MarkPassioによる「TheMatrixTrilogy Decoded」は、2012年9月15日に録音されました。このビデオでは、MarkPassioが「TheMatrix」映画の隠された意味を分析しています。このビデオを見る前および/または後に3つの映画すべてを見ると、より良いサービスが得られます。このイベントは、2013年4月にフィラデルフィアで開催される「FreeYour Mind2Conference」の募金活動として開催されました。これは、私たちの世界の問題に光を当て、力を与える解決策を提示する、全国からの優秀な内部告発者をフィーチャーした3日間の会議です。このユニークなイベントは、2011年の最初の「FreeYour Mind Conference」の成功に基づいて構築され、意識、マインドコントロール、破壊的なオカルトの影響、ホリスティックなボディ-マインド-スピリットヘルス、そして、これらの困難な時代に人類が直面する問題へのソリューション指向のアプローチ。チケット数に限りがございますので、お越しいただける場合は事前にご購入ください。参加できないが、この会議のサポートを希望する場合は、Donations @ FreeYourMindConference.comに電子メールを送信して寄付を行ってください。あなたのマインドカンファレンスのウェブサイトを解放する:
隠された秘密を説明しようとしたスピリチュアルなSF、ここではMark Passioによるm@trixから抜け出すための素晴らしい興味深い解釈が紹介されています。私はこのような深い会話が大好きです。
The Spiritual sci fiction that tried to eplain the hidden secrets, here an awesome interesting interpretation, of getting out of the m@trix by Mark Passio. I love all this deep conversations
1.52.30-ネオは、あまりにも多くのセンティネル(眠っている「死んだ」ゾンビ)がいて、どうやって倒せばいいのかわからないと言います。最後に彼は、正面からでは勝てないから、Go up, over them. そうすることで、低いレベルの意識を乗り越え、実際にそれを超越して、その高い視点から、下界で起こっていることを変えようとするのです。だからネオは、上に行け、彼らの上に行け、空だ。空が唯一の道だ。
1.48—the good news about the allegory of the Matrix trilogy is that it also shows us the key which tells us how we can get out of that prison society that has been built up all around us.
2.00—each movie answers a different question. The first movie answers the question WHAT ‘is’ the Matrix?
The second movie answers the question WHY are we IN the Matrix? What are the causal factors that led to this condition?
The third film answers the question HOW do we ‘get out’ of the Matrix?
4.30—agents ‘of the state’ in the Matrix, represent people who are doing the bidding of the control system. (Agent Mr. Smith Effect)
1.46.30—Neo and Trinity are to take a ship called the Logos to the mainframe of the machine city. (to save Zion)
1.47.00—Neo is blinded by an electrical cable so he no longer has his (5 senses) physical vision but has to rely on his spiritual and intuitive nature.
1.48.30—the machine sentinels attack the ‘awakened’ city of Zion and these machines represent the number of people who are still totally attached to the system of control in our world and who will give over all of their energy and of their bodies for the perpetuation of that control and those numbers are so overwhelmingly vast that it is literally like being up against a plague of locusts… and that’s what that represents. So few are woken up to the evil of their actions that they will do the bidding of the machine consciousness full-bore no matter what it means, even if it means the destruction of humanity.
1.51.24—Neo and Trinity approach the main city and we can see how there are three main pipes that lead from the power plants where all the people are plugged into and giving their energy to the Machine City which is very far away from the power plants. This represents something very profound. There are three channels, three forms of energy that the machine consciousness is feeding on through us and that is our thoughts, our emotions and our actions. They feed on our mental energy of us giving our thoughts over to their way of thinking and their world view. Our emotions, they want to wire our emotions all up in a ball to that they can feed on that… and our actions, we give our physical energy over to the Machine world or to the control system.
1.52.30—Neo says there are way too many Sentinels (asleep ‘dead’ zombies) I don’t know how I’m going to beat them. Finally he says we can’t beat them head on so, Go up, over them. (rise above the dark energy which is rising up to a higher level of consciousness and in doing so you are going over that low level of consciousness you are actually transcending it to work with it from that higher perspective to try to change what’s going on down there. So Neo says go up, go over them, The sky. Is the only way.
1.53.25—the ship Logos then crashes upon re-entry into the atmosphere and this is very symbolic. Logos is a Greek term for Word. The Word. And the most powerful word is ‘no’ and that’s what this ship represents by crashing, saying no, that we need to be saying to the system. The death of care, Trinity dies when the Logos ship crashes and therefore not saying no is the death of the heart (not caring)… then because saying no has failed a sacrifice is required and this is what’s going to happen if we don’t say no, that a sacrifice is going to be required if we can’t avert that… but if enough do not say no, then a small portion will fight for the whole.
Neo says to the Machine, this program Smith has grown beyond even your control where death will destroy everything and Smith will eventually even control and destroy this machine city as he has the Matrix. Neo says “you cannot stop him but I can” so he tires to make a deal with the machine mind and says I’ll take care of the Smith problem if you’ll agree to free Zion and not destroy Zion. The machines ask him what he wants and Neo says he wants peace.
Neo gets plugged into the machine mainframe and goes to deal with Smith.
Smith asks; Why do you get up, why do you keep fighting, why do you persist? Neo says, because I choose to.
Free-will, sustained will power. Because it’s the right thing to do.
That’s the key to getting out of the Matrix. It may require sacrifice of giving everything you have.
Then Neo allows Smith to enter him and the machines can then locate the Smith virus and eliminate the Smith program and that’s what they do and Smith and all of the Smith replicas also blow up and they form a cross of light because this is about sacrifice, about completely giving of oneself in a messianic act. An act of willingness to save others.
2.01.40-最後のシーンは、予言者とアーキテクトの会話です。託宣は「さて、ザイオンの人々は自由になったが、他の人々はどうだろう?マトリックスにつながったままの人たちはどうなるのだろう。アーキテクトが取引を仲介したのは、ネオがスミスを抹殺したからだ。ネオはスミスを抹殺することで死を克服し、光は闇を克服したのである。アーキテクトが出した答えは、3部作の深遠なエンディングメッセージとなっている。アーキテクトはオラクルに向かって、"出たがっている者は解放される "と言います。つまり、支配のシステムから抜け出したいと願う者が、すべての始まりとなるのだ。意志の選択
The Mr. Smith Effect (Escape The Matrix)
ノイローゼとは内面の分裂であり、一人の自己と闘っている状態である。... 人を自分との戦いに駆り立てるものは、自分が互いに対立する二人の人間から成り立っているという直観や知識である。~カール・ユング『魂を求めた現代人』242ページ。
~YouTube video...Carl Jung - Approaching The Unconscious, at 15:20 min mark
"人が「コンプレックスを持っている」ということは、今では誰もが知っていることです。あまり知られていないが、理論的にははるかに重要なことは、コンプレックスが私たちを持っているということだ。" ~カール・ユング(1934a, p.96)
2.00.28—Anderson = Son of man. ‘Ander’=man. He is the Christ figure, the savior figure, the messianic figure. The Christ consciousness. Neo is the Christ consciousness that is willing to give everything in order to create a change in the world.
Zion is saved and the war is finally over and they can go on with their lives.
2.01.40—the final scene is with the Oracle and the Architect. The Oracle says “well, the people of Zion are free but what about the others? What about the people who are still connected to the Matrix, what’s going to happen to them, the ones who want out?” The Architect has brokered a deal because of what Neo has done by eradicating Smith. Neo has conquered death by eradicating Smith, light has conquered dark. The answer the Architect gives is the profound ending message of the trilogy. He says to the Oracle, “the ones who want out will be freed.” So in other words those who will WANT to get out of the system of control is where it will all start. (that choice of will)
2.03.20—Mark offers another question; ultimately, not symbolically but in the real world, who is the ‘one’? and the answer is, you are. (we all have to choose to leave the system… and in doing so it breaks the complexes that form the mind control that keeps us from seeing the Matrix for what it really is.)
“The movie The Matrix was a blockbuster hit and timeless classic which depicted many hidden and blatant messages surrounding the functioning of society and the matrix we live in. In this movie, Agent Smith served as an all-powerful program used to monitor and defend the matrix at work. You might be surprised, or not so surprised, to find that there are many Agent Smith's in your current life. You could even be your own Agent Smith. Learn how this program operates and how to spot it.”
The Mr. Smith Effect (Escape The Matrix)
The Mr. Smith Effect (Escape The Matrix)
The Mr. Smith Effect (Escape The Matrix)
We’ve all encountered the “Mr. Smith Effect” where we’re having a conversation with someone and all is going well but then the topic of politics or religion or some other herd-narrative social group comes up and the person we’re talking with suddenly shifts into a “talking head” for that Collective Norm which we know is not the real person talking but the Herd-narrative robotically speaking out of the person in a form of an automaton.
This is a form of neurotic behavior where the person we personally know has suddenly morphed into “Mr. Smith” who regurgitates the herd-narrative and then finally comes back into their “own skin” and has no recollection of what just transpired.
How would we recognize a neurotic condition? The behavior of a person acting as two different people who don’t know of each other. Jekyll and Hyde is a good analogy.
“We too can become dissociated and lose our identity. We can become possessed and altered by moods, or become unreasonable and unable to recall important facts about ourselves or others , so that people ask: "What the devil has got into you?" We talk about being able to "control ourselves" but self-control is a rare and remarkable virtue. We may think we have ourselves under control; yet a friend can easily tell us things about ourselves of which we have no knowledge.”
~CG Jung, Man and His Symbols.
Neurosis is Self-division. ~CG Jung, CW 7, Para 18
Neurosis is an inner cleavage - the state of being at war with one- self. ... What drives people to war with themselves is the intuition or the knowledge that they consist of two persons in opposition to one another. ~Carl Jung; Modern Man in Search of a Soul, Page 242.
Complexes are repressed emotional themes that can cause constant psychological disturbances or even in many cases symptoms of a neurosis.
~YT vid…Carl Jung - Approaching The Unconscious, at 15:20 min mark
“Everyone knows nowadays that people ‘have complexes’. What is not so well known, though far more important theoretically, is that complexes have us.” ~Carl Jung (1934a, p. 96)
It is on such evidence that psychologists assume the existence of an unconscious psyche — though many scientists and philosophers deny its existence. They argue naively that such an assumption implies the existence of two "subjects" or (to put it in a common phrase) two personalities within the same individual. But this is exactly what it does imply—quite correctly. And it is one of the curses of modern man that many people suffer from this divided personality. It is by no means a pathological symptom; it is a normal fact that can be observed at any time and everywhere. It is not merely the neurotic whose right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. This predicament is a symptom of a general unconsciousness that is the undeniable common inheritance of all mankind.
~CG Jung, Man and His Symbols, page 23.
20.26-- ...さて、これは本当の人格ではありません。人々はこれがすべて本物であり、正直であると確信しているにもかかわらず、そうではないのです。しかし、もしあなたがこの事実を意識していないのであれば、あなたは非常に不愉快な争いに巻き込まれることになり、つまり、人々は家でそのことに気づかずにはいられないのです。しかし、この事実を意識しないでいると、非常に不愉快な争いに陥ります。つまり、例えば、家でのあなたは公の場でのあなたとは全く違うことに、人々は気づかずにはいられないのです。そして、それを知らない人々は、結局、そのことにつまずきます。家の中で親密な関係にあるときの男なのか、それとも公の場に現れる男なのか、それはジキルとハイドの問題なのか。多くの場合、二重人格と言えるほどの違いがあります...そして、それが顕著になればなるほど、人はノイローゼになってしまいます。神経症になるのは、2つの異なる方法を持っていて、常に自分自身に矛盾を抱えているからです。自分でも気づかないうちに、自分は1つだと思っているのに、誰もが自分が2つであることに気づいているのです...そして、ある人は彼のことを1つの面でしか知らず、別の人は彼のことをもう1つの面でしか知らない。~CGユング、ユーチューブ1990年のドキュメンタリー「The World Within - C.G. Jung in His Own Words」。
The World Within - C. G. Jung In His Own Words(内なる世界-C.G.ユング、自らの言葉で)。
The World Within - C. G. Jung In His Own Words(内なる世界-C.G.ユング、自らの言葉で)。
"多くの人は、自分が考えていると思っているが、単に偏見を並べ替えているだけである。" ~ウィリアム・ジェームズ
Often you have great trouble even to make out to what type a man belongs, either because he is very well balanced or he is very neurotic.
The last one is hard because when you are neurotic, then you have always a certain dissociation of personality.
And then too, the people themselves don't know when they react consciously or when they react unconsciously.
So you can talk to somebody, and you think he is conscious.
He knows what he says, and to your amazement you discover after a while that he is quite unconscious of it, doesn't know it.
It is a long and painstaking procedure to find out of what a man is conscious and of what he is not conscious, because the unconscious plays in him all the time.
Certain things are conscious; certain things are unconscious; but you can't always tell.
You have to ask people, "Now are you conscious of what you say?"
Or, "Did you notice?"
And you discover suddenly that there are quite a number of things that he didn't know at all.
For instance, certain people have many reasons; everybody can see them. They themselves don't know it at all. ~Carl Jung, Evans Conversations, Page 23.
20.26-- …now, this is not the real personality in spite of the fact that people have been assured that this is all quite real and quite honest and yet it is not. Now, such a performance of the persona is quite alright as long as you know that you are not identical with the way in which you appear… but if you are unconscious of this fact then you get into very disagreeable conflicts namely that people can’t help noticing that at home, for instance, you are quite different from what you appear to be in public, and people who don’t know it stumble over it in the end, they deny that they are like that but they are like that, they are it… then you don’t know, now, which is the real man? Is he the man as he is at home in intimate relations or is he the man that appears in public, it is a question of Jekyll and Hyde? Often there is such a difference that you would be able to speak of a double personality… and the more that that is pronounced the more that people are neurotic. They get neurotic because they have two different ways that they contradict themselves all the time and as much as they are unconscious of themselves they don’t know it, they think they’re all one and yet everyone sees that they are two… and some know him for only one side and others know him only on the other side and then there are situations that clash because the way you are with people create certain situations within the organizations and these two situations don’t chime in they are just discernless.” ~CG Jung, you-tube 1990 documentary, The World Within - C.G. Jung in His Own Words.
The World Within - C. G. Jung In His Own Words.
The World Within - C. G. Jung In His Own Words.
The World Within - C. G. Jung In His Own Words.
“A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.” ~William James