- フリードリヒ・ニーチェ
There are no facts, only interpretations.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
"事実が先、理論が後」というのがユングの仕事の基調です。彼は最初で最後の経験主義者なのです」。この見解には私も賛成です。~カール・ユング British Medical Journal (9 February 1952), CW 18, Page 664より引用
いくつかアドバイスをしてもいいですか?言葉にとらわれず、事実のみにとらわれなさい。~C.G.ユング ~カール・ユング『書簡集』第2巻、475ページ
"あなたは、私が何よりもまず経験主義者であり、経験的な理由だけで西洋と東洋の神秘主義の問題に導かれたことを忘れているようだ。" ~カール・ユング『手紙』第1巻195ページは1935年9月7日に書かれています。
"私は本当の知識を求めているので、検証できない憶測はすべて避けている。" ~ C.G.ユング ~カール・ユング『書簡集』第二巻、179-180ページ
ルース・フライは1950年代にチューリッヒに留学していたとき、ユングと会話したことを報告しています。彼は、自分の理論を一般に公開する前に、必ず14年間のテストを行うと言っていました。彼は能動的な想像力についても同じように、14年間、経験的、科学的にテストしたのです。~ フライ、R.T.(1974)「能動的想像力の瞑想を教える」、24ページ
"Facts first and theories later is the keynote of Jung's work. He is an empiricist first and last." This view meets with my approval. ~Carl Jung citing British Medical Journal (9 February 1952), CW 18, Page 664
May I give you some advice? Don’t get caught by words, only by facts. ~C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 475
It is so difficult to establish facts that I detest anything that obscures them. ~C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 179-180
The empiricist only speaks of data that can be determined with sufficient certainty, and from these data he tries to crystallize out characteristics of the as yet unknown. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 445-449
"You seem to forget that I am first and foremost an empiricist, who was led to the question of Western and Eastern mysticism only for empirical reasons." ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 195 was written on 7 September 1935.
“I seek real knowledge and therefore avoid all unverifiable speculation.” ~ C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 179-180
Ruth Fry reports a conversation with Jung when she was studying in Zurich sometime in the 1950s. He told her he always tested his theories for a period of fourteen years before he shared them with the public. He did the same thing with active imagination, that is, he tested it empirically and scientifically for fourteen years. ~ Fry, R. T. (1974) ‘Teaching active imagination meditation,’ Page 24
(I am the Progress of my experiences)
"I am not a philosopher… but an empiricist who describes the progress of his experiences; thus my work has no absolute beginning and no all-encompassing end."
~C.G. Jung, Letter to Cassani, 07/13/1954
"Psychology to me is an empirical science. I observe but I do not invent… The psyche is greater than myself; it is not in the hollow of my hand." ~C.G. Jung, Dream Seminars, p.511
There is not one single thing in my psychology which is not substantiated essentially by actual experiences. ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 465.
I am essentially an empiricist and have discovered to my cost that when people do not understand me they think I have seen visions. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 121-122