


2021-06-11 18:33:16 | 心理学




We must read the Bible or we shall not understand psychology. Our psychology, whole lives, our language and imagery are built

upon the Bible. Carl Jung, The Visions Seminar Vol. 1; Page 156







If, aside from your work, you read a good book, as one reads the Bible, it can become a bridge for you leading inwards, along which good things may flow to you such as you perhaps cannot now imagine. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 434.

One finds, besides, a lot of things about this in the Bible itself: there are more things in the Bible than the theologians can admit. ~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 410-423

As most people know, one of the basic principles of analytical psychology is that dream-images are to be understood symbolically; that is to say, one must not take them literally, but must surmise a hidden meaning in them. ~Carl Jung; Symbols of Transformation; para 4.

My personal religious convictions are not shaken in the slightest by the fearful contradictions in the Biblical texts. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 87.






しかし、無意識の自然なシンボルを研究することは、必要な素材を与えてくれるのです。-カール・ユング 心理学と宗教 89ページ。147-148ページ


The psychological situation from which we started is tantamount to "Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here" (Luke 24:5f.). But where shall we find the risen Christ?

I do not expect any believing Christian to pursue these thoughts of mine any further, for they will probably seem to him absurd. I am not, however, addressing myself to the happy possessors of faith, but to those many people for whom the light has gone out the mystery has faded, and God is dead.

For most of them there is no going back, and one does not know either whether going back is always the better way.

To gain an understanding of religious matters, probably all that is left us today is the psychological approach.
That is why I take these thought forms that have become historically fixed, try to melt them down again and pour them into molds of immediate experience.

It is certainly a difficult undertaking to discover connecting links between dogma and immediate experience of psychological archetypes, but a study of the natural symbols of the unconscious gives us the necessary raw material. -Carl Jung: Psychology and Religion. Page 89. Paras 147-148.


人生全体、言語やイメージは聖書の上に成り立っている。" ~カール・ユング『ヴィジョン・セミナー』

