~ ニーチェ『権力への意志』
~ アイデアのアカデミー、ニーチェとユング: 神話と英雄の時代
~ ユング、CW 9ii、パラ 235
~ ユング、CW 9ii、パラ 114
「『天国』とは、『地上』にあるものでも、『死後』に来るものでもありません。 それには昨日も明後日もないし、「千年」後に到着することもない。 それは心の経験です。 それはどこにでもあるし、どこにもない。」
~ ニーチェ『権力への意志』
~ アイデアのアカデミー、ニーチェとユング: 神話と英雄の時代
~ ユング、CW 9ii、パラ 235
~ ユング、CW 9ii、パラ 114
「『天国』とは、『地上』にあるものでも、『死後』に来るものでもありません。 それには昨日も明後日もないし、「千年」後に到着することもない。 それは心の経験です。 それはどこにでもあるし、どこにもない。」
Considered from the standpoint of realism, the symbol is not of course an external truth, but it is psychologically true, for it was and is the bridge to all that is best in humanity.
~ Jung, Symbols of Transformation
It is a measure of the degree of strength of will to what extent one can do without meaning in things, to what extent one can endure to live in a meaningless world because one organizes a small portion of it oneself.
~ Nietzsche, The Will to Power
The hero faces up to [this] chaos and discovers his or her own solutions to the existential burdens of our time.
~ Academy of Ideas, Nietzsche and Jung: Myth and the Age of the Hero
Character is destiny.
~ Heraclitus
That other person who we also are and yet can never attain to completely ... But we are confronted with that inner friend or foe, and whether he is our friend or our foe depends on ourselves.
~ Jung, CW 9ii, Para 235
We can act differently, if we want to.
~ Jung, CW 9ii, Para 114
“The ‘kingdom of heaven’ is not something lying ‘above the earth’ or coming ‘after death’. It does not have a yesterday or a day after tomorrow, and it will not arrive in a ‘thousand years’. It is an experience of the heart. It is everywhere and it is nowhere.”
~ F. Nietzsche
Art by Francisco de Zurbaran
~ Jung, Symbols of Transformation
It is a measure of the degree of strength of will to what extent one can do without meaning in things, to what extent one can endure to live in a meaningless world because one organizes a small portion of it oneself.
~ Nietzsche, The Will to Power
The hero faces up to [this] chaos and discovers his or her own solutions to the existential burdens of our time.
~ Academy of Ideas, Nietzsche and Jung: Myth and the Age of the Hero
Character is destiny.
~ Heraclitus
That other person who we also are and yet can never attain to completely ... But we are confronted with that inner friend or foe, and whether he is our friend or our foe depends on ourselves.
~ Jung, CW 9ii, Para 235
We can act differently, if we want to.
~ Jung, CW 9ii, Para 114
“The ‘kingdom of heaven’ is not something lying ‘above the earth’ or coming ‘after death’. It does not have a yesterday or a day after tomorrow, and it will not arrive in a ‘thousand years’. It is an experience of the heart. It is everywhere and it is nowhere.”
~ F. Nietzsche
Art by Francisco de Zurbaran
20 神の国はいつ来るのかと、パリサイ人が尋ねたので、イエスは答えて言われた、「神の国は、見られるかたちで来るものではない。
21 また『見よ、ここにある』『あそこにある』などとも言えない。神の国は、実にあなたがたのただ中にあるのだ」。
21 また『見よ、ここにある』『あそこにある』などとも言えない。神の国は、実にあなたがたのただ中にあるのだ」。
もし神が存在しないなら、神を発明する必要がある。ーヴォルテール フランス人作家