マタイ1:21-24 NIV
[21] 彼女は男の子を産みます。その子にイエスと名付けなさい。その子は民をその罪から救うからです。」 [22] これらはすべて、主が預言者を通して言われたことを成就するために起こったのです。 [23] 「処女がみごもって男の子を産みます。その子はインマヌエルと呼ばれます。これは「神は我らと共におられる」という意味です。 [24] ヨセフは目を覚ますと、主の天使が命じたとおりに、マリアを妻として迎えました。
Matthew 1:21-24 NIV
[21] She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” [22] All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: [23] “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). [24] When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.
イザヤ書 7:14 NIV
[14] それゆえ、主自らがあなたたちに一つのしるしを与えられる。処女がみごもって男の子を産み、その名をインマヌエルと呼ぶであろう。
Isaiah 7:14 NIV
[14] Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.
8日目: インマヌエル、私たちとともにいる神
Day 8: Immanuel, God With Us
私はいつも、誰かが子供の名前を選んだ時の裏話を聞くのが好きです。家族の名前、つまりわかりやすい名前の場合もあります。ユニークな名前を探していて、それが素敵な響きだった場合もあります。また、赤ちゃんを見てすぐに何と名付けるべきかがわかる場合もあります。名前には力があります。だからこそ、神はおそらく数か月も前にヨセフに神の息子にどんな名前をつけるべきかを意図的に告げたのです。マタイによる福音書 1:23 では、主の天使がヨセフに「処女がみごもって男の子を産む。その子はインマヌエルと呼ばれる。これは「神は我らと共におられる」という意味である」と告げています。天使がマリアではなくヨセフに名前を告げ、すでに始まっているクリスマスの物語にヨセフを招き入れたのが、とても嬉しいです。
I always love hearing the story behind someone choosing their child’s name. Sometimes it’s a family name - something obvious. Sometimes they are looking for a unique name and it sounded pretty. And sometimes, people end up seeing their baby and immediately knowing what they should be called. There is power in a name - which is why God so intentionally told Joseph probably months in advance what he should name God’s son. In Matthew 1:23, an angel of the Lord tells Joseph, “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”)”. I love that the angel chooses to tell Joseph the name, instead of Mary, thus bringing him into the fold of the Christmas Story that has already started.
Immanuel comes from the Greek words Immanu (with us) and El (God) - thus meaning “God with us”. What a powerful declaration. By sending Jesus to be born as a baby, the Father was literally sending himself to be “with us”. To dwell among us, to be born fully human but also fully God, and to ultimately save us all from our sins. Yet - the name of Immanuel goes beyond just the death and resurrection of Jesus. It also points to the Holy Spirit that now lives in us as believers in Christ.
このため、神が私たちと共におられるので、私たちは決して一人で歩む必要はありません。私たちは、神がご自分の民を深く気遣い、彼らを追い求めることを決してやめないことを知っています。また、神がその言葉に忠実であることも知っています(結局のところ、「インマヌエル」という名前はイザヤ書 7:14 で初めて言及されています)。
Because of this, we never have to walk alone because God is with us. We know that God cares deeply about His people and has not and will not ever stop pursuing them. We also know that God stays true to His word (after all, the name “Emmanuel” was first mentioned in Isaiah 7:14).
あなたは今、自分の人生の中で神を見るのに苦労していますか? 少し時間を取って考えてみてください。健康の中で神が現れるのを見たことがないかもしれません。教会生活の中で神をはっきりと見たことがないかもしれません。果たされていない約束の中で神を見たことがないかもしれません。
Where are you struggling to see God in your life today? Take a moment to reflect. Maybe you haven’t seen Him show up in your health. Maybe you haven’t seen Him clearly in your church-life. Maybe you haven’t seen him in an unfilled promise.
After you have thought of something, take a moment to whisper “Emmanuel”, reminding yourself verbally that God is with you. He has been with His people for generations and He is also with you. He will never stop fighting for you, never stop loving you, and never stop seeing you.
Take heart today, friend. God is with us!