly sorrow’ brought ‘repentance’, and his relationship with Jesus was restored. He was freed from his guilt and shame, and went on to become a great, holy, powerful and anointed leader of Jesus’ church.
過去の罪や失敗に対する罪悪感や恥辱感に押しつぶされそうになる必要はありません。イエスが自由にした人々は本当に自由です(ヨハネ 8:36)。あなたがどれだけ失敗しても、遅すぎることはありません。ペテロのように対応すれば、イエスに仕える素晴らしい未来が待っています。
You do not need to go around weighed down by guilt or shame about past sins and mistakes. Those whom Jesus sets free are free indeed (John 8:36). However much you have messed up and failed, it is never too late. Respond as Peter did and you can have a great future ahead of you in the service of Jesus.
Lord, thank you that you were bound in order to liberate me from my sins. When I fail, help me always to turn back to you in ‘godly sorrow… that leads to salvation and leaves no regret’.
出エジプト記 9:1–10:29
Exodus 9:1–10:29
出エジプト記 9:1 新共同訳
[1] 主はモーセに言われた。「ファラオのもとに行って彼に告げなさい。ヘブライ人の神、主はこう言われた。『わたしの民を去らせ、わたしに仕えさせよ』と。
Use your freedom to worship God
In the service of God we find perfect freedom. You were created to worship and serve God. This is your purpose.
Pope Benedict XVI (when he was still Cardinal Ratzinger) wrote, ‘The only goal of the Exodus is shown to be worship… The land is given to the people to be a place for worship of the true God… the freedom to give right worship to God, appears, in the encounter with Pharaoh, to be the sole purpose of the Exodus, indeed, its very essence.’
Once again, in the history of the people of Israel, we see God’s salvation plan foreshadowed. We see his plan to free his people from slavery through Moses. Time and again God says words along these lines to Moses: ‘Go to Pharaoh and say to him, “This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: ‘Let my people go, so that they may worship me”’ (9:1).
神はファラオに多くの機会を与えました。モーセは何度も神の言葉をファラオに語りました。「私の民を解放し、私を礼拝させよ」(9:13; 10:3,7)。「私の民を解放し、私を礼拝させよ」(MSG)。
He gives Pharaoh so many opportunities. Again and again Moses speaks the words of God to him: ‘Let my people go, so that they may worship me’ (9:13; 10:3,7). ‘Release my people so that they can worship me’ (MSG).
The world may understand your ‘good works’ but does not see the importance of your worship. Pharaoh accuses them of being lazy and sees worship as an alternative to work (5:17–18). But worship is your supreme purpose and work – in fact, the Hebrew word for ‘worship’ in this passage (‘avad’), can be translated as both worship and work.
神はあなたを愛しています。神は、ひとりも滅びることを望まず、すべての人が悔い改めに至ることを望んでおられます(ペテロ第二 3:9)。私たちが滅びる唯一の方法は、ファラオのように心をかたくなにし、神が道に立てるすべての警告のサインを無視することです。ファラオの罪の根底にはプライドがありました。彼が拒めば拒むほど、面目を失わずに考えを変えることが難しくなりました。
God loves you. He does not want anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). The only way we will perish is if, like Pharaoh, we harden our hearts and ignore all the warning signs that God puts in the way. Pride was at the root of Pharaoh’s sin. The more he refused, the harder it became to change his mind without losing face.
Be prepared to admit to making mistakes rather than going on in the wrong direction regardless. No matter how long you have travelled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around.
God’s desire is for his people to be set free to worship him throughout the whole of life. He wants to set you free from guilt, shame, sin, addiction and fear. He wants to set you free to love, serve and worship him.
Lord, thank you that you said, ‘if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed’ (John 8:36). May I use my freedom to worship and serve you.
Pippa Adds
After Moses had prophesized another, the 7th destructive plague against the Egyptians, The Bible says in Exodus 9 verse 20.
‘The officials of Pharaoh who feared the Lord hurried to bring their slaves and their livestock inside.’
These officials did take notice.
People can be very hard-hearted and no matter how many signs you shown to them, they still won’t believe. But faith can be found in the most unlikely places, there are people who do respond to God. You can’t write off a whole nation.