


2021-03-19 07:52:22 | 心理学

CG Jung Foundation of NY

Heide M. Kolb, MA, LCSW, NCPsyAによる1日がかりのZoomセミナーです。
4CE コンタクトアワー NYS SWs, LPs & LCATs
このような文化的・個人的なコンプレックスが、私たちの生活や、援助職に就いている人にとっては患者さんの生活にどのような影響を与えているのかを一緒に考えてみましょう。 古いものが去り、新しいものが十分に形成されていないこの困難な時代を乗り切り、前進するために、どのようなツールや態度が役立つかに重点を置いていきます。

CG Jung Foundation of NY

Listening to This Moment in Time
Saturday, May 1, 2021   10:00 am– 3:00 pm
a daylong Zoom seminar led by Heide M. Kolb, MA, LCSW, NCPsyA 
4 CE contact hours NYS SWs, LPs & LCATs
A day of sharing, contemplation and meditation guided by Jungian thought on the spirit moving us in the here and now.
This seminar is an invitation to contemplate our current moment in time through a Jungian lens. Our method shall be a supportive group process guided by selected images from our recent collective experience. From the pandemic to looming ecological disasters, from cries for social justice to bitter divisions in families and country, the recent past confronted us with mortality, our own and of those we love, and forced us to live with uncertainty and “not knowing.” The adjustment to this “new normal” has taken a psychic toll. Suicides are on the rise. Experiences of panic, anxiety and hopelessness are common place. 
Together we will explore how activated cultural and personal complexes impact our lives and for those in the helping professions, also the lives of our patients.  We will place strong emphasis on what tools and attitudes can be helpful to navigate through and move forward in these challenging times where the old is on the way out and the new has not been fully formed.
