

'... しかし' '... BUT'

2025-03-09 02:32:54 | 日記
'... しかし'
'... BUT'

During one of the severe potato famines in Ireland, a number of families wrote letters to their landlord saying they had absolutely no money at all to pay their rent and begged to be let off all their debts. The Irish landlord was Canon Andrew Robert Fausset, born near Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Ireland, in 1821. Canon Fausset wrote back to his tenants. He said it was quite impossible to let them off their debts. It would set a bad precedent. They had to pay every single penny. ‘*But*,’ he wrote, ‘I enclose something that might help you.’ In contrast to so many of the other landlords at the time, he sent a cheque for a very large sum of money – which far more than covered all their debts. Their hearts must have leapt with joy when they saw the word ‘*but*’. ‘*But*’ is a powerful word when facing trouble, tests and temptations.

詩篇 31:9-18 ESV [9] 主よ、どうか私をあわれんでください。私は苦しみの中にいます。私の目は悲しみで衰え、私の魂も体も衰えています。[10] 私のいのちは悲しみで消え、私の年月は嘆きで過ぎ去り、私の力は私の咎で衰え、私の骨は衰えています。[11] 私を敵視するすべての者たちのせいで、私は特に隣人のそしりとなり、私の知人の恐れの的となり、通りで私を見る者は私から逃げ去ります。[12] 私は死んだ者のように忘れられ、壊れた器のようになりました。[13] 多くの人々のささやきが聞こえます。四方八方から恐怖が!彼らは私に対して共謀し、私の命を奪おうと企んでいます。[14] しかし、私は主よ、あなたに信頼します。私は言います。「あなたは私の神です。」[15] 私の時はあなたの手の中にあります。 わたしを敵の手から、迫害する者たちから救い出してください。[16] しもべの上に御顔を輝かせてください。あなたの慈しみによってわたしをお救いください。[17] 主よ、わたしが恥をかかないようにしてください。わたしはあなたに呼びかけているのですから。悪人が恥をかかないようにしてください。彼らが黙って陰府に行かせてください。[18] 偽りの唇が黙ってください。偽りの唇は、高慢と軽蔑をもって義人を侮辱して語るのです。
Psalm 31:9-18 ESV [9] Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; my eye is wasted from grief; my soul and my body also. [10] For my life is spent with sorrow, and my years with sighing; my strength fails because of my iniquity, and my bones waste away. [11] Because of all my adversaries I have become a reproach, especially to my neighbors, and an object of dread to my acquaintances; those who see me in the street flee from me. [12] I have been forgotten like one who is dead; I have become like a broken vessel. [13] For I hear the whispering of many— terror on every side!— as they scheme together against me, as they plot to take my life. [14] But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” [15] My times are in your hand; rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors! [16] Make your face shine on your servant; save me in your steadfast love! [17] O Lord, let me not be put to shame, for I call upon you; let the wicked be put to shame; let them go silently to Sheol. [18] Let the lying lips be mute, which speak insolently against the righteous in pride and contempt.

In trouble… ‘BUT I trust in you’

No one can go through life without facing troubles. If David’s example is anything to go by, anyone in a position of leadership will face more than most.

David was in trouble: ‘with grief my eye is weakened, also my inner self and my body’ (v.9b, AMP). He was facing spiritual, mental and physical challenges.

He faced ‘distress’, ‘sorrow’, ‘grief’, ‘anguish’, ‘groaning’, ‘affliction’, illness, ‘enemies’, ‘contempt’ from his neighbours, brokenness, ‘terror’, conspiracy and plots (vv.9–13).

Yet, in the midst of all this, he is able to say, ‘But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands’ (vv.14–15a). He trusts in God’s ‘unfailing love’ (v.16). Sometimes, when things are going wrong, it is hard to believe that God really does love you. But he does. David cries out for help because he trusts that God will deliver him.

困難な時こそ、あなたが信頼しているものが本当に試される時です。しかし、ヘンリー・フォードが書いたように、「すべてがうまくいかないように思えるとき、飛行機は風に逆らって離陸するのであって、風に乗って離陸するのではないことを思い出してください。」神は、ご自分の目的に従って召された、神を愛する人々のために、すべてのことを働かせてくださることを信じてください(ローマ人への手紙 8:28)。
It is in the tough times that the object in which you trust is really put to the test. But, as Henry Ford wrote, ‘When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it!’ Trust that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

主よ、これから起こるすべての困難において、私があなたを信頼できるよう助けてください。私の時はあなたの手の中にあります。あなたのしもべの上にあなたの御顔を輝かせてください。あなたの絶え間ない愛で私を救ってください。主よ、私があなたに叫び求めたのに、私が恥をかかないようにしてください。(詩篇 31:14b–17a)
Lord, in all the challenges that lie ahead, help me to trust in you. My times are in your hands… Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love. Let me not be put to shame, Lord, for I have cried out to you’ (Psalm 31:14b–17a).

マルコ14:17-42 ESV [17] 夕方になったので、イエスは十二人と一緒に来た。[18] 彼らが食卓に着いて食事をしているとき、イエスは言われた。「よく聞きなさい。あなたがたのうちのひとりが、わたしと一緒に食事をしているが、わたしを裏切ろうとしている。」[19] 彼らは悲しみに暮れ、イエスに「それはわたしですか」と言い始めた。[20] イエスは言われた。「十二人のひとりで、わたしと一緒にパンを浸している者がそれである。[21] 人の子は、自分について書いてあるとおりに去って行く。しかし、人の子を裏切るその人はわざわいである。その人は生まれなかった方がよかった。」[22] 彼らが食事をしているとき、イエスはパンを取り、祝福して後、それを裂き、彼らに与えて言われた。「取りなさい。これはわたしの体である。」 [23] それから、イエスは杯を取り、感謝をささげてから、彼らにお与えになった。一同はそれを飲んだ。[24] そして彼らに言われた、「これは、多くの人のために流すわたしの契約の血である。[25] よく聞きなさい。神の国で新しく飲むその日までは、わたしはもはやぶどうの実から作ったものを飲むことはない。」[26] そして、彼らは賛美の歌を歌い終えると、オリーブ山へ出かけた。[27] すると、イエスは彼らに言われた、「あなたがたはみなつまずくであろう。『わたしは羊飼いを打つ。すると、羊は散らされる』と書いてあるからである。[28] しかし、わたしはよみがえった後、あなたがたより先にガリラヤへ行く。」[29] ペテロはイエスに言った、「たとい、みんながつまずいても、わたしはつまずきません。」 [30] イエスは彼に言われた。「よく聞きなさい。今夜、鶏が二度鳴く前に、あなたは三度わたしを知らないと言うでしょう。」 [31] しかしイエスはきっぱりと言われた。「たとい、あなたと一緒に死なねばならなくなっても、あなたを知らないとは言いません。」 皆が同じように言った。 [32] そして彼らはゲッセマネという所へ行った。そしてイエスは弟子たちに言われた。「わたしが祈っている間、ここに座っていなさい。」 [33] そしてペテロ、ヤコブ、ヨハネを連れて行き、非常に悲しみ、心を乱し始めた。 [34] そして彼らに言われた。「わたしは悲しみのあまり死んでしまいそうです。ここにとどまって目を覚ましていなさい。」 [35] そして少し進んで行って、地にひれ伏し、できることならこの時が過ぎ去るようにと祈られた。 [36] そして言われた。「アバ、父よ、あなたには何でもできます。この杯をわ​​たしから取りのけてください。しかし、わたしの思いではなく、あなたのみこころのままになさってください。」 [37] イエスは戻って来て、彼らが眠っているのを見て、ペテロに言われた。「シモン、眠っているのか。ひと時も目を覚ましていられなかったのか。 [38] 誘惑に陥らないように目を覚まして祈りなさい。心は燃えているが、肉体は弱いのです。」 [39] そして、イエスは再び立ち去って、同じことばを言いながら祈られた。 [40] イエスは再び戻って来て、彼らが眠っているのを見て、目が重く、何と答えてよいか分からなかった。 [41] そして、イエスは三度目に帰って来て言われた。「まだ眠って休んでいるのか。もう十分だ。時が来た。人の子は罪人たちの手に引き渡される。 [42] 起きて、行こう。見よ、わたしを裏切る者が近づいている。」
Mark 14:17-42 ESV [17] And when it was evening, he came with the twelve. [18] And as they were reclining at table and eating, Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me.” [19] They began to be sorrowful and to say to him one after another, “Is it I?” [20] He said to them, “It is one of the twelve, one who is dipping bread into the dish with me. [21] For the Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born.” [22] And as they were eating, he took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” [23] And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. [24] And he said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many. [25] Truly, I say to you, I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” [26] And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. [27] And Jesus said to them, “You will all fall away, for it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ [28] But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee.” [29] Peter said to him, “Even though they all fall away, I will not.” [30] And Jesus said to him, “Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” [31] But he said emphatically, “If I must die with you, I will not deny you.” And they all said the same. [32] And they went to a place called Gethsemane. And he said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” [33] And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly distressed and troubled. [34] And he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch.” [35] And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. [36] And he said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” [37] And he came and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not watch one hour? [38] Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” [39] And again he went away and prayed, saying the same words. [40] And again he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy, and they did not know what to answer him. [41] And he came the third time and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and taking your rest? It is enough; the hour has come. The Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. [42] Rise, let us be going; see, my betrayer is at hand.”

In tests… ‘Yet not what I will, BUT what you will’

Sometimes you may face difficulties in life not because you are doing something wrong but because you are doing something right. All of us will face tests, trials and temptations in life. You are not alone. Jesus himself never did anything wrong, yet he faced greater tests, trials and temptations than anyone in human history.




Loyalty is a wonderful quality. Loyalty of friends and colleagues is encouraging, upbuilding and reassuring in times of troubles, trials and temptations. Disloyalty is gutting.

Jesus had spent three years with twelve people he loved, lived with and had trained. Yet he had to say to them, ‘One of you will betray me’ (v.18). It is horrible to be betrayed by an enemy or an acquaintance. But to be betrayed by a friend is almost unbearable.


弟子の一人がイエスを裏切っただけでなく、他の弟子たちも皆イエスから離れてしまいました (27 節)。これもイエスにとって大きな失望だったに違いありません。彼らはイエスの最も親しい友人でしたが、試練の時期には皆離れてしまいました。非常に強い指導者であったペテロでさえもです。ペテロはイエスを絶対に否定しないと決心していましたが、結局はイエスを否認しました。

Not only did one of the disciples betray him, all the rest fell away (v.27). Again, this must have been a huge disappointment to Jesus. These were his closest friends yet in the time of trial they all fell away – even the one who was such a strong leader, Peter. Although Peter was absolutely determined not to deny Jesus, he did eventually disown him.


イエスは恐ろしい瞬間に近づき、「深く苦しみ、心を乱された」(33b 節)。彼の魂は「死に至るほどの悲しみに打ちひしがれた」(34a 節)。

As Jesus approaches the terrible moment, he is ‘deeply distressed and troubled’ (v.33b). His soul is ‘overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death’ (v.34a).

私たちは以前(BiOY 60 日目を参照)、罪に対する神の怒りの杯の旧約聖書の背景について調べました。イエスは杯を回しながら、「これは多くの人のために流されるわたしの契約の血である」(24 節)と言います。その後、ゲッセマネでイエスは「この杯をわ​​たしから取り去ってください」(36a 節)と祈ります。

We looked previously (see BiOY Day 60) at the Old Testament background to the cup of God’s wrath against sin. As he passes around the cup he says, ‘This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many’ (v.24). Later on in Gethsemane he prays, ‘Take this cup from me’ (v.36a).

In addition, ‘poured out for many’ (Mark 14:24b) echoes Isaiah 53; ‘because he poured out his life unto death’ (Isaiah 53:12c). Jesus knew he was facing unimaginable suffering, taking the sin of the world on his own shoulders and shedding his blood for us.

これを完全に理解するには、旧約聖書の背景をもう一度参照する必要があります。今日の旧約聖書の箇所には、「生き物の命は血の中にある」(レビ記 17:11,14)という記述が 2 回あります。「血は人の命を償う」(11 節)。言い換えれば、「命には命を」(出エジプト記 21:23)ということです。イエスは私たちのために命を捧げました。
Again, to understand this fully, we need to refer to the Old Testament background. In our Old Testament passage for today, twice we read that ‘the life of a creature is in the blood’ (Leviticus 17:11,14). ‘It is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life’ (v.11). In other words, it is ‘life for life’ (Exodus 21:23). Jesus gave his life for us.

Every time you take the bread and the wine in communion, meditate on his great love, his sacrifice and his death for you. Receive again his forgiveness, mercy, grace and favour. Dedicate your life again to him and say, ‘Yet not my will but yours be done.’

Jesus, facing disloyalty, disappointment, distress and death, puts his trust in his loving heavenly Father and says, ‘Yet not what I will, but what you will’ (Mark 14:36c). He knows that God is his perfect Father, whom he can address as ‘Abba, Father’ (v.36a) – an intimate way of addressing him, almost like ‘Daddy’ or ‘Papa’.

He knows that God is all-powerful. In many ways, he wants to escape ‘this cup’ (v.36b). However, he trusts that God knows best and is willing to submit to his will. It is the supreme example for us when we are fearful of what lies ahead.

The contrast between Jesus and his disciples would be amusing, were it not for the context. They are not facing anything like what he is facing. But they cannot even keep awake to support him in prayer; they keep falling asleep. I must say, I sympathise with them. I often find it hard to stay awake!

Jesus says, ‘Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak’ (v.38). I have to confess this is often true of me in the face of the challenge to pray more, my spirit is willing, but my body is weak.

Thank you, Father, that I too can address you as ‘Abba’ and put my trust in you. For all the plans that lie ahead I pray, ‘not what I will, but what you will’ (v.36). Help me to put your will above my own.

レビ記 17:1–18:30
Leviticus 17:1–18:30
レビ記 17:1 新共同訳 [1] 主はモーセに仰せになった。

In temptation… ‘BUT you…’

イスラエル人は周囲の人々の性的不道徳と行為のために大きな誘惑に直面していました。しかし、神は民に生き方について次のように語られました。「しかし、あなたたちはわたしの定めと律法を守らなければならない」(レビ記 18:26a)。
The Israelites were facing great temptation because of the sexual immorality and activities of the people around them. However, God spoke to his people about the way that they were to live: ‘But you must keep my decrees and my laws’ (Leviticus 18:26a).

I heard this true story: A woman was asked ‘What is the best thing about being 104 years old?’ She replied: ‘No peer-pressure!’

There is often a temptation to conform to peer-pressure and follow the standards of those around us. One area where there is a great pressure to conform is sexual morality.

In this context God says to his people, ‘Don’t live like the people of Egypt where you used to live, and don’t live like the people of Canaan where I’m bringing you. Don’t do what they do. Obey my laws and live by my decrees. I am your God’ (vv.2–4, MSG).

Like the ancient Israelites we live in a culture that has very different sexual ethics to God’s. God wants you to safeguard his wonderful gift of sex, and not get enticed into following those around you. Be careful to follow God’s ways. If you do, far from missing out, you will actually find life; ‘the person who obeys [God’s decrees and laws] will live by them’ (v.5).

God’s people are called to be different. St Paul wrote, ‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world’ (Romans 12:2). This call to be different goes right back to the earliest days of God’s people (Leviticus 18).

新約聖書の中で、使徒パウロは、キリスト教徒が改宗前に行っていた行為(性行為を含む)のいくつかを列挙しています。ここでも、彼は「しかし」という力強い言葉を使います。「しかし、主イエス・キリストの名によって、また私たちの神の霊によって、あなた方は洗われ、聖化され、義とされたのです」(コリント人への第一の手紙 6:11)と彼は言います。したがって、あなた方は違った生き方をしなければなりません。
In the New Testament, the apostle Paul lists some of the activities (including sexual activities) that Christians had been involved in before their conversion. Again, he uses this powerful word, ‘but’: ‘But you,’ he says, ‘were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God’ (1 Corinthians 6:11). Therefore, you are to live differently.

Lord, help me not to conform to the standards of those around me. Rather, help me to keep your decrees and your laws. Help me to honour you with my whole being – with my body, mind and heart.

Pippa Adds
Back in Mark 14, we see that the disciples’ leader and friend, Jesus, had just told them he was desperate. They didn’t get it. I would like to think I would do better, but I probably wouldn’t. The spirit is often willing, but the flesh is very weak. And, sometimes, the spirit isn’t even willing. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit did change the disciples and he can change me.

