

神の働きを信じる⑳Believing For A Move Of God⑳

2025-02-26 07:38:10 | 日記
使徒行伝 28:30-31 ESV [30] 彼はそこで丸二年間自費で暮らし、彼のもとに来る者を皆歓迎し、[31] 大胆に妨げられることなく神の国を宣べ伝え、主イエス・キリストについて教え続けた。
Acts 28:30-31 ESV [30] He lived there two whole years at his own expense, and welcomed all who came to him, [31] proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.

Make Jesus the Vision

Luke’s final observation of Paul was that he “taught about the Lord Jesus Christ – with all boldness and without hindrance.” Paul never lost sight of Jesus; his Christ-centered message was proclaimed wherever he went. He spoke the name of Jesus, believing in the power of the name and being a man who was not ashamed of the gospel. Paul was undoubtedly a prayerful man who had a real and living encounter with Jesus. Jesus prayed and sacrificed His life, the early church prayed and lived sacrificially, and Paul prayed and sacrificed himself for the sake of the gospel. Our journey with Gather is that we have encountered a living and real relationship with Jesus Christ, this has been the driver behind this plan, but it is also our motivation for the future. The vision is Jesus.




We think of another saint as we pray, Saint Patrick, whose prayer we make our own today as we think of Jesus:

I pray today that I would experience; Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.

神との正直な対話Honest Conversations with God

2025-02-26 07:21:48 | 日記
詩篇 59:16 ESV [16] しかし、わたしはあなたの力を歌い、朝にはあなたの慈しみを声高に歌います。あなたはわたしにとって、苦難の日に砦、避難所となってくださいました。
Psalm 59:16 ESV [16] But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress.




ダビデの嘆きによって、彼は悲しみを表現し、正義を求めて叫び、神の忠実さを思い出すことができました。神の忠実さに焦点を当てることで、ダビデは神の性格を思い出し、神の性格を知ることで希望を持ち続けることができました。だからこそ、彼はこう言うことができたのです。「しかし、私はあなたの力について歌い、朝にはあなたの愛について歌います。あなたは私の砦、苦難の時の私の避難所だからです。」 (詩篇 59:16 NIV)




あなたがイエスに希望を置くとき、あなたが悲しむことは決して無駄ではありません。なぜなら、今いる神は永遠に存在する神でもあるからです。そして、神は常にあなたのために弁護し、行動しています。 だからこそ、どんなことに直面しても、この希望を持ち続けることができます。イエスはあなたの挫折や悲しみを、あなたの利益と神の栄光のための準備に変えることができます。神はあなたの痛みを取り、神の目的のために使うことができます。神はあなたの荒れ果てた時期を乗り越える道を作ることができます。神はあなたの強さの源であり、困難な時の避難所です。神にとって不可能なことは何もありません。


Honest Conversations with God

As a teenager, David was anointed as the next king of Israel. But instead of ascending to the throne in a blaze of glory, he spent years running from Israel’s current king (his father-in-law) who repeatedly tried to kill him.

During this time, David laments to God: he has honest conversations about his situation while holding onto the hope that God can—and will—restore him. Psalm 59 is the result of one of those conversations.

David’s laments allowed him to express his grief, cry out for justice, and remember God’s faithfulness. Focusing on God’s faithfulness reminded David of God’s character, and knowing God’s character helped him hold onto hope. That’s why he could say, “But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.” (Psalm 59:16 NIV)

Talking honestly with God helped David recognize that even though his current situation wasn’t good, God was still good, and still worthy of being worshiped. David believed that God was still in control, and that he would one day see the fulfillment of God’s promises.

And one day, God’s promises did come to pass. But God didn’t waste the years David spent as a fugitive: instead, He used them to help David become the leader and warrior Israel needed. The setbacks David endured actually strengthened his character and prepared him for his future purpose. Although his circumstances were painful, God was faithful.

And God can—and will—be faithful with your life.

When you place your hope in Jesus, you never grieve in vain because the God who is now is also the God who will be forever. And He is constantly advocating and acting on your behalf. That’s why, no matter what you face, you can hold onto this hope: Jesus can turn your setbacks and sorrows into setups for your good and His glory.

God can take your pain and use it for His purposes. He can make a way through your desert seasons. He is your source of strength and your refuge in times of trouble. Nothing is impossible for God.

So today, continue to draw closer to Him, and look for evidence of His faithfulness. As you intentionally pursue God, look for ways to worship Him like David did.

Praise for God’s Strength

God, You are mighty and worthy of all my praise! When I feel overwhelmed, You want to support me. When I feel discouraged, You want to encourage me. When I feel hopeless and alone, You surround and protect me. I will praise You because You are my source of strength. Nothing is impossible for You, and You are for me! In Jesus’ name, Amen.