癒しの森 湯布院(仙人の健康相談室)  

        人生の生き方を学ぶ 癒しの森湯布院


2019-08-27 | ヒーリング


Question: Why do sanyyasins sit on a deer or tiger skin for meditation?
Answer: There are many reasons why these skins are used for meditation and any aspirant may sit on them. Firstly the skin represents the animal nature of man. Hence, sitting on the skin symbolizes sitting over the controlling one's animal tendencies.

Secondly, sanyyasins used to practise long hours of meditation in the forests where they were exposed to all sorts of wild animals and insects. They sat on an animal skin because it had a powerful scent which warded off animals, snakes, scorpions and other creatures.
Thirdly, the tiger is a very powerful animal. If you look at one, you will feel its powerful magnetism. The skin retains some of the magnetism and if you sit on it, you are automatically enclosed in its electro magnetic field.
Fourthly, when you sit in meditation for long periods, the heart rate and the circulatory system slow down, the inner body temperature drops, and in particular, the lower part of the body becomes cold. The skin acts as insulation, keeping the body, especially the lower part, warm.
Beginners can start their meditation practices by sitting on a simple cloth and then as they progress and extend their periods of practice, they can use a deer skin. Once they are able to sit in meditation for hours, they can use a tiger skin. However, in India the tradition is that those who do not practise yoga regularly use a grass or cloth mat for meditation, householders who are involved in yogic practices use a deer skin and sanyyasins use a tiger skin.







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