もしあなたが死を受け入れるならば、それは完全に霜の降りた夜と不安な心配のようなものですが、甘いブドウでいっぱいのブドウ園の中の霜の降りた夜なのです。あなたはすぐに自分の富に喜びを感じるでしょう。死は熟す。果実を収穫できるようになるには、死が必要です。死がなければ、人生は意味のないものになってしまう。なぜなら、長く続くものが再び立ち上がり、自らの意味を否定するからだ。存在するためには、そして自分の存在を楽しむためには、死が必要であり、限界があるからこそ自分の存在を満たすことができるのである。" ~カール・ユング『赤い本』274-275ページ
では、老人は死に対してどのように振る舞えばよいのでしょうか。数多くの老人を診てきたユングは、自分の年齢を重ねることに何年も悩んできました。そんな彼にとっては、日々の生活を大切にして、終わりは避けられないと前を向いて生きるしかありませんでした。それをしない人は、死を前にして生きる自信を失い、後ろ向きになり、体が硬くなって、生きているうちに死んでしまう。" ~ゲルハルト・ヴェール『ユング』より
~ライナー・マリア・リルケ(Rainer Maria Rilke
人生の真昼の秘密の時間に起こることは、放物線の反転であり、死の誕生であるから...生きたいと思わないことは、死にたいと思わないことと同じである。生きたいと思わないことは、死にたいと思わないことと同じであり、なることと去ることは同じ曲線である。~カール・ユング『Liber Novus』274ページ、脚注75。
男と女がお互いの心を壊すのはそのためです...しかし、私たちはそれをただの変態的なゲームだと思いがちですが、そうではなく、あなたの愛着を壊すための神のプロセスなのです。できればあなたの心を壊したい...あなたが純粋になるために。誰かの心が折れたとき、彼らは "I'm finished. "と言います。~バリー・ロング
"Barry Long|The Way to Enlightenment", Youtube, 1:16:50 min.
Of all the Types of loss we have to face in life ,the loss of a beloved pet is one of the most profound. Over the years there have been many dogs and cats, the children with their rabbits and guinea pigs. Now the Grand children with mice, hamsters and gold fish.
Every so often we get a sad phone call or message that some little person is no more. Does the Group have experiences they could share to help all animal lovers during such emotional times?
“We need the coldness of death to see clearly. Life wants to live and to die, to begin and to end. You are not forced to live eternally; but you can also die, since there is a will in you for both. Life and death must strike a balance in your existence. Today's men need a large slice of death, since too much incorrectness lives in them, and too much correctness died in them. What stays in balance is correct, what disturbs balance is incorrect. But if balance has been attained, then that which preserves it is incorrect and that which disturbs it is correct. Balance is at once life and death. For the completion of life a balance with death is fitting. If I accept death, then my tree greens, since dying increases life. If I plunge into the death encompassing the world, then my buds break open. How much our life needs death!
Joy at the smallest things comes to you only when you have accepted death. But if you look out greedily for all that you could still live, then nothing is great enough for your pleasure, and the smallest things that continue to surround you are no longer a joy. Therefore I behold death, since it teaches me how to live.
If you accept death, it is altogether like a frosty night and an anxious misgiving, but a frosty night in a vineyard full of sweet grapes. You will soon take pleasure in your wealth. Death ripens. One needs death to be able to harvest the fruit. Without death, life would be meaningless, since the long-lasting rises again and denies its own meaning. To be, and to enjoy your being, you need death, and limitation enables you to fulfill your being.” ~Carl Jung, Red Book, Pages 274-275
“Finally the Freeman interview led to the question of death. According to Jung, psychologically speaking, it is, with birth, an equally integral component of life. From this point of view death represents a kind of gate. Whoever does not want to go through it shirks life itself; by his denial of death he makes his life meaningless.
But how should an old person behave toward death? Jung's advice was clear: having treated innumerable old people and having been concerned himself for years with mastering his own age, for him there was only one way to live from day to day and look ahead, inevitable as the end my be. Those who do not do this, robbing themselves of their confidence in life in the face of death, look backward, grow stiff, and die while they are still alive.” ~Gerhard Wehr, “Jung”
Death is our friend precisely because it brings us into absolute and passionate presence with all that is here, that is natural, that is love… Life always says Yes and No simultaneously. Death (I implore you to believe) is the true Yea-sayer. It stands before eternity and says only: Yes.”
~Rainer Maria Rilke
Since what takes place in the secret hour of life's midday is the reversal of the parabola, the birth of death …Not wanting to live is identical with not wanting to die. Becoming and passing away is the same curve. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 274, Footnote 75.
“The heart center… is the source of all unhappiness. Our hearts are filled with wrong thinking, not natural, attachments to our sentimental things. If you loose it then it will break your heart. So your heart cannot be very healthy if it can get broken, can it? The reason that your heart has to be broken is to get rid of the emotion in it, the sentiment, the wrong love. So everybody’s heart has to be broken before they can find the truth and be enlightened.
It’s the reason men and women break each other’s hearts… but we tend to think it’s just a perverse game but its not, it’s by divine process to break your attachments. I will break your heart if I can… so that you will be pure. When someone heart is broken they say “I’m finished.” ~Barry Long
“Barry Long | The Way to Enlightenment”, Youtube, 1:16:50 min.