イザヤ書 9:1-7 NIV
[1] しかし、苦難に遭った者たちには、もはや暗闇はない。昔、神はゼブルンの地とナフタリの地を辱めたが、将来、ヨルダンの向こうの海の道にある諸国の民のガリラヤに栄誉を与える。[2] 暗闇の中を歩む民は、大いなる光を見、暗い闇の地に住む者たちに光が差し込んだ。[3] あなたは国民を広げ、彼らの喜びを増し加えられた。収穫を喜ぶ民のように、戦利品を分ける戦士のように、彼らはあなたの前に喜ぶ。[4] ミディアン人の敗北の日のように、あなたは彼らに負わせたくびき、肩にかけた鉄棒、抑圧者のむちを打ち砕かれた。[5] 戦いで使った戦士の靴、血に染まった衣服はすべて、焼かれる運命にあり、火の燃料となる。 [6] 私たちにひとりの子が生まれ、私たちにひとりの息子が与えられた。その肩に主権がある。彼は不思議な助言者、力ある神、永遠の父、平和の君と呼ばれる。[7] 彼の主権と平和の偉大さは終わりがない。彼はダビデの王座に着き、その王国を治め、その時から永遠に正義と正義をもってこれを堅く立て、支える。全能の主の熱意がこれを成し遂げる。主
Isaiah 9:1-7 NIV
[1] Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. In the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will honor Galilee of the nations, by the Way of the Sea, beyond the Jordan— [2] The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. [3] You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder. [4] For as in the day of Midian’s defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor. [5] Every warrior’s boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire. [6] For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. [7] Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. Lord
Christmas at Ravensbrück
「戦いで使われた戦士の靴と血に染まった衣服はすべて焼かれ、火の燃料となる」- イザヤ書 9:5
“Every warrior’s boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire”.- Isaiah 9:5
1944 年のクリスマス。コリーは病院のバラックにいます。ベッツィーは 11 日前に亡くなりました。ベッツィーが亡くなった翌日、コリーは点呼の列に並びましたが、心には大きな悲しみがあり、周囲は暗闇に包まれていました。そして、自分の名前が呼ばれ、解放されたと告げられます。今、彼女が実際にラーフェンスブリュックを離れるために必要なのは、収容所の医師による健康診断だけです。医師はすぐに「浮腫」と診断を下しました。そこでコリーは病院のバラックに行き、浮腫を治すためにできるだけ足を上げたままにしようとします。
It’s Christmas 1944. Corrie is in the hospital barrack. Betsie died 11 days ago. A day after Betsie died, Corrie stands in line for roll call and there is great grief in her heart and darkness is all around her. Then she hears her name and is told that she is released! Now the only thing she needs to actually be allowed to leave Ravensbrück, is a declaration of health from the camp doctor. The doctor does not need much time for his diagnosis: “Edema”. So Corrie goes to the hospital barrack and tries to keep her legs up as much as possible to get rid of the edema.
The moaning, groaning and whining from the sick and dying women is heartbreaking. The nurses cynically imitate the women. Some women fall out of the small beds which they have to share with other sick and dying women, and then die on the floor. Women cry for the bedpan, but nobody helps them. Then Corrie stumbles out of her bed and helps the women. She tries to tell them about Christ and His coming to a fallen world and that He is Victor, but nobody is interested and they sneer at her .
Then Corrie hears a small child crying: “Mommy, come to Oelie, Oelie feels alone!” Corrie goes to the girl. The girl is emaciated and has been operated on and the incision on her back is covered with toilet paper. Corrie sees that she is dying and sits next to the girl and explains: “Oelie, mommy cannot come, but do you know Who is willing to come: the Lord Jesus. He came into this world as a little baby and later He saved us from all the wrongdoings and sins. Oelie may go to heaven, and Jesus is there right now, He’s getting a little house ready for Oelie”. Corrie asks the girl if she understands what Corrie tells her and the girl tells Corrie about the little house Jesus is preparing for her and that there will be no warrior’s boots and no soldiers who want to hurt others. “There I will see Jesus." Then they both fold their hands and thank the Lord Jesus.
Now Corrie knows and understands why she had to wait and spend this Christmas in Ravensbruck. Before the end of the year she gets her declaration of health and goes back home to the Netherlands
There can be as many thumping warrior’s boots and garments rolled in blood, the day is coming that they will all be burnt: For unto us a Child is born and the government will be upon His shoulders!
Lord help us to celebrate Your everlasting government which is stronger than every threat in the here and now.
During the Second World War Corrie ten Boom (who lived from 1892-1983) and her family worked in the resistance in the Netherlands. They helped about 800 people. Many of them were Jewish. Corrie was betrayed and spent 10 months in imprisonment in Scheveningen and in the concentration camps Vught and Ravensbruck. After the war she travelled all over the world to tell others about Gods love, forgiveness and grace. Corrie came from a Bible-believing family which reached back many generations. The Bible had a central place in their lives. The Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Living Word of God, spoke to them through the written Word of God. They read the Bible on a daily basis and knew many Bible verses by heart.
コリー・テン・ブームについてもっと知りたいですか? www.corrietenboom.com にアクセスしてください。
Dientje Wiersma is a tour guide at the Corrie ten Boom house in Haarlem in the Netherlands. She wrote this Readers Plan. She used Bible verses that were very important to the family and wrote about both the importance and the applications of these verses in the lives of the family Ten Boom.
Do you want to know more about Corrie ten Boom? Go to www.corrietenboom.com