

変容した人A Transformed Person

2025-01-04 03:31:59 | 日記
使徒行伝 2:38 NIV [38] ペテロは答えた。「悔い改めて、イエス・キリストの名によって、あなたたちひとりひとりが罪の赦しを得るためにバプテスマを受けなさい。そうすれば、聖霊の賜物を受けるでしょう。
Acts 2:38 NIV [38] Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.


やり直しが必要だと感じたことはありますか? もしそうなら、あなたには仲間がいます。ペテロもそうでした。



しかし、聖書を先に進めると、ペテロがまったく逆のことをしていることがわかります。使徒行伝 2 章では、ペテロは迫害するかもしれない大群衆の前に立っています。イエスを知っていることを否定する代わりに、ペテロは人生の秘訣を宣言します。悔い改めて、罪の赦しのためにイエス・キリストの名において洗礼を受け、聖霊を受けることです。



これらの聖書箇所の間に 2 つの大きな出来事がありました。イエスがペテロを訪れ、恵みによって彼を回復されました。次に、聖霊がイエスの追随者のために天から降りてきました。聖霊とともに力がもたらされ、信者たちは大胆で変化した人生を送れるようになりました (使徒行伝 2 章)。




A Transformed Person

Have you ever felt like you needed to have a do-over? If so, you’re in good company. Peter did as well.

Peter was one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, invited by Jesus Himself to leave his life as a fisherman and join Him during His ministry on earth. On the night that Jesus was betrayed, Peter followed Him to the sham trial. The people in the area were openly and aggressively hostile to Jesus. Imagine what that must have felt like, to be surrounded by people who may choose to treat Peter the way they were treating Jesus at that very moment.

In Matthew 26 and Luke 22, we see that Peter chose to keep a low profile. He wanted to go unnoticed by the angry mob. That didn’t work for long, though—three different people recognized him as a follower of Jesus and asked him about it. Each of the three times, Peter denied ever knowing Jesus.

If we skip ahead in Scripture, though, we find Peter doing the exact opposite. In Acts 2, Peter is standing in front of a big crowd, filled with people who may persecute him. Rather than denying knowing Jesus, he proclaims the secret to life: repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and receive the Holy Spirit.

This is risky. What will people think? What if they turn on him the way that they did Jesus? Yet, he was bold anyway. He was a transformed person compared to who he had been earlier in the story.

How did Peter transform? He was restored by Jesus. He also received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Two major things happened between these passages of scripture: Jesus visited Peter, and with grace, restored him. Secondly, the Holy Spirit came down from heaven for the followers of Jesus. With the Holy Spirit came power, empowering the believers to live bold, transformed lives (Acts 2).

Many of us face moments like this: moments where the right answer is boldness for Jesus, but the easy answer is to keep our heads down. What will people think? What will they do?

Here’s some great news: we’re never alone. We don’t have to be bold on our own. The Holy Spirit is with us every day, giving us the power to be bold and transformed. We can walk out our newness each day with His help.

You can start today. Boldness is now. The Holy Spirit is ready to walk with you.

Holy Spirit, Help Me Be Bold

Jesus, thank You for giving me Your Holy Spirit as a free gift. I choose to acknowledge Your Spirit’s presence in my heart and life. Holy Spirit, please help me to be bold today. Help me to recognize each opportunity to share the gospel and give me the courage to do it well. I am so grateful for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

