


2021-06-27 05:43:36 | 心理学


Is there any similarity between mindfulness and shadow integration?






What is your definition for mindfulness?

Awareness of thought at the time of arising
 How would you translate that into Jung’s terminology?

way to insert a stop between input and output. Pausing to reflect on what we receive from our environment
or our inner world, before judging it and acting, we create a small space within, giving us greater freedom
to choose our response.
A pearl within-Philip levine


カール・ユング on "Meditation." レキシコン


瞑想が自発的に意識に到達する無意識の客観的な産物に関係しているとき、それは意識的な因果関係の連鎖からではなく、本質的に無意識的なプロセスから進行する内容と意識を結びつける。. . . 無意識の内容の一部は投影されますが、そのような投影は認識されません。投影の存在を確認するためには、瞑想や批判的内観、対象の客観的な調査が必要である。個人が自分自身を把握しようとするならば、自分の投影を認識することが不可欠である。なぜならば、投影は対象の性質を偽っており、その上、自分の人格に属する項目を含んでおり、それと統合されるべきだからである。




Mindfulness is often associated with meditation as tools in the Eastern philosophies.
It sounds like Jung is suggesting here that these tools are more of a bypassing technique than of shadow integration:
Carl Jung on “Meditation.” Lexicon

A technique of focused introspection.
Jung distinguished between meditation practiced in the East or in traditional Western religious exercises, and its use as a tool for self-understanding, particularly in the realization of projections.
If the ancient art of meditation is practised at all today, it is practised only in religious or philosophical circles, where a theme is subjectively chosen by the meditant or prescribed by an instructor, as in the Ignatian Exercitia or in certain theosophical exercises that developed under Indian influence. These methods are of value only for increasing concentration and consolidating consciousness, but have no significance as regards affecting a synthesis of the personality. On the contrary, their purpose is to shield consciousness from the unconscious and to suppress it.["The Conjunction," CW 14, par. 708.]

When meditation is concerned with the objective products of the unconscious that reach consciousness spontaneously, it unites the conscious with contents that proceed not from a conscious causal chain but from an essentially unconscious process. . . . Part of the unconscious contents is projected, but the projection as such is not recognized. Meditation or critical introspection and objective investigation of the object are needed in order to establish the existence of projections. If the individual is to take stock of himself it is essential that his projections should be recognized, because they falsify the nature of the object and besides this contain items which belong to his own personality and should be integrated with it.[Ibid., par. 710.]

“In contrast to the meditation found in yoga practice, the psychoanalytic aim is to observe the shadowy presentation — whether in the form of images or of feelings — that are spontaneously evolved in the unconscious psyche and appear without his bidding to the man who looks within. In this way we find once more things that we have repressed or forgotten.
Painful though it may be, this is in itself a gain — for what is inferior or even worthless belongs to me as my Shadow and gives me substance and mass. How can I be substantial if I fail to cast a Shadow?
I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole; and inasmuch as I become conscious of my Shadow I also remember that I am a human being like any other.” ~Carl Jung; Modern Man in Search of a Soul; Page 35.

“Many meditation techniques, when you look at them closely, are a means of control. As long as the mind is controlling and guiding our experience, it is unlikely to lead us to a natural state. A natural state is one in which we are not controlled by the mind. When the mind is involved in control and manipulation, it can lead to various states of consciousness: you might learn how to still your mind, or you might come into psychic powers. You can achieve a lot of things through a style of meditation that is basically technique-oriented or manipulation-oriented. But what you can’t do is come upon your own natural and spontaneous way of being.”
~Adyashanti, True Meditation.



"ここでのポイントは "覚醒 "ですよね。自分を抑えて気分を良くする方法を学ぶことではありません。私たちは、人間の本質を避けるのではなく、人間の本質と関わることで、自分の存在の現実に目覚めます。それを避けるのではなく、回避するのでもなく。それを回避するのでもなく、回避しようとするのでもなく、それを祈ろうとしたり、マントラを唱えたり、瞑想しようとするのでもない。


~ アディアシャンティ『真の瞑想』より

説明は説明されたものではありません。私は山を説明することはできますが、説明は山ではありません。~J. クリシュナムルティ】。]




それは時間を超越したものなので、規定の期間はもちろん、少しの期間でさえも続きません。それは永遠であり、時間を超越しています。                           ある期間の「今」があって、また別の期間の「今」があって、また別の期間の「今」がある、というようなものではなく、「今」とはこの瞬間の無時間性のことです。





… meditating before awakening, to “be in the moment” is sorta usurping (awareness).
I would try to rivet my attention into the moment during these early days of meditations, like “I’m really here”… and even though that was well intentioned, without even knowing it I was kind of usurping awareness, I was kind of creating a false version of awareness. Because awareness is of course is completely in the moment, it is the moment, it doesn’t need to strive to be in the moment. It doesn’t need to really focus itself down into the moment to be in the moment. It’s already in the moment. So it’s the idea of us that tries really hard to be in the moment. It’s the idea that you perceive yourself as something apart from awareness. Until you can perceive that, you are a part of awareness, the owner of awareness, then you go about attempting to be in the moment.

So the way we’ve been taught about this is literally 180 degrees… the opposite, in other words, of the way things actually are.
To mistake the description of anything
“The point here is awakening, right? The point is not to learn how to suppress yourself so that you feel better. It’s how to wake up to the reality of your being, and we wake up to the reality of our being by relating with our human nature, not by avoiding it. Not by going around it. Not by trying to pray it away or mantra it away or meditate it away. 

We wake up by letting everything within ourselves reveal itself, be felt, be experienced, be known. Then and only then can we move on to a deeper level. This is very, very important and it’s something that a lot of people don’t understand. It’s easy to use meditative techniques to suppress our human experiences, to suppress things that we don’t want to feel. But what is called for is just the opposite. True Meditation is the space in which everything gets revealed, everything gets seen, everything gets experienced. And as such, it lets go of itself. We don’t even let go. It lets go of itself.”
~ Adyashanti, True Meditation

Ramana never really tried to describe the Self…
…otherwise you’re mistakenly thinking the description is what you’re describing which is a total impossibility.
["The description is not the described; I can describe the mountain, but the description is not the mountain, and if you are caught up in the description, as most people are, then you will never see the mountain". ~J. Krishnamurti.]

The “moment” doesn’t actually indicate time.
We assume we know what it means to be in the moment and how to be in the moment, etc. when usually we actually don’t. We don’t know what the moment is, we don’t know how to be in the moment… so if we stop trying to do this top down thing where we’re trying to impose and instead it becomes an investigation.

Even “this moment” there’s not a particular moment that can be held onto. This moment doesn’t last for a long or even a little bit of time. There’s something about the moment that is also timeless.

Meister Eckert talked about the eternal now, and this is what he was trying to get at, the eternal moment as an experience and not as a theoretical concept, not as an idea, not as a philosophy but as an experience of being… It’s something timeless so it doesn’t last for a prescribed period of time, not even a little period of time. Its eternal, it’s timeless. It’s more like there’s just the Noooooooow, one long event. Not like there’s one period of Now and then another period of Now and another one, etc. the ‘Now’ is just the timelessness of this moment.

When we experience the timelessness rather than think it in our minds we feel the timelessness.
That experience of timelessness and inconceivability will feel sacred. Meaning just dripping with meaning and value and significance even though you can’t describe what the meaning or the value or the significance is. It’s as if the feeling of the experience is innate to the experience of anything
It’s inconceivable, beyond conception.
~Broadcast with Adyashanti, October 2, 2019

The more you read the more knowledge your gain. And who profits by this? The ego, every book that you read gives you more intelligence. Who has intelligence?
The ego, every time you think you have to meditate, it is the ego that is meditating. Does the Self have to meditate? Does reality have to meditate on reality? All of the gurus you’ve seen, everything that you’ve done has actually put you back in time, not forward but back.
~Robert Adams







Esai Ossim To elaborate on the point I’m trying to make here… When I read how Thich Nhat Hanh speaks of mindfulness I notice that it’s a lot like how Jung speaks of being conscious or how the Buddha speaks of holding an awakened perspective.
But then I see an awful lot of people posting and commenting in Buddhist and other Eastern type groups about mindfulness and what they mean is nothing like TNH, the Buddha or how Jung refers to consciousness. Then I wonder what the difference is and what it usually comes down to is a misinterpretation of the core teachings. 

So, most people think and believe that mindfulness is just simply taking the time to stop and think about what is going on. But that’s not all that conscious awareness is or else many more people would be Self-realized.

True mindfulness requires that the ego has become subservient to the Self. Then it’s not something that you have to try to do – it happens by default, automatically and that’s how I hear most time of TNH speaking of it. Then we’re being honest with ourselves and with others and we begin making good progress on our inner work and our shadow integration and our Individuation process.

To Chang Chung-yuan
Dear Sir, 26 June 1950
I have read your pamphlet with great interest and I can tell you that I fundamentally agree with your views.
I see Taoism in the same light as you do.
I'm a great admirer of Ch'uang-tze's philosophy.
I was again immersed in the study of his writings when your letter arrived in the midst of it.
You are aware, of course, that Taoism formulates psychological principles which are of a very universal nature.
As a matter of fact, they are so all-embracing that they are, as far as they go, applicable to any part of humanity.
But on the other hand just because Taoist views are so universal, they need a re-translation and specification when it comes to the practical application of their principles.
Of course it is undeniable that general principles are of the highest importance, but it is equally important to know in every detail the way that leads to real understanding.
The danger for the Western mind consists in the mere application of words instead of facts.
What the Western mind needs is the actual experience of the facts that cannot be substituted by words.
Thus I'm chiefly concerned with the ways and methods by which one can make the Western mind aware of the psychological facts underlying the concept of Tao, if the latter can be called a concept at all.
The way you put it is in danger of remaining a mere idealism or an ideology to the Western mind.
If one could arrive at the truth by learning the words of wisdom, then the world would have been saved already in the remote times of Lao-tze.
The trouble is, as Ch'uang-tze rightly says, that the old masters failed to enlighten the world, since there weren't minds enough that could be enlightened.
There is little use in teaching wisdom.
At all events wisdom cannot be taught by words.
It is only possible by personal contact and by immediate experience.
The great and almost insurmountable difficulty consists in the question of the ways and means to induce people to make the indispensable psychological experiences that open their eyes to the underlying truth.
The truth is one and the same everywhere and I must say that Taoism is one of the most perfect formulations of it I ever became acquainted with.
Sincerely yours,
C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pages 559-560

In other words, the map is not the territory.
One cannot write about experiences that one has not experienced. ~Erich Fromm - The Art Of Being - Psychology audiobook, 30:40 min.

And so, to speak of mindfulness in hindsight… after one has accomplished Self-realization and in terms of teaching this position to students, like Jung did and like the Buddha did and like hoe TNH does… it comes across as if that’s all it takes – to be be aware of the present. But this is a misunderstanding on the part of the one who still lives in the ego. This individual may want to understand how this is and will try to apply the lessons to his own life and believe that they have taken hold but that is a misunderstanding of ‘what-is’ reality of the conscious awakened mind, it is a misinterpretation of the teaching.
