仁木田株式会社 Nikita Co., Ltd.

居宅介護支援事業  トータルサポート太陽
障がい者就労継続支援事業A型B型 太陽工房
有料老人ホーム 太陽


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デコポン Dekopon

2019-03-22 10:00:00 | 就労継続支援B型



Dekopon is a seedless and sweet variety of mandarin orange. It is a hybrid between Kiyomi and ponkan (Nakano no.3), developed in Japan in 1972.Originally a brand name, 'Dekopon' has become a genericized trademark and it is used to refer to all brands of the fruit; the generic name is shiranuhi or shiranui (不知火). Dekopon is distinctive due to its sweet taste, large size and the large protruding bump on the top of the fruit.
The fruits are usually grown in large greenhouses to keep them at a constant temperature, and are harvested from December to February (winter in Japan), while in the case of garden farming, they are harvested from March to April. After harvesting, dekopon are usually left for a period of 20–40 days so that the levels of citric acid in the fruit lower while the sugar levels increase, to make a more appealing taste for the market. Only products with sugar level above 13°Bx and citric acid below 1.0% can be sold with the name dekopon.
There were many market names for 'dekopon' during the time 'dekopon' was a trademark of the product from Kumamoto. For instance, himepon was the market name for the fruits originating from Ehime prefecture. The ones grown in Hiroshima prefecture were marketed as kiyopon. However, after an agreement whereby anyone can use the name 'dekopon' if they pay a fee and meet certain quality standards, the name "dekopon" is used for products from anywhere in Japan
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