情報流通促進計画 by ヤメ記者弁護士(ヤメ蚊)日隅一雄

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2005-10-24 22:20:49 | メディア(知るための手段のあり方)

「CBC lockout to end as employees accept tentative deal」

CBC employees have voted to accept their tentative deal with management, officially ending the labour dispute. The Canadian Media Guild said 3,514 ballots were cast and 88.4 per cent voted in favour of ratification.

Most of the CBC's 5,500 unionized workers are expected to head back to work on Tuesday. Some regular programming has already returned, including Saturday night's broadcast of Hockey Night in Canada.

But it could take days and weeks before programming returns to normal.

Under the agreement, wages will increase by 12.6 per cent over the life of the contract, which will remain in effect until March 31, 2009.

Also included is an individual signing bonus of $1,000.

The deal caps the number of contract workers at 9.5 per cent of the full-time work force, settling a major issue between the parties.

The lockout began quietly on August 15 with the CBC effectively shutting down much of its regular English language radio, television and web services after 15 months of unsuccessful bargaining with its major union. The CMG had taken a vote just before that and won 87 per cent support for strike action if the union decided to walk.

Managers maintained a bare-bones news service during the lockout, and both radio and television services created interim schedules with many repeat programs.