


2021-04-13 00:25:01 | 心理学


“One of the great dangers of our time is the uprooted population in big towns (cities). They live too near together and become completely collective. The argument that man is raised by the community is false.” 
~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 10th Nov 1939.
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「私たちはずっと前に原始社会から、ヌミノーゼの喪失が何を意味するのかを見ることができました。彼らは彼らの存在理由[存在の理由]、彼らの社会組織の秩序を失い、そして解散して衰退します。私たちは今同じ状態にあります。 。私たちは、正しく理解できなかった何かを失いました。....私たちは、彼らの謎とヌミノーゼのすべてのものを取り除きました。もはや聖なるものはありません。」 〜C。 G.ユング、未発見の自己。 134ページ。

そこには古い真実がある。ホモ・ホミニ・ループス(Homo homini lupus)。


"We could have seen long ago from primitive societies what the loss of numinosity means: they lose their raison d'etre [reason for existence], the order of their social organizations, and then dissolve and decay. We are now in the same condition. We have lost something we have never properly understood.... We have stripped all things of their mystery and numinousity. Nothing is holy any longer." ~C. G. Jung, The undiscovered Self. Pg 134.

[But moral laws are only valid within a compact human group.]
Morality was not brought down on tables of stone from Sinai and imposed on the people, but is a function of the human soul, as old as humanity itself.
Morality is not imposed from outside; we have it in ourselves from the start —not the law, but our moral nature without which the collective life of human society would be impossible.
That is why morality is found at all levels of society.
It is the instinctive regulator of action which also governs the collective life of the herd. But moral laws are only valid within a compact human group.
Beyond that, they cease.
There the old truth runs: Homo homini lupus.

With the growth of civilization we have succeeded in subjecting ever larger human groups to the rule of the same morality, without, however, having yet brought the moral code to prevail beyond the social frontiers, that is, in the free space between mutually independent societies.
There, as of old, reign lawlessness and license and mad immorality—though of course it is only the enemy who dares to say it out loud. ~Carl Jung, CW 7, Para 30.
