@ Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life
Self-care is also not arguing with people who are committed to misunderstanding you.
ピースフルマインド ピースフルライフ
~ カール・ユング、ロバート・C・スミスへの手紙(8月16日)『手紙』第2巻、583頁
In the last year of his life Jung revealed his frustration at being misunderstood in a letter to an American academic:
"The fact that I try to make you see my standpoint could show you that I don't mind the criticism. I only want to defend myself against wrong premises. If I could not stand criticism I would have been dead long ago, since I have had nothing but criticism for 60 years ..."
~ Carl Jung, Letter to Robert C. Smith (16 August) Letters, Vol. II, 583
"私は、不可知論、無神論、唯物論、神秘主義を交互に非難されてきた" ~カール・ユング『魂の傷ついた治療者』207ページ
"もし私が批判に耐えられなかったら、とっくに死んでいただろう。" "私は60年間、批判しかしてこなかったのだから。" ~ カール・G・ユング、「手紙第二巻、583・584ページ」。
メアリー・メロン、J.B.プリーストレイとの交友関係 78ページ
MLVF: それもありますし、ユングの弟子の多くは、ユングの一面しか得ていないこともあります。ユングは実に多くの側面を持っていましたから......彼もまた、人によってまったく異なる話し方をしていたのです。彼は、その人が受け止められるもの、あるいは、その人が開いている場所を提供したのです。ある人にはそのことを話し、別の人にはまったく違うことを話す。
マリー・ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ - 偽物と本物のユング心理学の違い
マリー・ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ - フェイクとトゥルーの違い
"I have been alternately accused of agnosticism, atheism, materialism and mysticism." ~Carl Jung, Wounded Healer of the Soul, Page 207
Everyone who says that I am a Mystic is just and idiot. He just doesn’t understand the first word of Psychology. ~Carl Jung, Conversations with Richard L. Evans, [Houston Film]
I am sick of talking to people who do not even know the psychological ABC. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 574
"If I could not stand criticism I would have been dead long ago, since I have had nothing but criticism for 60 years." ~ Carl G. Jung, " Letters Vol II, Pages 583 & 584."
Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing. ~Aristotle
There has been no shortage of evaluations of Jung’s work. But what has hitherto been lacking has been an adequate basis for sound evaluations. ~Sonu Shamdasani, Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology, "The Most Cursed Dilettante," Pages 27-28
Today - Jung minced no words in saying - some incompetent and profoundly ignorant reviewers sneezed at him. On average, he felt, he got bad reviews, which ought to convince him that he was writing pretty good stuff. ~William Schoenl, C.G. Jung-His
Friendships with Mary Mellon & J.B. Priestley, Page 78
I sincerely hope you don’t believe what people say about me. If I did, I should have buried myself long ago. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 503.
“I have offended many people, for as soon as I saw that they did not understand me, that was the end of the matter so far as I was concerned. I had to move on. I have no patience with people — aside from my patients.” ~CG Jung, MDR, pg. 356-7
2.10-- when I read Jung I can read his books 20 times and I don’t keep them in mind so to speak, by heart. But when I do some creative research work and then read his books it ties in with what I’m doing in my own work then it clicks and then it stays forever. Then its as if I had acquired it. I’ve really gotten the point. But only when I’ve creatively worked out my own approach. And that is what I said before about getting out of the animus who would simply quote Jung. And say now quite apart from the animus quoting Jung, what do I feel, what do I see what have I experienced, where am I, what do I say and not because Jung says it but because I know it myself too, for my own reasons. And only that is valid.
3.20-- once in the psychological club there was a big quarrel and we all got pulled into it and Jung afterwards told us and I include myself, “You all behaved as if you have never heard of Jungian psychology.” You see, the complex is hidden the whole thing is gone because it hasn’t yet become really yours.
SW: is that how you see the splits that have happened in many of the training groups?
MLVF: partly that and partly that most of the pupils of Jung have only gotten one facet of Jung. Jung had so many facets... that he also talked very differently to the different people. He gave them what they could take or where they were open. He would talk about that with one person and something quite different to another person.
But the great splits really come as Jung once said about certain groups, they have given up Jungian psychology and they have taken to prestige psychology.
Marie Louise Von Franz - The Different Between Fake And True Jungian Psychology
Marie Louise Von Franz - The Different Between Fake And True