


2021-04-29 00:20:57 | 心理学


Theory of Relativity


Time is the 4th dimension 時間は4次元

Faster you move through space slower you move through time 空間を速く移動すると、時間を遅く移動することになる

Time slows down around heavy objects 重いものの周りでは時間が遅くなる

Light soeed remains constant  光の速度は一定
Gravity is curvature of space-time  重力は時空間の曲率
Gravity travels in the    重力は時空間の曲率で移動する










空間が身体の存在を記述する手段にすぎないように、それは物事や出来事の流動性を表現し、定式化するために用いられる様式にすぎない。" ~カール・ユング『手紙』第2巻、176ページ






Time is created by our clocks which express a certain relationship of the earth to the stars, but we do not know whether time is something real in itself. ~Carl Jung, Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process, Page 129

"All time-saving measures, which include easier communications and other conveniences, paradoxically do not save any time, but merely serve to fill up what time there is so that one really has no more time at all. This inevitably gives rise to breathless haste, superficiality, and nervous exhaustion, with all the attendant symptoms such as craving for stimulation, impatience, irritability, and vacillation. Such a condition leads to many things, but never to increased refinement of mind or heart."
~C.G. Jung, from "Jung", by Gerhard Wehr

The creator has made a time-space cage; he split off the fourth dimension from space and the three remaining formed a marvelous cage in which things could be separated.
And when time was added, the different conditions which evolved in space could be extended in the time dimension.
There is extension in space and extension in time, so one could see things clearly, one could discriminate and that is the possibility of consciousness. ~Carl Jung, Zarathustra Seminar, Page 981

I simply believe that some part of the human self or soul is not subject to the laws of space and time. ~Jung

So the real connection with astrology is time, and therefore the most striking aspect of our connection with the stars is that of fate.
Fate evolves with time, and it is identical with time.
When one says the time has not yet come, it means that fate has not yet fulfilled itself; fate fulfills itself only in time, time being only another aspect of fate.
Fate and time are absolutely identical, fate being the more human aspect and time the more energic aspect.
And time is another aspect of energy, for without time there is no energy, and without energy there is no time.
Time is measured energy ~ Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 736.
God needs man in to become conscious, just as he needs limitation in time and space. Let us therefore be for him limitation in time and space an earthly tabernacle. ~Carl Jung, Letters, Volume 1, Page 65.

Accordingly the capacity to nullify space and time must somehow inhere in the psyche, or, to put it another way, the psyche does not exist wholly in time and space.
It is very probable that only what we call consciousness is contained in space and time, and that the rest of the psyche, the unconscious, exists in a state of relative spacelessness and timelessness.
For the psyche this means a relative eternality and a relative non-separation from other psyches, or a oneness with them. ~Carl Jung, Letters Volume I, Page 256.

"The four aspects, the quaternity of the Creator-God are space, time, causality and meaning. Human consciousness is the second creator of the world. Only through extreme differentiation and distance can consciousness come about."
~C.G. Jung, Ostrowski-Sachs, p.42

“Time in itself consists of nothing.
It is only a modus cogitandi that is used to express and formulate the flux of things and events, just as space is nothing but a way of describing the existence of a body.” ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 176.

Up to this time we have spoken of the subject as though it were unchanging in time, but as we know, the body is a four-dimensional entity, the fourth dimension being time. ~Carl Jung, 1925 Seminar, Page 136

Action as we know can take place only in the third dimension, and the fourth dimension is that which actually wants to grow into our conscious three-dimensional world. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 232

Then thoughts come to me, as for instance that consciousness is only an organ for perceiving the fourth dimension, i .e., the all-pervasive meaning, and itself produces no real ideas. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 17-18.

In a letter of May 1960, he wrote that in so far as the psyche is capable of telepathic and precognitive perceptions it exists, at least in part, in a "continuum outside time and space," hence the possibility authentic postmortal phenomenon.
The comparative rarity of such phenomena suggests at all events that the forms of existence inside and outside time are so sharply divided that crossing this boundary presents the greatest difficulties.
But this does not exclude the possibility that there is an existence outside time which runs parallel with existence inside time.
Yes, we ourselves may simultaneously exist in both worlds, and occasionally we do have intimations of a twofold existence.
But what is outside time is, according to our understanding, outside change.
It possesses relative eternity.
~Aniela Jaffe, Jung’s Last Years, Page 14
いつの日か、あなたが瞑想によって内的な感覚をスピリチュアルに展開している間に、次元は想像上の効果に過ぎないという事実に気づくだろう。この認識を得るための最初の一歩を踏み出すのに役立つかもしれませんが、あなたが土地、建物、人々、出来事の50マイルの広がりを見るとき、あなたは自分の目の中の空間の無次元のピンポイントの中にすべてを見ていることを理解する必要があります。全宇宙は、このようにして心-知識の無次元に還元されます。それによって、想像上の宇宙は永遠のゼロから拡張され、原因としてはゼロを超えることはありませんが、結果としては次元を超えているように見えます。" ~ウォルター&ラオス・ラッセル--原子爆弾による自殺。
TEC - ユニット9 - 創造の磁気立方体と電気球体

- 空間、時間、エネルギー、物質の概念が、科学の主流では誤って解釈されているため、重力、万有引力、原子構造、素粒子物理学の概念も誤って解釈されている。
- 遠くの銀河で観測されている赤方偏移は、ビッグバン、膨張宇宙、ダークエネルギー、ダークマター、ブラックホールなどの仮想的な発明概念を必要とせずに説明できる。
- また、素粒子物理学や素粒子の構造といった分野を科学に導入する必要もありません。なぜなら、原子の特性はすべて、その多次元的な振動特性によって測定・説明することができ、原子の中にさまざまな形態の素粒子や力が存在すると仮定するような独創的な構成を必要としないからである。
- 恒星系の進化の世界観は、レシプロシステムが予測するものとは逆で、宇宙の本質は逆説的であり、宇宙の真の姿を隠している先入観のベールを「見通す」までは、何もかもが見かけ通りではないという見方を強めている。
- 量子現象や宇宙現象を説明するために、高次元の数学や別の法則や科学の分野は必要ありませんし、その数学を現実に意味のある方法で解釈するための複雑さも必要ありません。
- ブラックホールは、数学理論における特異点の産物であり、自然が非常に小さいスケールや非常に大きいスケールでどのように機能するかについての無効な理論的構成である。
生命・宇宙・すべてを科学する?| デューイBラーソンの「互恵的システム論」- 欺瞞の世界で真実の道を歩む|嵐の中の静寂
生命、宇宙、すべてを科学する?| Dewey B Larson』 互恵的システム論 - 欺瞞に満ちた世界で真実の道を歩む -|Stillness in the Storm
"God—the knower—is non-dimensional [0D]. God's thinking is two-dimensional [2D]. God's creative actions are three-dimensional [3D]. Within the eternal electronic vacuum of Nature every thought and action that has ever taken place during all time, lies enfolded there in non-dimensional [0D] omnipresent space. That is one more lesson that the electronic tube might clarify for you—the lesson of dimension.
Someday, during your spiritual unfolding of inner sensory perception through meditation, you will become aware of the fact that dimension is but an imagined effect. It might help you to take the first step in gaining this awareness if you will but realize that when you look upon a fifty mile expanse of land, building, people and events, you see it all within a dimensionless pinpoint of space within your eye. The whole universe is thus reducible to the non-dimension of Mind-knowing, which has caused the imagined universe to be extended from its eternal zero, which never exceeds zero in CAUSE, but seems to exceed it by dimension, in EFFECT." ~Walter & Lao Russell--Atomic Suicide.
TEC - Unit 9 - The Magnetic Cubes & Electric Spheres of Creation

LARSON’s Reciprocal System Theory contends that:
• Because the concepts of space, time, energy and matter are misconstrued in mainstream science, so are the concepts of gravity, universal forces, atomic structure and particle physics.
• The red-shift observed in distant galaxies can be explained without the need for hypothetical inventive concepts such as the Big Bang, the Expanding Universe, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and Black Holes.
• It is not necessary to introduce the entire area of particle physics and sub-atomic particle structure into Science. This is totally unnecessary as all properties of atoms can be measured and explained in terms of their multidimensional vibrational properties without the need for inventive constructs that postulate the existence of many forms of elementary and exotic particles and forces within atoms.
• The worldview of the evolution of stellar systems is the reverse of what the Reciprocal System predicts, reinforcing the view that the Universe is paradoxical in nature and nothing is as it seems until we “see” through the veils of preception that hide the Universe’s true nature from our view.
• There is no need for higher dimensional mathematics or separate laws and fields of science to explain quantum and cosmological phenomena, or the complexity they introduce in interpreting their the maths in a way that has meaning in reality.
• Black holes are an artefact of singularities in mathematical theories and invalid theoretical constructs of how nature works on the very very small and very very large scales, etc.
From the few short paragraphs above and the more detailed exposition that follows, it is clear that science and other areas of human endeavour may be limited in validity and completeness, not necessarily by design or desire, but by the limited perception that we all have (scientists included) in interpreting and understanding things and processes when only partial knowledge of their workings is able to be perceived. Our research highlights the need for a fresh look at underlying assumptions and even the conceptual validity of such things as space, time, energy and matter, as embraced by current science. Modern science does not know or accept what consciousness really is and excludes it and the roles it plays in explaining the workings of the Universe (seen and unseen).
Science of Life, The Universe and Everything? | Dewey B Larson’ Reciprocal Systems Theory – Walking the Path of Truth in a World of Deception | Stillness in the Storm
Science of Life, The Universe and Everything? | Dewey B Larson’ Reciprocal Systems Theory – Walking the Path of Truth in a World of Deception | Stillness in the Storm
