


2021-10-03 03:10:49 | 心理学


An atheist has to know a lot more than I know.

An atheist is someone who knows there is no god. By some definitions atheism is very stupid.

(Carl Sagan)



While I, like Carl Jung, am a Theist, I respect both Stephen Jay Gould and Carl Sagan for this reason. Atheism is a religion in the sense that it is an intellectually stagnating certainty about something that not only isn't certain, it is highly questionable given facts. It isn't as childish as believing in resurrected god-men flying around in outer-space, but zealots display the same characteristic inflexibility and dogmatism in any religion.


「ユングは、本当に無宗教な人というのは存在せず、無神論者は単に自分の無意識の重要な領域を認めていないだけだとしました。意識的に無宗教である人は、無意識的に宗教的な問題に強い関心を持っている。意識的な不可知論者の態度は、無意識からの真に不可知論的な性格の反応を呼び起こします。意識的な不可知論的態度は、無意識からの真のグノーシス的性格の反応を呼び起こす。異端の探求者や悪と戦う狂信的な闘士は、通常、無意識が受け入れられた信条に対する大きな疑念や反感を抱いている人である。... ユングは、人間には宗教的欲求があるが、その欲求は信仰ではなく、むしろ宗教的体験であると述べています。宗教的体験とは、魂の統合に向けての心理的な出来事であり、したがって精神全体の機能を表すものである。宗教とは、意識が認識できない高次の現実を認めることであり、その心理的な結実が完全なものとなれば、人間の内的な統一と全体性をもたらすものである。この目的は...アイデアを信じることでは決して達成されず、経験という形で実現することによってのみ達成される。"









[the professed atheist is simply one who does not acknowledge an important realm of his or her unconscious.]
[The confirmed doubter in his unconscious is more of a believer than he likes to admit]
"Jung held that there is no such thing as a really irreligious person, that the professed atheist is simply one who does not acknowledge an important realm of his or her unconscious. Those who are consciously irreligious have strong unconscious concerns with religious matters, since the unconscious inevitably stands in a compensatory relationship to the conscious. The confirmed doubter in his unconscious is more of a believer than he likes to admit; a conscious agnostic attitude evokes responses of a truly Gnostic character from the unconscious. Heresy hunters and fanatical fighters against evil are usually persons whose unconscious harbors great doubts and antagonisms against their accepted creed. ... Jung said in essence that human beings have a religious need, but that this need is not for religious belief but rather for religious experience. Religious experience is a psychic event which tends toward the integration of the soul, and thus represents the functioning of the psyche as a whole. Religion is the acknowledgment of the higher realities that consciousness fails to recognize, and if carried to its full psychological fruition, it brings about the inner unity and wholeness of the human being. This objective...is never accomplished by beliefs in ideas but only by realization in the form of experience."
~Stephan Hoeller, "The Gnostic Jung"

Unfortunately enough, it is the common fate; even the atheist who is always shouting up to God, "I don't believe that you exist!"-even such a man is already on the way to lose the church entirely.
You see, as long as you can be a member of an atheist club or something of the sort, you are not really outside of the church. ~Carl Jung, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra Seminar, Page 1011.

That religion could be psychology has not dawned upon them.
They may be atheists but you know what an atheist is: simply a man who is outside instead of inside the church walls.
Instead of saying, yes, I believe that you exist, he stands outside of the house and says, no, I don't believe that you are God.
That is the only difference: an atheist is just as Catholic as those within the walls.
So they cannot understand of what modern psychology is talking, because this whole world of problems, the symbols we are dealing with, is for them still within the walls of the church, safely walled in. ~Carl Jung, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra Seminar, Page 1011
That religion could be psychology has not dawned upon them.
They may be atheists but you know what an atheist is: simply a man who is outside instead of inside the church walls.
Instead of saying, yes, I believe that you exist, he stands outside of the house and says, no, I don't believe that you are God.
That is the only difference: an atheist is just as Catholic as those within the walls.
So they cannot understand of what modern psychology is talking, because this whole world of problems, the symbols we are dealing with, is for them still within the walls of the church, safely walled in. ~Carl Jung, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra Seminar, Page 1011

Unfortunately enough, it is the common fate; even the atheist who is always shouting up to God, "I don't believe that you exist!"-even such a man is already on the way to lose the church entirely.
You see, as long as you can be a member of an atheist club or something of the sort, you are not really outside of the church. . ~Carl Jung, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra Seminar, Page 1011.

We must read the Bible or we shall not understand psychology. Our psychology, whole lives, our language and imagery are built upon the Bible. ~Carl Jung, The Visions Seminar Vol. 1; Page 156.

If, aside from your work, you read a good book, as one reads the Bible, it can become a bridge for you leading inwards, along which good things may flow to you such as you perhaps cannot now imagine. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 434.

One finds, besides, a lot of things about this in the Bible itself: there are more things in the Bible than the theologians can admit. ~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 410-423

As most people know, one of the basic principles of analytical psychology is that dream-images are to be understood symbolically; that is to say, one must not take them literally, but must surmise a hidden meaning in them. ~Carl Jung; Symbols of Transformation; para 4.



Nietzsche calls himself an atheist, but this formulation is of course a bit influenced by the idea that God is when he is said to be.
In calling yourself an atheist, you make that concession to your primitive magic thinking-as if you could produce something by saying it is.
As Kant said, that word is nothing but a copula in a judgment; you need to use a verb that expresses existence, but you have not produced a thing by it.
If you say you possess a hundred dollars, they don't necessarily exist.
But Nietzsche's idea confirms our explanation of the old wise man as the original Christian revelation continued in the idea of the paraclete, the Comforter, withdrawing slowly from the world and becoming a hermit, re-identifying himself again with the natural background from which he came. ~Carl Jung, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra Seminar, Pages 40-41.

[Because a man who hates God will think of him much oftener than a man" who loves God.
So the atheist hates God, but he is in a way a better Christian than the man who loves him; Nietzsche is a better Christian and far more moral than the Christians before and after him.]
But this expression seems to me very apt, for "bowels" simply means contents, and in "the Unknowable One,"
Nietzsche surely refers to the unknown god who, he said, was dead. It is a funny thing, however, that throughout the whole of Zarathustra you get a feeling as if this god whom he calls dead were not absolutely dead.
He is somehow lurking in the background as the great unknowable one of whom you should not speak; you simply should not take him into consideration: he is too dangerous to be mentioned.
So his peculiar expression that you should not be interested in the bowels of the unknowable one means that there is somebody there, only he is utterly taboo.
You see, that is explained psychologically by the fact that Nietzsche calls himself an atheist, for anybody who calls himself an atheist is a negative theist; naturally he would not deny a thing if he did not think it was there to be denied. He would not add the a. It is an admission of God when you call yourself an atheist, because whether you assert a thing or deny it, you confirm that it is: you cannot deny a thing without giving it a certain existence.
It does exist somewhere even if you assume that it exists only in the minds of other people; that it exists in the minds of other people means that it does exist.
So Nietzsche's God exists somewhere and has contents but he must be careful not to mention them.
That an atheist is particularly concerned with God is not understood with us because we are still unspeakably barbarous in that respect, but the East is a bit more differentiated in such matters.
They have the saving that a man who loves God needs seven rebirths in order to be redeemed or to reach Nirvana, but a man who hates God needs only three.
And why?
Because a man who hates God will think of him much oftener than a man" who loves God.
So the atheist hates God, but he is in a way a better Christian than the man who loves him; Nietzsche is a better Christian and far more moral than the Christians before and after him.
You see that explains a great deal of Zarathustra, which is a highly moral book.
If anybody should try to live that teaching, he would have astonishing experiences.
He would certainly feel himself to be a better Christian than all those before him.
He could buy a halo for his own private use and make himself the first and only saint of his private church.
It is true of course that we use that expression "the bowels of ... "rather in connection with the earth, and in a psychological sense we mean the contents of the unconscious, which we think of as below.
But to the Christian era the unconscious was by no means below; it was a fiery and luminous heaven above.
All the heavenly "powers and principalities" of the Catholic church are really the contents of the unconscious,' but at that time they projected the unconscious into the world above, and only through the descent which has taken place in the last four hundred years, has it been brought down into the lower regions, the earth, into the real bowels, the intestinal region, the kingdom of the sympathetic nervous system. ~Carl Jung, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra Seminar, Pages 72– 73.


その結果、自分自身が分裂し、もう一人の自分を "ツァラトゥストラ "と呼ばずにはいられなくなり、時には "ディオニソス "と呼ぶようになったのである。


Nietzsche thought himself quite conscious and responsible when he smashed the old tablets, yet he felt a peculiar need to back himself up with a revivified Zarathustra, a sort of alter ego, with whom he often identifies himself in his great tragedy
Thus Spake Zarathustra. Nietzsche was no atheist, but his God was dead.
The result of this demise was a split in himself, and he felt compelled to call the other self "Zarathustra" or, at times, "Dionysus."
In his fatal illness he signed his letters "Zagreus," the dismembered god of the Thracians.
The tragedy of Zarathustra is that, because his God died, Nietzsche himself became a god; and this happened because he was no atheist.
He was of too positive a nature to tolerate the urban neurosis of atheism.
It seems dangerous for such a man to assert that "God is dead": he instantly becomes the victim of inflation.*
Far from being a negation, God is actually the strongest and most effective "position" the psyche can reach, in exactly the same sense in which Paul speaks of people "whose God is their belly" (Phil. 3: 19).
The strongest and therefore the decisive factor in any individual psyche compels the same belief or fear, submission or devotion which a God would demand from man.
Anything despotic and inescapable is in this sense "God," and it becomes absolute unless, by an ethical decision freely chosen, one succeeds in building up against this natural phenomenon a position that is equally strong and invincible.
If this psychic position proves to be absolutely effective, it surely deserves to be named a "God," and what is more, a spiritual God, since it sprang from the freedom of ethical decision and therefore from the mind.
Man is free to decide whether "God" shall be a "spirit" or a natural phenomenon like the craving of a morphine addict, and hence whether "God" shall act as a beneficent or a destructive force. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Pages 85-86
