God's Hand is On You
手はとても大切です。娘の結婚式の日、私は娘の*手*を握り、牧師(たまたま息子でした)に渡しました。*彼の手*は(この目的のために)*神の* *手*を象徴していました。今度は牧師が娘の*手*を彼女の夫の手と繋ぎました。象徴的に、私は娘を神に捧げ、神は娘を夫に捧げたのです。結婚式の重要な部分は、*手を繋ぐ*ことです。*
Hands are very important. On her wedding day, I took hold of our daughter’s *hand* and passed it over to the minister (who happened to be our son). *His hand* (for these purposes) represented *God’s* *hand*. He, in turn, joined *her hand* to that of her husband. Symbolically, I gave her to God and God gave her to her husband. A key part of the marriage ceremony is the *joining of* *hands.*
ある意味では、あなたの手は単にあなたの手のひら、指、親指です。しかし、私たちが「手」という言葉を使うとき、それはしばしば単なる物理的な意味以上の意味を持ちます。「*手*」は、*行為*、*世話*、*所有*の比喩として使われることができます。神は手を使われます。私たちは、イエスが病人に*手を置く*ことによって、あるいは単に*手で*触れることによって*癒した*と読んでいます(例えば、マルコ6:5、8:23)。また、イエスは*人々を祝福するために*人々に*手を置いています(10:16)。イエスは弟子たちに、*彼らの手*が*病人を癒す*ために用いられるだろうとおっしゃいました(16:18)。確かに、*手を置く*ことによって人々は*癒されました*(例えば、使徒行伝8:17–18)。他の人々は聖霊に満たされた(9:17; 19:6)、あるいは按手によって賜物を受け取った(テモテ第二 1:6)。
At one level, your hand is simply your palm, fingers and thumb. But when we use the word ‘hand’ we often mean it in more than just a physical sense. The ‘*hand’* can be used as a metaphor for *action*, *care* and *possession*. God uses hands. We read of Jesus *healing* through *laying his hands* on sick people, or even just touching them *with his hands* (for example, Mark 6:5; 8:23). At other times, he put *his hands* on people *to bless them* (10:16). He told his disciples that *their hands* would be used to *heal the sick* (16:18). Indeed, people were *healed* through the *laying on of their hands* (for example, Acts 8:17–18).Others were *filled with the Holy Spirit* (9:17; 19:6), or *received gifts* through the *laying on of hands* (2 Timothy 1:6).
「神の手」とはどういう意味でしょうか?それはどういう意味でしょうか?聖書では、「神の手」は非常に深い意味を持っています。エズラはこう言っています。「私の神である主の手が私の上にあったので、私は勇気を得たのです…」(エズラ記 7:28)。目に見えず、触れることのできない神の手はあなたにもあって、あなたを導き、導き、励まし、守り、強くし、勇気を与えています。
What about ‘*the* *hand of God*’? What does that mean? In the Bible, ‘*the hand of God*’ means something very profound. Ezra said, ‘Because *the hand of the Lord my God was on me*, I took courage…’ (Ezra 7:28). God’s invisible and intangible hand is also on you: leading, guiding, encouraging, protecting, strengthening you and giving you courage.
詩篇 145:13-21 NIV
[13] あなたの王国は永遠の王国、あなたの支配は代々続きます。主は約束されたすべてのことに忠実であり、そのすべての行いに忠実です。[14] 主は倒れる者をすべて支え、かがむ者をすべて起こされます。[15] すべての者の目はあなたに向けられ、あなたは時宜にかなった食物を彼らに与えます。[16] あなたは御手を広げて、すべての生き物の願いを満たされます。[17] 主はそのすべての道において正しく、そのすべての行いにおいて忠実です。[18] 主は、主を呼び求めるすべての者、真実をもって主を呼び求めるすべての者の近くにおられます。[19] 主は、主を恐れる者の願いをかなえ、彼らの叫びを聞き、彼らを救われます。[20] 主は、主を愛するすべての者を見守り、悪者をことごとく滅ぼされます。[21] 私の口は主をほめたたえます。 すべての生き物が永遠にその聖なる名を讃えますように。
Psalms 145:13-21 NIV
[13] Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. [14] The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. [15] The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. [16] You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. [17] The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does. [18] The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. [19] He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. [20] The Lord watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy. [21] My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever.
God’s hand is open and generous
‘You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing’ (v.16). This metaphor of the extraordinary generosity of God, who opens his hand to you to satisfy your desires, comes in the middle of a section of the psalm that describes God’s great love and faithfulness.
詩人のロバート・ブラウニングはこう書いています。「私は生きてきて、生涯を通じて神の御手を見てきましたが、すべては最善でした。」 「神は運に見放された人々に手を差し伸べます。」(14a節、MSG) 「神のすべての作品のトレードマークは愛です。」(17b節、MSG)
The poet, Robert Browning, wrote, ‘I have lived, seen God’s hand through a lifetime, and all was for best.’ ‘God gives a hand to those who are down on their luck’ (v.14a, MSG). ‘The trademark on all his works is love’ (v.17b, MSG).
‘The Lord is faithful to all his promises’ (v.13b). This psalm is full of wonderful promises. The Lord will uphold you (v.14). ‘The Lord is near’ to you (v.18), he fulfils your desires (v.19), he watches over you (v.20). All this inspires praise: ‘My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever’ (v.21).
‘Father, let me hold your hand, and like a child walk with you down all my days, secure in your love and strength’ (Prayer of Thomas à Kempis, c.1380–1471).
黙示録 13:1-18 NIV
[1] 竜は海の岸に立っていた。そして私は、海から獣が出てくるのを見た。それには十本の角と七つの頭があり、その角には十の冠があり、それぞれの頭には神を汚す名があった。[2] 私が見た獣は豹に似ていたが、足は熊の足のようで、口はライオンの口のようであった。竜は自分の力と王座と大いなる権威をその獣に与えた。[3] 獣の頭の一つには致命的な傷があるように見えたが、その致命的な傷は癒されていた。全世界は驚いて獣に従った。[4] 人々は竜を拝んだ。竜が獣に権威を与えたからである。また人々は獣をも拝んで言った。「だれがこの獣に匹敵しうるだろうか。だれがこれと戦うことができようか。」 [5] 獣には、高言と冒涜の言葉を吐き、四十二か月の間、権威を振るう口が与えられた。[6] 獣は口を開いて神を冒涜し、神の名と神の住まいと天に住む者たちをののしった。[7] 獣には、神の聖なる民に戦いを挑み、これを征服する力が与えられた。また、あらゆる部族、民族、言葉、国民の上に権威が与えられた。[8] 地に住む者で、世の初めから屠られた小羊のいのちの書に名が記されていない者は皆、獣を拝むであろう。[9] 耳のある者は聞きなさい。[10] 「捕らわれて行く者は捕らわれて行く。剣で殺される者は剣で殺される。」これは、神の民の忍耐と忠実さを要求する。 [11] また、わたしは、第二の獣が地から出てくるのを見た。それには小羊のような二つの角があり、竜のようにものを言った。[12] この獣は、先の獣が持っていたすべての権威を、先の獣に代わって行使し、致命的な傷が癒された先の獣を、地とその住民に拝ませた。[13] また、大きなしるしを行い、人々の見ている前で、天から地に火を下らせることさえした。[14] 先の獣に代わって行う力が与えられたしるしによって、この獣は地に住む人々を惑わし、剣で傷を負いながらも生きている先の獣のために、像を造るようにと、彼らに命じた。[15] 第二の獣は、先の獣の像に息を吹き込む力が与えられた。すると、その像はものを言うことができた。また、その像を拝まない者をみな殺してしまった。 [16] また、すべての民に、大いなる者にも小さき者にも、富める者にも貧しい者にも、自由人にも奴隷にも、その右の手か額に刻印を受けさせ、 [17] その刻印がなければ、物を買うことも売ることもできないようにした。その刻印とは、獣の名、あるいはその名の数字である。 [18] 知恵のある者は、この獣の数字を数えなさい。それは人間を表す数字である。その数字は666である。
Revelation 13:1-18 NIV
[1] The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. [2] The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. [3] One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. [4] People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” [5] The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. [6] It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. [7] It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. [8] All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world. [9] Whoever has ears, let them hear. [10] “If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed.” This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people. [11] Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. [12] It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. [13] And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. [14] Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. [15] The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. [16] It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, [17] so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. [18] This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
God’s hand writes your name in the book of life
What an amazing privilege to have God’s hand write your name in ‘the book of life’ belonging to Jesus (v.8b). In the face of persecution ‘God’s holy people passionately and faithfully stand their ground’ (v.10b, MSG).
The first ‘beast’ (v.1b) appears to be a persecuting power. This chapter contains a description of human government at its worst – a demonic power. It needs to be read alongside Romans 13, in which human government is seen at its best – a godly authority. All human government is a mixture of Revelation 13 and Romans 13. Some governments are more like Romans 13, and some more like the description here. Do not be surprised, therefore, by governments making anti-Christian laws and even persecuting the church.
おそらく「七つの頭」(黙示録 13:1b)は、ローマが建てられた七つの丘(17:9 参照)を表しているのでしょう。預言者ダニエルは、ヒョウ、クマ、ライオンに似た獣を見ました。これらは、三大世界大国を表しています(ダニエル書 7:3)。ここでは、それらはすべて一つにまとめられています(黙示録 13:2)。
Perhaps the ‘seven heads’ (Revelation 13:1b) represent the seven hills on which Rome was built (see 17:9). The prophet Daniel saw beasts that look like the leopard, the bear and the lion, representing three successive world powers (Daniel 7:3). Here they are all rolled into one (Revelation 13:2).
‘The fatal wound’ that ‘has been healed’ (v.3) may refer to Nero (notorious for his persecution of Christians), who attempted suicide in AD 68 and was believed to have survived or come alive again (according to legend). This could be seen as a parody of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The beast attacks God’s people for forty-two months or three and a half years (this is typically the period that represents the time between the first and second coming of Jesus – that is, the age of the church). The beast persecutes the church. He makes ‘war against the saints’ (v.7). He has a large following.
The only ones who do not follow him are all those whose names are written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb, who was slain from the creation of the world (v.8b).
The second beast is a pseudo-Christ figure. He performs ‘great and miraculous signs’ (v.13). He is a deceiver. He forces everyone to have his mark on their right hands or on their foreheads (v.16). His number is 666 (v.18).
The number 666 at one level may again represent Nero, since the Hebrew letters for ‘Nero Caesar’ when converted into numbers total 666. On another level, numbers in Revelation are normally symbolic. Six is the number of imperfection (since seven is the number of perfection). 666 is therefore the number of triple imperfection, or complete sinfulness.
‘This calls for wisdom’ (v.18a). Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light and his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness (see 2 Corinthians 11:13–14). The first beast has a ‘mouth like that of a lion’ (Revelation 13:2). The second beast has two horns ‘like a lamb’ (v.11). It is as if they are trying to appear to look like Jesus (who is the Lion and the Lamb, see Revelation 5:5–6).
後で、第三の獣、バビロンについて読みます(黙示録 14:8 および 17-18 章を参照)。この 3 つの獣は、三位一体の悪魔的なパロディとして偽装しているように見えます。それらは偉大に見え、多くの人々を欺きます。善と悪を識別するには知恵が必要です。
Later, we will read of a third beast – Babylon (see Revelation 14:8 and chapters 17–18). The three beasts together seem to masquerade as a diabolical parody of the Trinity. They seem great and deceive many people. We need wisdom to discern the good from the evil.
Thank God that by his hand he has written your name in the Lamb’s book of life.
Lord, please give me wisdom, faithfulness and patient endurance. Help me to overcome evil with good.
Ezra 7:11–8:14
エズラ記 7:11 新共同訳
[11] イスラエルに対する主の戒めと掟の言葉に精通した、祭司であり書記官であるエズラに、アルタクセルクセス王は親書を送った。以下はその写しである。
God’s hand is on those who look to him
God’s hand was on Ezra. The book of Ezra is about a community making a fresh start. It is not about one man. However, God did use Ezra in a special way.
Ezra knew that the Lord’s hand was on him: ‘Because the hand of the Lord my God was on me, I took courage and gathered leaders from Israel to go up with me’ (7:28). Ezra takes a further 1,500 men – probably about 5,000 people in all – with him (8:1–14).
In tomorrow’s passage, we also read: ‘the gracious hand of our God was on us’ (v.18); ‘the gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him’ (v.22); ‘the hand of our God was on us, and he protected us from enemies and bandits along the way’ (v.31). As you look to God, you can be sure that God’s hand is on you as well.
Ezra was a priest and a teacher who had studied the Scriptures very closely – ‘priest and scholar, expert in matters involving the truths and ways of God’ (7:11, MSG).
神は世俗の指導者(アルタクセルクセス)を通して、神の善意を成し遂げました。ここでも、「王の心は主の手の中にあり、主はそれを水路のように、御心のままに導かれる」(箴言 21:1)ということが思い出されます。アルタクセルクセスはエズラに食料を与えるよう命じる手紙を書きました(エズラ 7:12 以降)。
God worked through a secular leader (Artaxerxes) to bring about his good purposes. Again, we are reminded that ‘the king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases’ (Proverbs 21:1). Artaxerxes wrote a letter ordering provision for Ezra (Ezra 7:12 onwards).
ここで私たちは、黙示録 13 章よりもローマ 13 章に似た世俗政府の例を見ることができます。アルタクセルクセスは、「あなたは王から遣わされ、ユダとエルサレムについて、あなたの手にある神の律法について調べさせられる」(エズラ 7:14)と書いています。彼は続けて、「エズラよ、私はあなたに、あなたの手にある神の知恵を用いて、正義を執行するために行政官と裁判官を任命することを許可します。教えを知らない人がいれば、あなたは彼らを教えなさい」(25 節、MSG)と書いています。
Here we see an example of secular government that is more like Romans 13 than Revelation 13. Artaxerxes writes, ‘You are sent by the king... to enquire about Judah and Jerusalem with regard to the Law of your God which is in your hand’ (Ezra 7:14). He continues, ‘I authorize you, Ezra, exercising the wisdom of God that you have in your hands, to appoint magistrates and judges so they can administer justice… Anyone who does not know the teaching, you teach them’ (v.25, MSG).
Ezra says, ‘Praise be to the Lord, the God of our ancestors, who has put it into the king’s heart to bring honour to the house of the Lord in Jerusalem in this way and who has extended his good favour to me before the king and his advisers and all the king’s powerful officials’ (vv.27–28).
神の手があなたの上にあるとき、あなたは丘の上の光のようになります(マタイ 5:15)。神の光はあなたから輝き、人々を神のもとに引き寄せます。神はあなたをリーダーとして用い、必要な勇気と権威をすべてあなたに与えてくださいます。
When God’s hand is on you, you are like a light on a hill (Matthew 5:15). His light shines out of you and it will attract people to him. He will use you as a leader, equipping you with all the courage and authority you need.
Lord, thank you that your gracious hand is on everyone who looks to you. Thank you for your love, mercy and protection. Because your gracious hand is on me I look to you today and take courage.
詩篇にはこうあります。「主は…お造りになったすべてのものに愛を注がれる」(詩篇 145:13b)。主は「持ち上げ」、「支え」、「満足させ」、「近くにあり」、「見守って」おられます(14~20節)。
Pippa Adds
I am slightly struggling with Revelation. I was looking for comfort from the Bible today, so I think I will stick with the psalm (I am not sure I feel strong enough for persecution!).
The Psalm says: ‘The Lord is… loving to all he has made’ (Psalm 145:13b). The Lord ‘lifts up’, ‘upholds’, ‘satisfies’, ‘is near’, ‘watches over’ (vv.14–20).
Now I feel better.