


2021-09-07 01:04:52 | 心理学

"..We see the same theme operating at times in the psychotherapeutic relationship. Perhaps a negative or rebellious reaction has emerged towards the analyst. Such a reaction may be accompanied by a great deal of guilt and anxiety, particularly if the analyst is carrying the projection of archetypal authority. To express a negative reaction with genuine affect in these circumstances is felt to be very similar to the crime against the gods. It will seem to be a dangerous act of inflation certain to bring retribution. But at some point unless the forbidden fruit is eaten, unless one dares to steal the fire from the gods, he will remain stuck in a dependent transference and development will not proceed."

Edward Edinger Ego and Archetype


エドワード・エジンガー 自我と元型


*Adam and Prometheus*(アダムとプロメテウス
創世記の記述によると、神は人間をエデンの園に入れてこう言った。「しかし、善悪の知識の木は食べてはならない。食べた日に死ぬからである」。その後、アダムの肋骨からエバが創造され、エバが蛇に誘惑されて、「あなたは死ぬことはありません。神は、あなたがその実を食べるとき、あなたの目が開かれ、神のようになり、善悪を知るようになることをご存じだからです。" と告げました。そこで、アダムとイブはその実を食べました。「二人はいちじくの葉を縫い合わせてエプロンを作った。神は彼らの不従順を発見し、彼らに呪いをかけたが、それに続いて次のような重要な言葉がある。「そこで、神は男をエデンの園から追い出し、自分が取られた土地を耕させた。神は男を追い出し、エデンの園の東側にケルビムと縦横に回る炎の剣を置いて、命の木への道を守った」18。
*Adam and Prometheus*
What follows the state of original inflation is presented vividly in mythology. An excellent example is the Garden of Eden myth which, significantly is called the fall of man. About this myth Jung writes:
There is deep doctrine in the legend of the Fall; it is the expression of a dim presentiment that the emancipation of ego consciousness was a Luciferian deed. Man’s whole history consists from the very beginning in a conflict between his feeling of inferiority and his arrogance.17
According to the account in Genesis, God put man in the garden of Eden saying: “You may freely eat of every tree in the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.” Then follows the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib and Eve’s temptation by the serpent who told her “You will not die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” So Adam and Eve ate the fruit. “Then the eyes of both were opened and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons.” God discovered their disobedience and put the curse upon them following which are these significant words. “Then the Lord God said, ‘Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever’-therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken. He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.”18
This is the myth which stands at the beginning of the Hebrew branch of our cultural tradition and it is rich in psychological meaning. The Garden of Eden is comparable to the Greek myth of the golden age and Plato’s original round man. The Garden of Eden has certain features of a mandala with four rivers flowing from it and the tree of life in its center (Plate 1). The mandala-garden is an image of the Self, in this case representing the ego’s original oneness with nature and deity. It is the initial, unconscious, animal state of being at one with one’s Self. It is paradisal because consciousness has not yet appeared and hence there is no conflict. The ego is contained in the womb of the Self (Picture 3).
Another feature indicating original wholeness is the creation of Eve out of Adam. Clearly, Adam was originally hermaphroditic, otherwise a woman could not have been made from him. It is likely that we have here vestiges of an earlier myth in which the original man was definitely hermaphroditic. Undoubtedly this earlier myth was modified by the one-sided patriarchal attitude of the Hebrews which depreciated the feminine component of the psyche, reducing it to no more than a rib of Adam. Adam’s separation into masculine and feminine components is a process which is parallel and equivalent to his separation from the paradise garden. In any case the effect is that man becomes separated and alienated from his original wholeness.
The drama of temptation and fall begins when the original state of passive inflation turns into the active inflation of a specific deed. The serpent’s whole approach and appeal is expressed in inflationary terms-when you eat of this fruit, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God. So the fruit of the tree is eaten and the inevitable consequences unfold. It all begins because Adam and Eve dare to act on their desire to be like God.
The myth depicts the birth of consciousness as a crime which alienates man from God and from his original preconscious wholeness. The fruit is clearly symbolical of consciousness. It is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which means that it brings awareness of the opposites, the specific feature of consciousness. Thus, according to this myth and the theological doctrines that rest on it, consciousness is the original sin, the original hybris, and the root cause of all evil in human nature. However, others have understood it differently. The Ophites, a Gnostic sect, worshipped the serpent. They had essentially the same view as modern psychology. To them the serpent represented the spiritual principle symbolizing redemption from bondage to the demiurge that created the Garden of Eden and would keep man in ignorance. The serpent was considered good and Yahweh bad. Psychologically the serpent is the principle of gnosis, knowledge or emerging consciousness. The serpent’s temptation represents the urge to selfrealization in man and symbolizes the principle of individuation. Some Gnostic sects even identified the serpent in the Garden of Eden with Christ.
Eating the forbidden fruit marks the transition from the eternal state of unconscious oneness with the Self (the mindless, animal state) to a real, conscious life in space and time. In short, the myth symbolizes the birth of the ego. The effect of this birth process is to alienate the ego from its origins. It now moves into a world of suffering, conflict and uncertainty. No wonder we are reluctant to take the step to greater consciousness (Picture 4).
Another feature of the “fall” into consciousness is that Adam and Eve became aware of their nakedness. Sexuality and the instincts in general suddenly become taboo and objects of shame. Consciousness as a spiritual principle has created a counterpole to natural, instinctive animal function. Duality, dissociation and repression have been born in the human psyche simultaneously with the birth of consciousness. This means simply that consciousness in order to exist in its own right must, initially at least, be antagonistic to the unconscious. This insight teaches us that all utopian psychological theories which assume that the human personality can be whole and healthy if only it is not subject to sexual and instinctual repressions in childhood are wrong. The innate and necessary stages of psychic development require a polarization of the opposites, conscious vs unconscious, spirit vs. nature.
But our survey of the myth of the fall is not complete if we leave it with the image of Adam and Eve sadly taking up their hard life in the world of reality, earning their bread by the sweat of their brow and bringing forth children in pain. There were two trees in the garden of Eden, not only the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but also the tree of life. And indeed Yahweh demonstrated some anxiety that man might discover the second tree and partake of its blessings. What can this mean? There is an interesting legend concerning the tree of life reported in Ginsberg’s Legends of the Jews which offers some insight on the question:
In paradise stands the tree of life and the tree of knowledge, the latter forming a hedge about the former. Only he who has cleared a path for himself through the tree of knowledge can come close to the tree of life which is so huge that it would take a man five hundred years to traverse a distance equal to the diameter of the trunk, and no less vast is the space shaded by its crown of branches. From beneath flows forth the water that irrigates the whole earth, parting thence into four streams, the Ganges, the Nile, the Tigris, and the Euphrates.19
Legends growing up around a myth often amplify and elaborate aspects left out in the original story, as though the collective psyche needed to round out the picture and clarify the full symbolic meaning. Such, I think, is the case with the legend quoted. The Biblical account gives a quite ambiguous picture concerning the relation between the tree of knowledge and the tree of life. This legend presents a much clearer and satisfying image. The legend presents the tree of life as an omphalos or world navel, analogous to the world tree Yggdrasil. The Bible tells us that the fruit of the tree of life conveys immortality. Adam and Eve were immortal before the fall, but they were also unconscious. If they can eat the fruit of the tree of life after the fall, they have achieved both consciousness and immortality. Yahweh is opposed to any such infringement on his realm and sets up the cherubim with the flaming sword as an obstacle. However the Jewish legend quoted gives us some hint as to how the tree of life can be found. It can be reached by clearing a path through the hedge-like tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That is, one must repeatedly accept the temptation of the serpent, repeatedly eat the fruit of knowledge and in that way eat his way through to the tree of life. In other words, the recovery of our lost wholeness can only be achieved by tasting and assimilating the fruits of consciousness to the full.
The myth of the fall expresses a pattern and a process not just of the original birth of consciousness out of the unconscious, but also of the process that one goes through in one form or another with every new increment of consciousness. I believe with the Ophites that it is onesided to depict Adam and Eve just as shameful orchard thieves. Their action could equally be described as an heroic one. They sacrifice the passive comfort of obedience for greater consciousness. The serpent does indeed prove to be a benefactor in the long run if we grant consciousness a greater value than comfort.

