詩篇 32:8-10 NIV
[8] わたしはあなたに教え、あなたの行くべき道を教え、あなたを愛する目であなたに助言する。[9] 馬やラバのようであってはならない。それらは理解力がなく、くつわと手綱で制御しなければ、あなたのところに来ない。[10] 悪人の災いは多いが、主の変わらぬ愛は主に信頼する者を取り囲む。
Psalms 32:8-10 NIV
[8] I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. [9] Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you. [10] Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in him.
Trusting God with the Unseen Future
私は第二次世界大戦の最後の日に起きた興味深い話を読みました。アメリカの B-29 爆撃機が日本の小倉の標的を攻撃する任務を負っていました。通常の手順として、天候により主目標に到達できない場合に備えて、第 2 の標的が割り当てられました。予想通り、小倉上空の雲が厚すぎて標的が見つからず、1 時間旋回した後、いら立ちながら第 2 の標的に方向転換しました。数週間後になって、アメリカの諜報機関は知らなかったのですが、日本軍は襲撃のわずか数日前に大量のアメリカ人捕虜を小倉に移送していたことがわかりました。この知らせを受け取った士官は、「あの雲が守ってくれてよかった。爆撃機から街が隠されていなかったら、街は破壊され、何千人ものアメリカ人少年が死んでいただろう」と言いました。
I read a fascinating story from the final days of World War II. An American B-29 bomber was tasked with attacking targets in Kokura, Japan. As was normal procedure, they were assigned a secondary target in case the weather kept them from reaching their primary objective. Sure enough, they found the clouds over Kokura too thick to find their targets, and after an hour of circling, they diverted to their secondary objective with some frustration. It was not until weeks later that they learned that, unknown to American intelligence, the Japanese had transferred a huge number of American prisoners of war to Kokura just days before that raid. The officer who received this news said, “Thank God for that protecting cloud! If the city hadn’t been hidden from the bomber, it would have been destroyed and thousands of American boys would have died.”
Each new year we enter into territory that is shrouded and unclear to our eyes. While we may expect certain things to happen, none of us know what the future holds. When we cannot see the path, it is more important than ever that we trust in God. So many times, we are tempted to take matters into our hands when God does not work as quickly as we think He should. But He never makes a mistake, and we can trust in Him no matter what seeming delays we experience. Often it is only as we look back over the years that we see how God has worked.
Growth Principle:
You can always trust God even when you cannot see the way ahead or what He is doing.