Why don’t you change? ~Krishnamurti
"私は、独自の道を歩む者の義務として、発見の航海で見つけたものを社会に知らせることがあると思っています。その発見の真偽を決めるのは、同時代の個人の批判ではなく、将来の世代である。今日はまだ真実ではないことがあり、おそらく我々はあえてそれを真実だとは思わないが、明日はそうなるかもしれない。だから、個人の道を歩むことを運命づけられたすべての人は、自分の孤独とその危険性を常に意識しながら、希望と警戒心を持って進まなければならない。" ~CGユング、CW7、パラ、201。
個性化する人].... は、自分の代わりに身代金を提供しなければなりません。つまり、集合的で個人的な領域における自分の不在に相当する代替物である価値を生み出さなければなりません。このような価値観の生成がなければ、最終的な個性化は不道徳であり、それ以上に自殺的である....
映画シリーズ「The Power of Myth」の編集長であり、ジョセフ・キャンベルのインタビュアーでもあるビル・モイヤーズが、英雄的行為によって旅がどのように進められるのかについて、目に見える憧れをもって尋ねたとき、キャンベルは2つの方法を挙げました。彼はこう言った。"「...(1つは)他の人の命を救うような、物理的な行為です。しかし、2つ目は精神的なものです。それは、人間の精神生活の超常的な範囲で何かを学んだり見つけたりして、戻ってきてそれを伝えた人のことである。"
"真に悟りを開いた人は、自分が卒業した世界から出て行くのではなく、他の人に奉仕し、人類の一般的な進歩を助けるための新たな動機を見つける。" ~マンリー・P・ホール
自分の中にある神聖な生命の認識として、真に建設的な労働を生み出すことは、すべての生物の義務である。" ~マンリー・P・ホール
I personally make no claims to change your mind. But can you honestly say that the information that I have shared to you post did not change your mind?
As Jung indicates here… once we’ve made good progress on our Individuation process we’re to share our findings with others.
“I feel it is the duty of one who goes his own way to inform society of what he finds on his voyage of discovery. Not the criticism of individual contemporaries will decide the truth or falsity of these discoveries, but future generations. There are things that are not yet true today, perhaps we dare not find them true, but tomorrow they may be. So every man whose fate it is to go his individual way must proceed with hopefulness and watchfulness, ever conscious of his loneliness and its dangers.” ~CG Jung, CW7, Para. 201.
[The individuating person].... must offer a ransom in place of himself, that is, he must bring forth values, which are an equivalent substitute for his absence in the collective, personal sphere. Without this production of values, final individuation is immoral and- more than that-suicidal....
Not only has society a right, it also has a duty to condemn the individuant if he fails to create equivalent values, for he is a deserter.... Individuation remains a pose so long as no values are created.
The individual is obliged by the collective demands to purchase his individuation at the cost of an equivalent work for the benefit of society. Only by accomplishing an equivalent is one exempt from the conventional, collective path. A person [who individuates] must accept the contempt of society until such time as he has accomplished his equivalent. ~Carl Jung, CW 15.
On the Hero's journey:
When Bill Moyers, the executive editor of the film series The Power of Myth, and the interviewer of Joseph Campbell, asked with such visible longing about how the journey is carried forward via the heroic deed, Campbell named two ways. He said: "... [One] is a physical deed, as in saving the life of another. But the second kind is spiritual. It is the one who has learned or found something in the supernormal range of human spiritual life, and then came back and communicated it."
~Clarissa Pinkola Estés in the Introduction to Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces
“If you are one of those people who has the ability to make it down to the bottom of the ocean, the ability to swim the dark waters without fear, the astonishing ability to move through life's worst crucibles and not die, then you also have the ability to bring something back to the surface that helps others in a way that they cannot achieve themselves.”
~Lidia Yuknavitch, The Misfit's Manifesto
"The truly enlightened person does not walk out of the world which he has outgrown, he finds new incentives to be of service to others and to assist the general progress of humanity." ~Manly P. Hall
"Life is consciousness and wisdom; and those who do not possess it are dead though they seem to live.
He who possesses the Truth shall still live though he seem to die.
Wisdom bestows immortality upon internal consciousness.
Immortality is not continuance in one body, but the continuance of consciousness through many bodies.
It is the duty of all living things to produce some truly constructive labor as recognition of the divine life which is within them." ~Manly P. Hall
The greatest privilege of a human life is to become a midwife to the awakening of the Soul in another person. ~Plato
ユングの思想に興味を持つことの7つの危険性 by Daryl Sharp
Inner City Booksの出版社であるDaryl Sharp氏の講演から。
ユングの思想に興味を持つことの7つの危険性」 ダリル・シャープ著
ユングの思想に興味を持つことの7つの危険性 by Daryl Sharp
[But it’s not depth psychology.]
Thursday, December 17, 2015
The Seven Dangers of Becoming Interested in Jung’s Ideas by Daryl Sharp
From a talk by Daryl Sharp, publisher of Inner City Books
Danger # 7: The seventh and final point on my list is the danger of lumping Jungian psychology in with the so-called New Age Movement. New Age is a convenient label invented by the media. It encompasses a potpourri of individual disciplines involved in the development of mind, spirit, and body. For the most part, New Age pursuits are about self-improvement – by which is meant becoming a better person – or esoteric techniques that promise deliverance from the woes of this world. To this end the New Age journals tout the use of pendulums, crystals, flower therapy and special kinds of food. Such concerns have nothing to do with psychology. The New Age Movement has also spawned a huge market for group experience. In the sixties and seventies there were Encounter Groups and not much else. Now there are groups for just about everything. I don’t doubt that the value in people sharing their traumatic experiences with others who have suffered in similar ways. That’s catharsis, and it has a place. But it’s not depth psychology. If there is any common denominator among those involved in New Age activities, it seems to be the search for a transformative experience. There’s nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, people tend to mistake temporarily heightened awareness for rebirth, when they are merely inflated with an overdose of previously unconscious material. I don’t think I’m against the development of mind, spirit or body – I just take issue with some of the means to that end. I do acknowledge that what is written in New Age journals may lead some people to depth psychology in general, and to Jung in particular. However, in my experience this is more likely to happen in reaction to what they read, not because of it, especially if they are looking for more than facile answers to their problems.
The Seven Dangers of Becoming Interested in Jung’s Ideas by Daryl Sharp
The Seven Dangers of Becoming Interested in Jung’s Ideas by Daryl Sharp
TRANSCRIPT: 私たちは、このエネルギーを妨げているものは何か、なぜ私たちには変化するためのエネルギー、意欲、激しさがないのか、ということを解明しようとしています。私たちは、なぜ人間には自分自身に根本的な変化をもたらすエネルギーがないのかを理解しようとしています。人間は、喧嘩をしたり、戦いをしたり、殺し合ったり、世界を分割したり、喧嘩をしたり、月に行ったりと、いくらでもエネルギーを持っています。彼らはエネルギーを持っていますが、明らかに彼ら自身を根本的に変えるエネルギーを持っていません。そこで私たちは、なぜ人間はこのような途方もないエネルギーを持っていないのか?このような質問をされたとき、あなたはどのように答えるでしょうか。私たちは、人間は十分なエネルギーを持っていると言いました。憎めば憎み、戦争になれば戦い、殺し、現実のものから逃れようとすれば、そこから逃げ出すエネルギーを持っています。思想、娯楽、神、酒など、現実のものから逃避したいときには、そこから逃げ出すエネルギーがある。彼は外界の環境を克服するための知性を持っている。彼は、海の底に降りることも、空に住むこともできるエネルギーを持っています。彼は生命エネルギーを持っていますが、明らかに彼は小さな習慣さえも変えるエネルギーを持っていません。なぜでしょう?私たちが変化するエネルギーを持っていないのは、そのエネルギーを自分自身の中の争いに散らしているからです。この話を少し聞いてください。私たちは何かを説得しようとしているのではなく、プロパガンダをしているのでもなく、古い考えを新しい考えに置き換えようとしているのでもなく、発見し、理解しようとしているのです。私たちは、自分たちが変化しなければならないことを理解しているのです。暴力や残虐性を例にとると、それは事実です。人間は残忍で暴力的であり、暴力的な社会を築いてきました。隣人を愛せとか、神を愛せとか、宗教的なナンセンスなことを言っても、それは単なるアイデアであって、何の価値もありません。そして、人間は暴力的であるがゆえに、その反対である暴力的でないものを発明するのです。見てください、私と一緒にこのことを少し考えてみましょう。暴力があり、彼はその反対のものを持っています。それは非暴力であり、暴力を振るわないことです。そして、彼は常に非暴力になろうと努力しています。つまり、暴力である「あるがまま」と、非暴力である「あるべき姿」の間には対立があるのです。この2つの間には対立があります。そしてそれこそが、エネルギーの無駄遣いの本質なのです。そうでしょう?あるべき姿」と「あるべき姿」の間に二重性がある限り、人間は「あるべき姿」になろうとしたり、「あるべき姿」を達成しようと努力したりしますが、その葛藤がエネルギーの浪費なのです。そうでしょう?それこそが浪費の本質なのです。反対のもの、二重性の間に対立がある限り、人間は変化するための十分なエネルギーを持っていません。では、なぜ反対のもの、つまり非暴力を理想とする必要があるのでしょうか?理想は非現実的であり、意味を持たず、様々な形の偽善につながるだけです。暴力を振るうことも、暴力を振るわないふりをすることも、何の意味もありません。あるいは、「私は理想主義者だ。最終的には平和になるだろう」と言う。それは立派な見せかけであり、言い訳です。何年もかかるか、あるいは一生暴力を振るわないでいられるかわからないからです。したがって、彼は偽善者となり、その間、彼は暴力を振るっていることになるのです。ですから、もし私たちが、抽象的なものではなく、実際にすべての理想を完全に脇に置いて、事実だけを扱うことができたら、と考えています。つまり、暴力です。そうすれば、エネルギーを無駄にすることはありません。どうか、これは本当に理解していただきたいことなのです。これは議長の特異な理論ではありません。彼は東洋の哲学を持ち込んでいる」などと言わないでください。人間が相反するものの回廊に住んでいる限り、エネルギーを浪費しなければならず、したがって決して変わることはできません。つまり、あなたは一息ですべてのイデオロギーを拭い去ってしまったのです。- すべての反対を。どうかこのことを理解してください。その中に入っていくと、本当に驚くべきことが起こります。怒っている人が、怒っていないふりをしたり、怒らないようになろうとしたりする。しかし、もし彼が「怒りとは何かを観察し、怒りの中に入り込み、怒りから逃れようとせず、怒りを合理化しよう」と言えば、あなたは...。そうすれば、怒りを理解し、怒りに終止符を打つためのエネルギーが生まれるのです」。
なぜ私たちには変化するエネルギーがないのでしょうか?| J. クリシュナムルティ
なぜ人は変わるエネルギーを持っていないのか?| J. クリシュナムルティ
なぜ、私たちには変化するエネルギーがないのか?| J. クリシュナムルティ
Why don't we have the energy to change? Extract from the first public meeting held in Amsterdam, May 3rd, 1969.
TRANSCRIPT: So we are going to find out what prevents this energy, why we have not the energy, the drive, the intensity to change. So we are concerned with the understanding of why human beings have not that energy to bring about a radical change in themselves. They have energy, any amount of it – to quarrel, to battle, to kill each other, to divide the world, to fight, to go to the moon. They’ve got energy, but apparently they have not the energy to change themselves radically. So we are asking why – why haven’t we as human beings, have this tremendous energy? I wonder, when you ask, when such a question is put to you, what your response is. We said man has enough energy. He does everything with great energy – when he hates, he hates; when there is a war he battles, kills; when he wants to escape from what is actually, he has the energy to run away from it – through ideas, through amusement, through gods, through drink. When he wants pleasure, sexual or otherwise, he pursues it with great energy. He has the intelligence to overcome outward environment. He has the energy to go down to the… live at the bottom of the sea or live in the skies. He has got vital energy, but apparently he has not this energy to change, even the smallest habit. Why? We haven’t the energy to change because we dissipate that energy in conflict within ourselves. Please listen to this a little bit. We are not trying to persuade you of anything, we are not doing propaganda, we are not replacing old ideas with new ideas, but we are trying to discover, understand. You see, we realize that we must change. So there is – let us take as an example violence, brutality – that is a fact. Human beings are brutal, violent and they have built a society which is violent, in spite of all the religious nonsense about loving your neighbour, loving God and all that, just ideas, they have no value whatsoever, because man remains brutal, violent, selfish – that’s a fact. And being violent he invents its opposite, which is not to be violent. Please watch, go into this yourself with me a little bit. There is violence and he has the opposite of it, which is non-violence, not to be violent. And he is trying all the time to become non-violent. So there is conflict between ‘what is’, which is violence, and ‘what should be’, which is non-violence. There is conflict between the two. And that is the very essence of the wastage of energy. Right? As long as there is a duality between ‘what is’ and ‘what should be’, man trying to become, or trying, making an effort to achieve ‘what should be’, that conflict is wastage of energy. Right? That is the very essence of wastage. As long as there is conflict between the opposites, the duality, man has not enough energy to change. So, why should I have the opposite at all, as non-violence, as the ideal? The ideal is non-real, it has no meaning, it only leads to various forms of hypocrisy. Being violent, pretending not to be violent has no meaning. Or to say, ‘Well, I am an idealist. I will eventually become peaceful.’ That is a great pretension, an excuse. For he’ll take many years or perhaps never be without violence. Therefore he becomes a hypocrite, and in the meantime he’s being violent. So if we could, not in abstraction but actually put aside completely all ideals and only deal with facts. That is, violence. Then there is no wastage of energy. Please, this is really very important to understand. It isn’t a peculiar theory of the Speaker. Don’t say, ‘Well, he brings some oriental philosophy’ – he doesn’t. As long as man lives in the corridor of opposites, he must waste energy and therefore he can never change. So with one breath you’ve wiped away all ideologies – right? – all opposites. Please do understand this. If you go into it, it is really quite extraordinary what takes place. A man who is angry, to pretend, or try to become non-angry, not to be angry, in that there is conflict going on all the time. But if he says, ‘I’ll observe what anger is, go into it, not try to escape from it, rationalize it.’ Then you have… then there is energy to understand and put an end to anger.
Why don't we have the energy to change? | J. Krishnamurti
Why don't we have the energy to change? | J. Krishnamurti
Why don't we have the energy to change? | J. Krishnamurti
スピリチュアル・バイパスは、スピリチュアリティの非常に根強い影であり、様々な形で現れますが、しばしばそのように認識されません。スピリチュアル・バイパスには、誇張された切り離し、感情の麻痺や抑圧、ポジティブなものへの過度の強調、怒り恐怖症、盲目的または過度に寛容な思いやり、弱いまたは多すぎる境界線、偏った発達(認知的知能が感情的および道徳的知能よりもはるかに優れていることが多い)、自分のネガティブな要素や影の要素に対する衰弱した判断、スピリチュアルなものに対する個人的なものの評価の低下、より高いレベルの存在に到達したという妄想などがあります。1960年代半ば以降、スピリチュアリティ、特に東洋的なスピリチュアリティへの関心が爆発的に高まったことに伴い、スピリチュアル・バイパスへの関心も高まりましたが、スピリチュアル・バイパスという名称はもちろん、そのように見られることもあまりありませんでした。スピリチュアル・バイパスは、宗教を超えた、精神的に高度な実践/視点として、特に『ザ・シークレット』のような流行の現象に象徴される、安易なファストフード的なスピリチュアリティの中で、より簡単に組み立てることができました。例えば、"Don't take it personally"、"Whatever both bothers you about someone is really only about you"、"It's all just an illusion "のような、再加熱された知恵のドライブスルーサービスは、誰でも消費し、オウムのように唱えることができます。幸いなことに、間違った、あるいは表面的なスピリチュアリティの概念との蜜月は終わり始めています。十分な数のバブルが崩壊し、東洋と西洋のスピリチュアルな教師がズボンや後光を下げているのを見られ、十分な数のカルトが生まれては消え、スピリチュアルなつまらないもの、資格、エネルギー伝送、グルセントリズムに十分な時間が費やされ、より深い宝物を感じることができるようになりました。しかし、より本物のスピリチュアリティを求める気持ちは大切ですが、そのような変化は、スピリチュアルなバイパスが脱却されるまで、大きな規模で発生し、本当に根付くことはありません。それは、私たちが痛みから目をそらし、自分自身を麻痺させ、スピリチュアリティが私たちを良くすることを期待することをやめることを要求するため、それは聞こえるかもしれませんが簡単ではありません。
The OP is typical New-agey spiritual bypassing:
Spiritual bypassing, a term first coined by psychologist John Welwood in 1984, is the use of spiritual practices and beliefs to avoid dealing with our painful feelings, unresolved wounds, and developmental needs. It is much more common than we might think and, in fact, is so pervasive as to go largely unnoticed, except in its more obvious extremes. Part of the reason for this is that we tend not to have very much tolerance, both personally and collectively, for facing, entering, and working through our pain, strongly preferring pain-numbing “solutions,” regardless of how much suffering such “remedies” may catalyze. Because this preference has so deeply and thoroughly infiltrated our culture that it has become all but normalized, spiritual bypassing fits almost seamlessly into our collective habit of turning away from what is painful, as a kind of higher analgesic with seemingly minimal side effects. It is a spiritualized strategy not only for avoiding pain but also for legitimizing such avoidance, in ways ranging from the blatantly obvious to the extremely subtle.
Spiritual bypassing is a very persistent shadow of spirituality, manifesting in many ways, often without being acknowledged as such. Aspects of spiritual bypassing include exaggerated detachment, emotional numbing and repression, overemphasis on the positive, anger-phobia, blind or overly tolerant compassion, weak or too porous boundaries, lopsided development (cognitive intelligence often being far ahead of emotional and moral intelligence), debilitating judgment about one’s negativity or shadow elements, devaluation of the personal relative to the spiritual, and delusions of having arrived at a higher level of being. The explosion of interest in spirituality, especially Eastern spirituality, since the mid-1960s has been accompanied by a corresponding interest and immersion in spiritual bypassing—which has, however, not very often been named, let alone viewed, as such. It has been easier to frame spiritual bypassing as a religion-transcending, spiritually advanced practice/perspective, especially in the facile fast-food spirituality epitomized by faddish phenomena like The Secret. Some of the more glaringly plastic features of this, such as its drive-through servings of reheated wisdom like “Don’t take it personally” or “Whatever bothers you about someone is really only about you” or “It’s all just an illusion,” are available for consumption and parroting by just about anyone. Happily, the honeymoon with false or superficial notions of spirituality is starting to wane. Enough bubbles have been burst; enough spiritual teachers, Eastern and Western, have been caught with pants or halo down; enough cults have come and gone; enough time has been spent with spiritual baubles, credentials, energy transmissions, and gurucentrism to sense deeper treasures. But valuable as the desire for a more authentic spirituality is, such change will not occur on any significant scale and really take root until spiritual bypassing is outgrown, and that is not as easy as it might sound, for it asks that we cease turning away from our pain, numbing ourselves, and expecting spirituality to make us feel better.